Watch As Amazon Deletes Hundreds Of One-Star Reviews Of Hillary Clinton's New Book

in politics •  7 years ago 

In what many have dubbed a flagrant intervention by Amazon itself to seemingly boost the rating of Hillary Clinton's new book "What Happened", the Telegraph first reported, and subsequently many others observed first hand, that Amazon has been monitoring and deleting 1-star reviews of Hillary Clinton's new book "which was greeted with a torrent of criticism on the day it was released.

"Reviews of What Happened have been mixed, with some accusing Clinton of using it as an opportunity to blame others – such as former FBI head James Comey, Bernie Sanders, Vladimir Putin, social media and pretty much everything else – for her failure, rather than herself. Even The New York Times, which supported Clinton's campaign, wrote that the book is "a score-settling jubilee".

What is fascinating, is how few one-star reviews have remained on the website amid reports and screengrabs showing that reviewers used the space to criticise the former First Lady. One 1-star review, which remained on the website earlier today, read: "Read all the promotional excerpts, which combined come close to book length – pretty good novel. It is fiction, isn't it? Surely, someone  is playing a joke." Another wrote "Picked this book up at Wal-Mart out of sheer morbid curiosity. Returned it, claiming I bought the wrong book"

While this is not the first time Amazon has intervened to "adjust" the ratings of its products - in November negative comments under a book by anti-Trump broadcaster Megyn Kelly appeared to be removed by the retailer - it has rarely "adjusted" reviews of such a prominent product so publicly.

Speaking to Fortune, an Amazon spokesperson said: "In the case of a memoir, the subject of the book is the author and their views. It’s not our role to decide what a customer would view as helpful or unhelpful in making their decision. We do however have mechanisms in place to ensure that the voices of many do not drown out the voices of a few and we remove customer reviews that violate our community guidelines.''

And for those who find such intervention hard to believe, here is what Amazon's intervention looks like chronologically on Wednesday.

First, courtesy of the way back machine, here is the rating breakdown as of 10:31am:

...and what it looks like right now: over 97% of the reviews are now 5 star, with over 1,000 reviews deleted. As of 5:30pm, of the 445 total review, 438 reviews were positive, and 7 (as of 5:30pm_ were critical. The latter number inexplicably keeps doing down. 

To be sure, one can claim that neither the 1-star nor the 5-star reviews are legitimate, and were merely a partisan effort seeking to amass an either extremely negative or positive view of Clinton's book, however Amazon's decision to engage in a wholesale deletion of what appears to be uniformly low ratings will likely raise at least a few eyebrows.

Readers can observe the historical changes to Amazon's "What Happened" page on their own thanks to the Way Back Machine.

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Ahaha that's funny

First they try to fudge election votes now they are fudging amazon votes as well. The book is probably glorified fire starting material.

Just like google edited things to help her in 2016, the whole tech world aside from Peter Thiel or whatever his last name is , is helping this crazy woman !

So the political battle between the Democrats and the Republicans continue. I feel sorry for those caught in the gunfire between extremist activists, who use any means available to discredit their opponents.

It's not a battle between Dems and republicans ! It's republicans and democrats against Trump

It definitely does seem to go in that direction. He seems to be making new enemies by the hour.

Can we just drone strike this bitch out of existence. I'm tired of hearing about her and seeing her hideous hag face plastered all over the news.

nice post @zer0hedge. This war shoud end now

In the book, HRC also compares herself to Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones. Specifically she compared the scene where they yell "shame" after Cersei to when Trump supporters yelled "guilty" at her. Why would anyone compare themselves to one of the most evil characters on TV - who's clearly very guilty and deserving of the shaming?!


Because like failing to understand Millineals in the election she ....well, she still doesn't understand :)

This is just too funny.
Quite sad that the former Secretary of State has to need this degree of manipulation to boost herself.

This is hilarious! Thanks for reporting. I've heard stories about this sort of thing... but never seen hard evidence of it before. This is great! Well done!

