in polityc •  7 years ago 


It was written by tgk Abdillah.SE
3 MARCH 2018


A. Background

Political party, hereinafter abbreviated as political parties, This is a product of Western society that began in Britain in the 17th century. Political parties were formed in the framework of the Western mind sketch that the State is an organization of power to ensure that life between Individuals who are all free and powerful does not cause security problems to the Individual . Organization of power divided into executive power, legislative power and judicial power or Trias Politica, is a checks & balances between the three powers. To make the legislative power able to exercise effective control over two other powers, especially against the executive, the people in England in 1678 formed a political party, Tory. This political party in the 19th century developed into a Conservative Party that often ruled in the country to the present.
Then the political parties expanded throughout the world, and since the beginning of the 20th century became a crucial vehicle in the struggle of the Indonesian nation to achieve independence. It is a question of how political parties as Western products can become effective organizations and vehicles within the Republic of Indonesia on a Ground
State of Pancasila. In accordance with Pancasila the state is not a power organization, but a welfare organization. This paper seeks to answer the question for the sake of the future life of a fair, prosperous and prosperous nation of Indonesia.
The development of new political aspirations in a society, accompanied by a need for greater political participation, necessarily demands the institutionalization of new channels, including through the establishment of new political parties. But experience in some third world countries suggests that the formation of a new party will not be of much value if the party system itself does not get updated.
A new party system is called solid and adaptable, if it is able to absorb and unite all the new social forces that arise as a result of modernization. From this point of view, the number of parties will only be important if it affects the capacity of the system to establish the institutional channels necessary to accommodate political participation. A solid party system, must have at least two capacities. First, the political participation through the party, so that it can divert all forms of anomic political activity and violence. Second, include and channel the participation of a number of newly mobilized groups, intended to reduce the level of strong pressure facing the political system. Thus, a strong party system provides deep-rooted organizations and institutionalized procedures to assimilate new groups into the political system.
Party as a means of political communication. The Party channeled a variety of opinions and community aspirations. The Party merges the interest of the aggregation and formulates the interest in a regular form (interest articulation). This formulation is made as a correction to the policy of the authorities or the proposed policies submitted to the authorities to be used as public policies applied to the community. The point of the author discusses this title is to to know how the history of the development of political parties in Indonesia, in order to know more clearly, the author will discuss it in subsequent chapters.

A. Definition of Political Parties

A political party is a political organization that can act as a channel for the aspirations of the community, where political parties are the liaison between the ruler and the power. The existence of a political party allows the people to be directly involved in the process without coercion for the administration of the state by placing its representatives through political parties. In general, political parties are said to be a group with the same goals and ideals, which seek to gain power through elections.
Understanding political parties in Law no. 31 Year 2002 article 1 (1) is:
"Organization formed by a group of citizens of the Republic of Indonesia voluntarily on the basis of equality of will and ideals to fight for the interests of members, society, nation and state through general elections".
The term party when traced from its original word means part or party, in any community where there are naturally groupings, one grouping of society based on equality of ideology and ideology in the form of doctrine by Benjamin Constan called party. This opinion then became popular for constraining the definition of political party, Constans in this case said "A Party isa group of men professing the same political doctrine"

