Sean Hross's New G.I.U.R.E.H. Channel and How You Can Join the Black Eye Club!

in politicsvideolife •  3 years ago  (edited)

An odd and fairly recent occurrence in the world of the rich and famous is the unusual number of celebrities who have appeared in public sporting nasty bruises around one of their eyes--usually the left eye.

More often than not, these celebrities attribute their swollen faces to clumsy falls and other mundane "accidents," but World Stars from Kanye West to the Pope have appeared in public with black eyes that look like they accidentally insulted Mike Tyson.

So what's with all of the black eyes in the world of the rich and famous? If these "shiners" are the aftermath of cosmetic surgery, as some claim, why would Pope Francis get a "nip and tuck" on only one side of his face? Is there a secret Celebrity Fight Club for which a black eye is a status symbol?

Although our black-eyed peeps won't talk about, there is a Celebrity Black Eye Club--and, to quote George Carlin, "It's a big club and you ain't in it." While ghoulish Georgetown Jesuit creatures like brothers John and Tony Podesta try to downplay their participation in the Satanic fun and games of the Illuminati, the Illuminati in Hollywood have become increasingly brazen about their participation in one of the world's oldest secret societies.


Katy Perry and Lady Gaga have admitted that they "sold their souls to the Devil" to become famous. Judging by the endless Luciferian imagery in their videos, it would appear that Katy, Gaga, Beyonce and many other "influencers" are proud poster children for the Illuminati.

The Illuminati were spawned by the centuries-old practitioners of Freemasonry, which is a cult based on the "mystery religions" of the Ancient Egyptians and Babylonians. One of their most important symbols is the All-Seeing Eye: the "Hawk Eye" of Horus found on the American dollar bill.



The Ancient Egyptians called Horus "the eye that sees everything." According to their mythology, Horus (who had a man's body and a hawk's head) lost an eye in a battle with the evil Set. Even though Set cut Horus's eye into six pieces and scattered the pieces far and wide, the gods saw fit to restore Horus's eye in a symbolic triumph of good over evil. The myth of Horus' triumphantly-restored eye likely serves as the basis for a Satanic "binding" ritual for those who "sell their souls" for fame and fortune.


There is, unfortunately, a new and growing Black Eye Club for the "common" people too. As protests mount in "democratic" nations over medical martial law and "mandated" vaccinations, police in Freemasonic checkerboard caps are increasingly leaving citizens with black eyes and severe head wounds-- courtesy of the "less lethal" rubber bullet weapons used for crowd control.


On his new channel, G.I.U.R.E.H., Warrior-historian Sean Hross explains how black eyes and rubber bullet weapons have become big business for the Swiss in "Tyrannical 40mm Guns of the Blue Gang Royal Crown PoLIEce of AustraLIEa."

The journey to understanding how the world got this way begins with Dr. Hross's seminal videos:

"The Swiss Beast, Part One"

"The Swiss Beast, Part Two, Occult Origins"

"The Swiss Beast, Part Three, Final Assault"

"The Swiss Beast, Home of the Devil: Part 4. Breaking Individuals & Nations"

You can find Dr. Sean Hross's G.I.U.R.E.H., Homieland Sickurity and Chatzefratz channels, plus backup channels here:

*Swiss political prisoner and exile Dr. Sean Hross has encouraged me and his many fans to share his videos--before Big Brother takes them from our screens.

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