※ These posts are ranked by the sum of votes and comments.
1. The best Cryptocurrencies to mine with GPU/CPU right now
kingscrown, 921 votes, 173 replies, $290.02
2. Community, Crypto and Freedom: Jeff Berwick On The Freedom's Phoenix Podcast
dollarvigilante, 404 votes, 38 replies, $135.41
3. Market Update: Bitcoin Rising, Steem Surging, Bitshares/EOS Increasing!
mooncryption, 315 votes, 10 replies, $11.63
4. Bitcoin in bubble? Manipulation calculated by the news! Liberty, Equity and Truth, this is its unstoppable strength. [ENG-ITA]
stea90, 305 votes, 19 replies, $17.47
5. New Legislation Would Make Bitcoin Transactions Under $600 Tax Free
jrcornel, 255 votes, 30 replies, $122.75
6. "I will take the risk vs. reward all day long."
jrcornel, 254 votes, 30 replies, $110.16
7. Bitcoin crashes on rumors China is banning Bitcoin exchanges
penguinpablo, 207 votes, 49 replies, $62.84
8. The Regulators Are Just Getting Started
adsactly, 196 votes, 56 replies, $109.65
9. Breaking: Report Released Implying China May Close Crypto Exchanges, Market Reaction
mooncryption, 239 votes, 10 replies, $6.29
10. In 2015 Morgan Spurlock Did a Documentary - Living On Bitcoin For A Week. I Feel It's Much Easier Now - Just 3yrs Later (price then $615)
road2wisdom, 150 votes, 17 replies, $33.31
11. Bitcoin Crashes On Massive Volume As China Plans To Shut Local Exchanges
zer0hedge, 139 votes, 25 replies, $122.25
12. Buy the Dip!
keiserreport, 140 votes, 22 replies, $54.64
13. Sekilas Mengenai Blockchain, Bitcoin dan bitcoin.
happyphoenix, 141 votes, 15 replies, $5.78
14. Warren Buffet in 2014: "Bitcoin is a mirage, stay away from it". Today Bitcoin Price Is Sevenfold Higher
dragosroua, 114 votes, 41 replies, $54.02
15. Bitcoin and China - What They Don't Get Right
bitcoinflood, 131 votes, 19 replies, $46.52
16. Chinese "exchange ban" cause sell-off
boxmining, 133 votes, 17 replies, $8.59
17. China ICO ban is temporary, will introduce licensing soon hints Chinese Official
boxmining, 140 votes, 9 replies, $29.49
18. Daily: China to Allow ICOs? Ethereum Casper Update
boxmining, 141 votes, 8 replies, $31.51
19. Amazing!! Bit Haul Investments Started 3 Days Ago - Why I Bought NOW!!
jimbojones, 105 votes, 22 replies, $2.80
20. AMAZON VALUATION OF 1.6 TRILLION DOLLARS?!!?!? You Bet! You can buy stock, even if you thought you couldn't afford it! LAToken LAT
scarlet7, 113 votes, 14 replies, $6.74
21. Why I’m Buying Golem Network (GNT)
g-dubs, 79 votes, 46 replies, $27.17
22. La Cina sta valutando la chiusura degli exchange cinesi?
filippoq, 120 votes, 1 replies, $10.61
23. Daily: Are Tethers Safe, Mining: Russia vs Japan vs China
boxmining, 104 votes, 11 replies, $9.60
24. VIDEO: World Crypto Network Daily Stream from Today: (12 mins) | News of the Day with Thomas and the WCN Crew. | Today in Bitcoin (2017-09-07) - ICO Friendly Island - Dumb Bets - Bitcoin on the Rise, again
barrydutton, 106 votes, 6 replies, $20.29
25. Enter 100 'Chinese Bitcoin' but it is stuck
hamzayousaf, 104 votes, 7 replies, $2.41
26. Crypto 101 | VIDEO: Andreas Antonopoulous: Bitcoin History: Bitcoin Q&A: Fungibility, Privacy, Anonymity (12 mins) - Super practical resource here today!! (Other videos inside post also)
barrydutton, 107 votes, 4 replies, $30.52
27. HYIP - High Yeild Investment Programs - What Are They?
jimbojones, 104 votes, 3 replies, $1.61
28. Death Penalty For Chinese HODLing Or Using Crypto Currencies
brianphobos, 89 votes, 15 replies, $19.78
29. Damnit. Bitcoin's dead again.
mattclarke, 84 votes, 17 replies, $6.93
30. Cryptoinvestment into commercial real estate
rtdcs, 97 votes, 0 replies, $0.34