Ramlan Surbakti defines a political party as: "A well-organized and stable group of members united and motivated by a particular ideology, and who seeks and seeks power in government through elections to implement their general policy alternatives." (Surbakti, 1992: 116)
Inu Kencana et al, put forward the definition of political party as: "A group of people have the same ideology, intend to seize and retain power with the aim to fight for the truth, in a state level". (Kencana et al, 2002: 58)
Sigmun Neuman as quoted by Miriam Budiardjo in his book "Political Participation and Political Parties" put forward the definition of political parties as follows: "Political parties are articulate organizations consisting of active political actors in society, those who focus on the control of power governance and competing for popular support, with several other groups having different views. Thus political parties are the great intermediaries that connect social powers and ideologies with official governmental institutions and those linked to political action within broader political societies. " (Neuman in Miriam Budiardjo, 1998: 16-17)
JA Corry and Henry J. Abraham expressed his opinion about political parties as quoted by Haryanto in his book "Political Party An Overview", namely: "Political party is a voluntary association aiming to get control of the government by filling elective offices in the government with its members (Political parties are an association that intends to control the way the wheels of government by placing its members in government posts) ". (Corry and in Haryanto, 1984: 9)
From the various definitions above, it can be seen that the main goal of political parties is to control the government so that they can more freely implement their desires and gain profit. Political parties are different
with movement. A movement usually uses politics to make a change to an existing order in society, and some even want to create an entirely new social order. Political parties have a broader purpose than a change, political parties also participate in his election in the election.
Political parties are also different from the pressure group or better known as the inters group. The interest group only aims to fight for a particular interest by influencing the decision maker. Interest groups are usually outside the political party, coming from groups within the community.

B. History and the Origin of Political Parties

  1. The history of political parties
    a. History of Political Parties in the World

Political parties were first born in Western European countries along with the idea that the people were the decisive facts in the political process. In this case the political party acts as a liaison between the people on the one hand and the government on the other. So in its development then the political party is regarded as a manifestation of a democratic political system, which represents the aspirations of the people.
At the beginning the role of political parties in Western countries is elitist and aristocratic, in the sense of primarily maintaining the interests of the noble class against the demands of the king, but in its development then the role extends and develops to all levels of society. This is partly due to the need for widespread and equitable support from all community groups. Thus there is a shift from an elitist role to a widespread and populist role.
The next development is from the West, political parties affect and develop in new countries, namely in Asia and Africa. Political parties in colonized countries often play a role in unifying people's aspirations and mobilizing toward national unity aimed at achieving independence. This happened in Indonesia (then still the Dutch East Indies) and India. And in recent developments political parties are generally accepted as an important institution, especially in countries based on constitutional democracy, namely as the completeness of a country's democratic system.

b. The history of political parties in Indonesia
The first political party in Indonesia was De Indische Partij which on December 25, 1912 formed Douwes Dekker, Tjipto Mangunkoesoemo and Ki Hadjar Dewantara when Indonesia was still in Dutch colonialism. The political party's goal is to achieve independence for the Indonesian nation. Although the notion of Indonesia was just affirmed on October 28, 1928 in the Youth Pledge, but the founders of this political party was based on the idea that all the people of the Dutch East Indies are united.
In 1911 Haji Samanhudi established the Sarikat Dagang Islam (SDI) as an organization to pursue the improvement of the fate of the Indonesian people in the Dutch East Indies colony. In 1912 Hajj Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto gave to SDI a new name, namely Sarikat Islam (SI), because it wants to expand its struggle is not limited to the economic field only. That way SI is also doing political struggle. Although not officially called a political party, but see the nature of the struggle SI is a political party. So it can be said that the history of political parties in Indonesia began in 1912.
After that has developed various political parties in Indonesia, both oriented nationalism, religion and socialism. In the Dutch colonial era it was clear that the majority of political parties aimed at achieving the independence of the Indonesian nation, except for some political parties formed by the Dutch or those close to the interests of Dutch colonialism. Prominent is the Indonesian National Party (PNI), which was originally named the Indonesian National Union, was formed on July 4, 1927 by Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo, Mr. Sartono, Mr. Iskak Tjokrohadisuryo and Mr. Sunaryo. Then in 1928 renamed the National Party of Indonesia and led Ir Sukarno or Bung Karno who on August 17, 1945 with Drs Mohamad Hatta proclaimed the independence of the Indonesian nation on behalf of the people of Indonesia.
On June 1, 1945 Bung Karno conveyed his views before the Preparatory Committee of Independence on the View of the Nation (Weltanschauung). The description he named Pancasila was then accepted by the session and then with some redactional changes set as the Basis of the Republic of Indonesia. Since the beginning of the founding of the Republic of Indonesia there have been political parties. Initially, a single political party will be formed, but then it is possible to establish many political parties. It means that political parties by the Founders of the State are not judged to be contrary to the Pancasila worldview, despite its origins in Western society which is essentially individualism and liberalism. But because it is in a society with the foundation of Pancasila, it adjusts its existence and behavior with the basic value of Pancasila, the Difference in Unity and Unity in Difference.

