Pooper: Got dog crap? There's an app for that.

in pooper •  9 years ago  (edited)

Well... so I don't know if this is a joke or not. But now there an app for dog crap. It's called Pooper.

Yep you heard that right. If your dog takes a dump in someones yard. You take a picture of the poop in the app. The app then notifies someone to come and pick up the crap. And you just walk away..... unless you want to sit there and stare at it till someone comes. Which is weird. I'm weirded out about this app now. Why wouldn't you just pick it up yourself? And who the hell would want to sign up to be a scooper? Can't the sharing economy come up with something better? And if you're a scooper what do you tell your friends? What did you do today? I picked some shit up. Oh, really? What did you pick up? Dog shit. WTF? I can just see all the Harvard grads signing up to scoop poop. /smh ... #pooper #wtf #idontknow #weird

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To be frank, this is the best and worst thing I've read all day.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment