Controversy paddy thresher machine(kontroversi mesin perontok padi)

in politikus •  8 years ago 


Modern Paddy Cutting Machine

Lately Indonesia has officially launched a new innovation in agriculture that is by launching modern paddy thresher machine where society especially farmer no longer excess energy, excess time, and excessive cost.

But in terms of implementation there are many problems that arise due to meain thresher paddy, where there are some groups of people who disagree about the machine thresher paddy because it is considered to narrow the field of work for farmers, unsparing due to the existence of this machine, often also the occurrence of friction in society.

The government must immediately take a firm and fair stance in order to solve this problem immediately and not let it drag on.

Terjemahan dalam bahasa indonesia

Mesin Pemotong Padi Modern

Akhir akhir ini indonesia secara resmi telah meluncurkan inovasi baru di bidang pertanian yaitu dengan meluncurkan mesin perontok padi secara modern dimana masyarakat khususnya petani tidak lagi mengeluarkan tenaga berlebih,waktu berlebih,dan biaya berlebih.

Namun dalam hal pelaksanaan terdapat banyak masalah yang timbul akibat adanya meain perontok padi,dimana ada beberapa golongan masyarakat yang tidak setuju akan adanya mesin perontok padi karena di anggap mempersempit lapangam kerja bagi petani,tak tanggung tanggung akibat adanya mesin ini,sering juga terjadinya gesekan di kalangan masyarakat.

Pemerintah harus segera bersikap tegas dan adil agar permasalahan ini segera terselesaikan dan jangan dibiarkan berlarut larut.

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