History of the Development of Indonesian Political Parties 1908-1998
Governance Period Democracy Number of Parties
1908-1942 Multiparty Colonial Period
1942-1945 The Japanese Occupation Period Nothing
August 22, 1945-
November 14, 1945 Presidency System

  1. August 22, 1945
  2. 3 November 1945 One party (PNI)
    November 14, 1945-1950
    1950-1959 Parliamentary Democracy
    November 14, 1945
    1955 Start the parliamentary system
    Elections with more than 20 parties
    1959-1965 Guided Democracy
  3. 1960 Issued by Presidential Decree 7/1959 (revoked the Government's November 3, 1945 issue and simplified the party). Only 10 recognized parties (PKI, PNI, NU, Catholic Party, Partindo, Parkindo, Murba Party, PSII Arudji, IPKI, Partai Perti), while Masjumi and PSI were dissolved in 1960.
    formed the National Front representing all political forces including the PKI, the National Front gave an opportunity to functional groups and ABRI who previously had less participation. The PKI can enter the National Front because it is based on the NASAKOM principle
    1965-1998 Pancasila Democracy
    July 7, 1967
    1977, 1982, 1987, 1992 and 1997
    1996 PKI and Partindo were dissolved
    National Consensus a.1. 100 members of parliament appointed
    Dwipartai and Dwigroup experiments were conducted in several districts in West Java, but were discontinued in early 1969.
    The merger of the Party into three orsospoles (9 parties + 1 Group Work)
    Election is only followed by 3 orsospoles (limited multiparty system)
    Pancasila is the only principle
    NU Khittah
    PDI broke out
    1998 21 May 1998 Reforms with multiparty

c. Political Parties in Indonesia today

After the Reformation in Indonesia in 1998 the life of the nation strongly turned to traits that led to the Western view of life, individualism and liberalism. US foreign policy, which since the end of the Cold War has been very strong, has made it possible for the nations of the world to follow their way of life, its great impact in Indonesia. It is also possible by the provisional support of parties in Indonesia who share the same views and interests with the United States. The effort, among others, succeeded in amendment 4 times against the 1945 Constitution so that its contents have been very lead to life based on individualism and liberalism.
As a result of that change, the stronger the view of individual freedom as absolute as it is in the West, and the weaker attitudes of Differences in Unity, Unity in Difference. The change also affected the political parties in Indonesia. Political parties behave as free and full individuals without any consideration of Unity, namely the interests of society and nation. Political parties openly pursue the achievement of power to realize interests that do not care about the public interest. Members of political parties who sit in the Government and Legislative is not functioning as a representative of the People, but as a representative of political parties. Attitudes and behavior of political parties that have been very deviating from the rules that apply in Pancasila exacerbated by the attitude and behavior of many members. Members of political parties show attitudes and behavior on the basis of absolute full freedom as in the West's view and ignore the harmony and harmony as established by Pancasila. Politics who are also strongly influenced by the way Western thinkers pursue their interests by forming political parties regardless of whether the political party is fighting for a particular platform. The result is the growing number of uncontrollable political parties without any political identity for each political party. What distinguishes it is only the name of the person who led the political party. Such circumstances lead to political life that is far from supporting the realization of the welfare of the nation.
To develop the condition of political parties in accordance with the interests of the people and the nation is necessary the main condition of the return of Pancasila as the State of the Republic of Indonesia in real terms. Therefore, the 1945 Constitution must first be returned to its original condition before any amendment. If it is deemed necessary to improve the content of the 1945 Constitution, it is done after returning to its original state by making improvements in accordance with the values ​​of Pancasila. Pebaikan not in the form of amendment, but as addendum. If anyone says that Pancasila is an open ideology, it does not mean that Pancasila
can be changed with conflicting and different values ​​with Pancasila. Because Pancasila is the content of the soul of the nation of Indonesia, then change Pancasila means to produce an identity that is not the nation of Indonesia.
Based on the original 1945 Constitution, the Law on Political Parties is in accordance with and is not contradictory to the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila. This is the basis for and its role in the Pancasila system which is unlikely to be equal to the place and role of political parties in the Western system. This is sure to get resistance from those who already benefit from the abuse that occurred in Indonesia. They Believed Indonesia is now the Third largest Democratic State in the world, after India and the US. For them democracy elected Western democracy, liberal democracy. Otherwise it is not democracy. On that basis they say that it is a big mistake to change things now, because they do not care about it. They justify a variety of ugly circumstances now as commonplace in the growth of democracy in Indonesia. In accordance with international developments, they will have full or covert support from Western-oriented and interest-based countries in Indonesia. Therefore, the entire Indonesian people who are harmed by the current developments that diverge from the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia must unite and fight for the determination and commitment to the original 1945 Constitution in force in the Republic of Indonesia.

