One would think a journal dedicated to Special Ops would appeal to military people -- veterans, active duty soldiers and especially soldier mercenaries. The Trump Administration has claimed every missile (over 100 missiles launched) hit its target and that all missiles were aimed into three academic science research facilities (what Trump calls chemical laboratories).
However, the photographic evidence shows otherwise. Parts of the research building structures were still standing. There were no indications of chemicals being present as the next day these facilities were frequented with lots of people walking around, many of them likely academics trying to retrieve what they could of their lost work -- it's reported anti-snake venom and anti-cancer research was taking place. Also, as for the danger of chemicals? At least one of the facilities was located in extremely crowded neighborhood. Who would bomb to place those people in danger?
Bravo indeed! The US, UK and France did a great job destroying academic scientific and medical research! A reasonably-minded person might describe this as a bit of overkill for precisely the wrong reasons!
Anyway, back to Special Ops. Below is a Special Ops internet journal article, dated April 19th, where it states at the bottom of the reporting that 71 of the strike force missiles launched were intercepted, did not reach their targets. Do you think a Special Ops magazine would be providing faulty information to a Special Ops audience? Bottom line is Trump again has lied and mainstream media when it comes to war, like good scribes, continue to pump false information in classic propaganda form.…/syrian-military-showcases-russia…/
PS: It's reported that two of the missiles, two of the newer missiles, have been found intact. Is this not pretty good indicator that missiles not only were brought down by anti-aircraft devices, but perhaps also by electronic jamming of the missile's signals. Otherwise, why would they be intact?
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