Key Matic Features

in polygon •  4 years ago 

Still needs reasons to Choose Matic (#Polygon)..??

These are some of the key features of Matic

Scalability: Fast, low-cost and secure transactions on Matic sidechains with finality achieved on mainchain and Ethereum as the first compatible Layer 1 basechain

High Throughput: Achieved up to 10,000 TPS on a single sidechain on internal testnet; Multiple chains to be added for horizontal scaling

User Experience: Smooth UX and developer abstraction from mainchain to Matic chain; native mobile apps and SDK with WalletConnect support

Security: Matic chain operators are themselves stakers in the PoS system

Public Sidechains: Matic sidechains are public in nature (vs. individual DApp chains), permissionless and capable of supporting multiple protocols

#polygon #matic #layer2 #blockchaininternet

Screenshot (241).png

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