  1. The origin of political parties

Ramlan Surbakti in his book "Understanding Political Science" put forward three theories about the origin of political parties, namely:

a. Institutional Theory

This theory says that political parties exist because they are legislative (and / or executive) because the two members of the institution want to make contact with the community in connection with their appointment, in order to create a relationship and gain support from the community, a political party is formed. When a government-formed political party is deemed to be unable to accommodate the aspirations of the community, the small community leaders try to form other parties.

b. Historical Situation Theory
This theory explains the crisis of the historical situation that occurs when a political system undergoes a period of transition because of the change of society from the structure of traditional society to the structure of modern society. In this situation there are various changes that cause three kinds of crisis, namely legitimacy, integration and participation. Political parties are born as an effort of the political system to overcome the crisis that occurred. Political parties are expected to be firmly rooted in society to be able to control the government so as to establish a pattern of legitimate relationships between government and society. The opening of the party to every member of society from various groups expects the political party can be a tool of national integration. With the existence of political parties as well as the community can participate in the general election.

c. Theory of Development
According to this theory political parties are born as a result of the process of socio-economic modernization, such as the development of communication technology in the form of mass media and transportation, the expansion and improvement of education, industrialization, urbanization, the expansion of state power such as bureaucracy, the formation of various interest groups and professional organizations, enhancement of individual capabilities affecting the environment, generates a need for a political organization capable of combining and championing these aspirations. Thus was born a political party, with the hope that the political organization is able to integrate and fight for various aspirations that exist.
Based on the theory of the origin of the formation of political parties above, the authors can categorize that the Democratic Party is formed based on the theory of the historical situation. The Democratic Party was born out of a desire to improve the nation that is being hit by a multidimensional crisis because the previous ruling political parties are perceived to be failing.

