McConnell : Ignore the constitution and pretend it's recessed?

in politics •  4 years ago

The senate is going to be very, very interesting this week.

In case you've missed an episode or 2, a quick recap: House dems wanted another $2k stimulus. Republicans refused. Eventually, they passed a bill with $600 per person. The Senate passed it as well.

Then Trump withheld his signature and proclaimed that the $600 was inadequate, threatening to not sign it. Eventually he did sign, perhaps because of the chaos developing over expiring unemployment benefits.

Today, the house passed a bill increasing the stimulus to $2000, exactly as Trump requested, and it passed with a veto-proof majority. So Trump asked for it, the house delivered, and Dems in the senate will vote for it.

A lot of people expected that to be the end of it, McConnell would avoid calling for a vote, and they're done, this senate adjourns and goes home, and this hopefully blows over before the special senate elections in Georgia, right?

Except for that pesky constitution thing. Behold, Article 1, Section V, Clause 4:

Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE OTHER, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

McConnell needs Pelosi's blessing to send the senators home. I'm guessing that's not going to be happening. So we have a senate that can't adjourn, a bill passed with bipartisan support in the house, and a republican president who explicitly requested it. And two senate seats open in Georgia while the Republicans are trying to prevent everyone from getting their $2k check.

I personally detest McConnell. I am looking forward to the rest of this week.

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