Crooked Hillary can't stop her crookin'!

and they called Sanders a sellout

The public only gets to crucify those that the people in power don't like, don't care about, or those that are needed for scapegoats. Amazon members are not going to be able to do to Hillary Clinton what they did to "domestic violence witness" Alyce LaViolette. A lot of people one-starred Alyce's book just to express their opinion of her and not her book. Many of them admitted they would NEVER read it, let alone, purchase it. They gave that woman a tongue-lashing from here to Timbuktu because it was obvious she was biased during the murder trial of Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander. Her responses were despicable and pissed a lot of people off. What I've read and heard about Benghazi also pisses a lot of people off, but not the people in power. They believe Hillary deserves the chance to be heard, and they are not going to let the public crucify her before she's had her say.

I don't know who's right and who's wrong. There's a whole lot of crap going on most of us don't even know about. Like someone else said, it's a war between the Elites and the common man and woman are just caught in the middle.

I wish they all would just stop and let these Presidents do their job. Every year it's the same crap every single day whether there's a Democrat in the White House or a Republican in the White House, they attack the man and attack the man. When a woman gets in there, she's going to have to deal with the same ignorance.

We can all see that Hillary is still feeling the pain from that election loss, but the whole country is going through pain right now. If we keep dividing ourselves, pretty soon we won't be a Nation, but various cells and cults located on a continent.

I agree with you that it is a classic divide and conquer scenario which I believe has been in the works globally before most of us alive today were born. The common man and woman are definitely being manipulated by politicians of all political stripes.

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(((We))) Know

So, the book is too poor convincing Martin Shkreli to give 5000$ to anyone for a lock of Clinton's hair during its tour of book promotion.

Someone is paying to take out those reading materials.

lol I can't stand her but I'm a seller on amazon and often get bad reviews removed, its an automated system.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

why are people so negative on the internet? its like a place where people can be at there worst. you know how you bash the people the support her and hillary fans bash trump fans. you guys are all the same, all of you. the way you feel and act towards the "other side" is unproductive and hypocritical. what you are lashing out at is exactly what you're doing. projecting your opinion. you are caught up in there game and are being distracted was petty differences. we are just people with different opinions that will not change. united we can make a difference separated things will continue to get worst .

Love the article! exposing amazon for being in on it too

Our enemy are the international bankers who have enslaved us through debt. Hillary is a puppet of this vile cabal of money lenders. She should be laughed and scoffed at as she faints from being such a disgusting human being and hits her head on a slab of concrete as the Secret Service doesn't even want to stop her from falling down.

Everyone who doesn't buy her book must be a racist xenophobe.

Mannn, that is funny in a jacked up way haha

Why am I not surprised? 😝 There is an old saying that I wish that she would understand which is "don't go away mad, just go away".

I can't imagine anything more useless than a book by Hillary Clinton, perhaps Trump branded wigs or a Ted Cruz Twitter Guide - USA has some really poor politicians at the moment - which is so unfortunate considering Big Daddy Barrack did such a good job.

Is this book in the kids' section ?

@zer0hedge Wow, that is certainly so wonderful. I'm quite grateful for that! Find it irresistible..

Interesante seria obtener ese libro

Congratulations @zer0hedger, this post is the third most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 203 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was 2762.21. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here. If you do not wish to receive these messages in future, please reply stop to this comment.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It was something I was not aware of.

The big tech companies are starting to get themselves in hot water because of their influence over mass numbers of people and the "monopolistic" mindset they have.

When reading this, I thought this was ideal for the blockchain. If the rating is out there for all to see, nobody can change it. Amazon, of course, would not want to implement this since they would not be able to play their games.

It is all a process. Big tech is eliminating the traditional business which, in my opinion, is a good thing. Now, big tech is so powerful (and devious) that we need to take the next evolutionary step in the process, which a part is blockchain.

Thanks again.

I really enjoyed this post, hahaha cought again! Why can't we jail them for misleading the public!

Funny how they always sellout with book deals and appearances as soon as it's over. Will Trump?

very good..
nice post..

How surprised I am! Not.

The review system is a good one, but it's a long way from perfect, and it is occasionally manipulated in a very obvious fashion. Like, oh, now, with this book.

Hillary's next book will be called "WTF Next" !

Wonder if she really thinks the average U.S. citizen will actually buy "Killery's book of Lies?" Great post! Resteemed

@zer0hedge We need remain informed and concentrate on things that are hidden from the majority.

Are they motivated from a capatilist perspective to sell a product, or are they doing it to shield the truth and push their agenda? Hmmm