  1. Basis of Political Parties
    A party bases its strength on the support of one or more groups with the same orientation and political goals, in other words the party stands on a social base of support. Here the social basis is defined as one or more persons who are the main supporters of a political party. It attributes the level or quality of loyalty of voter participation and voting to his party in the elections. According to Angus Campbell, there are three main variables that can influence the behavior of individuals in choosing a party, the three variables are as follows:
    a. Identification of the party. Psychologically, the individual chooses a party because of the sense of loyalty and love for the party.
    b. A growing issue. Based on consideration of emerging issues, individuals choose parties they deem worthy and capable of leading the government. The feasibility and capability of a party is determined by the current developing issue.
    c. Orientation to candidates. Individuals choose a party because of the personal qualities of the candidate regardless of the party that supports it or on the developing issue. This behavior is divided into two, first: the instrumental quality in which the voter sees the candidate's ability to handle a particular problem. Second: a symbolic quality in which voters have a view of how good leaders should be.
    In politics, the base refers to a group of voters who almost always support a single party candidate for an elected office. The voter base is highly unlikely to choose a candidate on the opposite side, regardless of the specific view each candidate holds.
    In the United States, this is usually because high-level candidates must hold the same attitude on key issues as the basis of the party to get party nominations and thus voice access is guaranteed. In the case of legislative elections, electoral bases usually prefer to support their party's candidates against an otherwise exciting opponent to strengthen the chances of his party acquiring a simple majority of usually gateways for overall power-in the legislature.
  1. Type of Political Party
    According to Haryanto, political parties in terms of composition and membership functions in general can be divided into two categories, namely:
    a. The Mass Party,
    with its main characteristic is the large number of members or supporters. However, this type of parta has a program even though the program is somewhat vague and too general. This type of party tends to be weak if the groups or groups belonging to the party have a desire to carry out the interests of the group. Furthermore, if the interests of the group are not accommodated, this group will establish its own party.
    b. Party Cadre
    opposite of the mass party, the cadre party relies on its cadres for loyalty. The supporters of this party are not as large as the mass party because it does not attach importance to the number, the party cadre is more concerned with the discipline of its members and obedience in organizing. The doctrine and ideology of the party must be ensured of its purity. For members who misbehave, will be dismissed membership.

C. Political Party Functions
The main function of political parties is to seek and maintain power in order to realize programs based on a particular ideology. There is a fundamentally different view of the political parties in a democratic country and in an authoritarian state. Different views have implications on the implementation of duties or functions of parties in each country. In a democratic state the party can relatively function in accordance with its dignity at the time of its birth, which is a vehicle for citizens to participate in managing the life of the state and fight for its interests before the authorities. On the contrary in an authoritarian state, the party can not show its worth, but rather that it carries out the will of the authorities.
The following describes more fully the functions of political parties in democratic, authoritarian, and developing countries in transition to decocracy. The explanation of the function of political parties in the authoritarian State will be described in the example of the Communist Party parties in its heyday.

  1. As a means of political communication
    In the vast modern society and the complex, there is a wide variety of opinions and aspirations. Pandapat or aspiration of a person or a group that is missing no trace like a voice in the desert, if not accommodated and in join with the opinions or aspirations of others who are similar. This process is called interest aggregation. Once incorporated, these opinions and aspirations are assumed and formulated in a more orderly fashion. This process is called interest formulation (interest articulation). If no one aggregates and articulates, the opinion or aspiration is likely to be confused and clash with each other, while the aggregation and articulation of the importance of crunching and crash divergences are reduced. Aggregation and articulation is one of the functions of political party communication. After that the political party formulated it into a policy proposal. The proposal of this policy is incorporated into a program or platform formulation (goal formulation) to be fought for or conveyed through the parliament to the government to be a public policy. Thus the demands and interests of the community are presented to the government through political parties. On the other hand, political parties also function to discuss and disseminate government plans and policies. Thus there is a flow of information and two-way dialogue, from top to bottom and from bottom to top. At the same time, political parties play the role of liaison between the governing and the governed. The role of the party as a bridge is very important, because one party government policy needs to be explained to all community groups, and on the other hand the government must respond to the demands of society.
  1. As a means of political socialization
    In political science is defined as a process through which a person gains attitudes and orientation tehadap political phenomenon that generally apply in the community where he is. It is part of a process that determines one's political attitudes, such as nationalism, social class, ethnicity, ideology, rights and duties.
    Another dimension of political socialization is the process through which society conveys the "political culture" of norms and values, from one generation to the next. Thus, political socialization is an important factor in the formation of political poverty (political culture) of a nation.
    A definition formulated by a political sociologist M. Rush (1992): Political socialization is a process through which people in certain societies learn to recognize their political system. This process has more or less determined their perceptions and reactions to political phenomena (political socialization may be the process of political phenomena and political reinforcement of their political perceptions and their reactions to political phenomena) .
    The process of socialization runs for life, especially in childhood. It develops through families, schools, peer groups, workplaces, adult experiences, religious organizations, and political parties, it also serves as a liaison that disseminates the political values ​​of one generation to another. Herein lies the party in playing the role as a means of political socialization. Implementation of its socialization function is done through various ways that is mass media, lectures, lighting, karder course, upgrading and so on.
    The other side of the party's political socialization function is the effort to create the image (image) that he is fighting for the public interest. This is important if it is associated with the party's goal of governing the government through a victory in elections. Therefore the party must have the widest possible support, and the party is concerned that its supporters have a strong solidarity with their party. There is another higher value if a political party can perform this one socialization function, that is, to educate its members to be human beings who are aware of their responsibilities as citizens and keep their own interests under the national interest. In particular it should be mentioned here that in the newly independent countries, political parties are also required to play a role in fostering national identity and national integration. This is another task in relation to political socialization. However, it can not be denied that sometimes the party prioritizes the interests of the party over the national interest. The loyalty taught is loyalty to the party, which exceeds loyalty to the State. Thus he educates his followers to see himself in a very narrow context. This view may even lead to censorship and not to assist the integration process, which for developing countries becomes so important.

  2. As a means of political recruitment
    This function is closely related to issues of leadership selection, both internal party leadership and wider national leadership. For its internal interest, every party needs qualified cadres, because only with such cadres can it be a party that has a greater chance to develop itself. By having good cadres, the party will not have difficulty determining its own leadership and have the opportunity to propose candidates for entry into the national leadership exchanges. In addition to such levels political parties are also interested in expanding or multiplying membership. So he tried to attract as many people to become members. With the establishment of mass organizations (as onderbouw) involving groups of workers, peasants, youth, students, women and so on, the opportunity to participate is expanded. Political recruitment ensures the continuity and sustainability of the party, as well as one way to attract and train potential leaders. There are various ways to do political recruitment through personal contracts, persuasion, or other mea

  1. As a means of regulating conflict
    The potential for conflict is always present in every society, especially in heterogeneous societies, whether ethnic, socio-economic, or religious. Each of these differences holds the potential for conflict. If such diversity takes place in a democratic country, competition and dissent are considered normal and place. But within a heterogeneous State, the potential for conflict is greater and easily invites conflict.
    Here party paran is needed to help overcome it, or at least can be arranged in such a way that the negative consequences can be minimized. Party elites can foster understanding between them and at the same time convince their supporters.

A. Conclusion

In general we can define that political parai is an organized group whose members have a common orientation, values, and ideals. The aim of this group is to gain a political power and seize the political position that is usually achieved through the constitution to make policies in achieving their goals.
It should be pointed out that political parties are very different from the movement (movement) and different from the pressur group or the term that is more widely used today that is fighting for a group interest, or indeed want to make changes to the paradigm of society towards the better .

  1. party as a means of political communication
  2. political parties as a means of political socialization
  3. political parties as a means of political recruitment
  4. as a means to manage conflict (conflict management)

To keep improving the image of political parties as democratic institutions, political parties are more optimally thinking about the fate of society than fighting for power seats. Whereas in the context of the internal political party conflict, minimizing the possibility of political attitudes that could damage the image of the political party itself, still opens the space for both parties to engage in a healthier and more consistent political communication on the rules of the organization. Conflict is certainly inevitable, but political parties must also provide space for a better conflict management system. In order for personal or group conflicts as well as those that occur outside the party can not develop, it is able to control so as not to create an atmosphere of tension, let alone a negative, destructive act. Conflict management is also important in managing the problem before it is resolved organically, or at least can effectively prevent any split within the party. As Ross (1993) thinks as an expert in conflict management, conflict management is in the form of conflict resolution and may result in calm, positive, consensual and more creative. There is still time for party leaders to make changes within their party. Charismatic leadership must be devoted to the benefit of all cadres, not groups. The leadership of the model should be integrated with modern, open and democratic party management, including in managing conflict. Only by applying modern management, the party can exist and get the sympathy of its supporters

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