Don’t give yourself away - Steem Power and the Self [Musing of a Meandering Mind]

in popcontest •  7 years ago 

The small number of things you can vote for each day without decimating your voting power seems so frustrating when faced with the ocean of amazing content this platform has to offer. There are so many fascinating posts, so many unique insights, so much creativity, entire worlds to be discovered. How do you limit yourself, when your vote costs about 2% of your power, and you only seem to recover at about a 1% an hour (although this may vary user to user).

On reflection, this can be a good thing. In a world of constant interaction, you give yourself away bit by bit every day. Real and sincere interaction both takes and gives back, something mirrored in voting and curation.

You can only be so much, to so many people, and still leave space for yourself.

The modern life so many of us lead is filled with the constant, meaningless, liking of countless inane posts, status updates. Sharing in every moment. It becomes meaningless. When you like everything, how much can you really like one thing? By limiting your vote, Steemit gives it more meaning. If you get carried away, and spend a day captivated by creations you cannot help but vote for, you find you have to take a break and let your voting power recover.

This forced change of pace has led to me reflect on my day to day interactions. It is not that some interactions lack sincerity, just that you can only give so much each day, before what you give has a lesser value. I feel like you can only truly care about so many people and their lives in a day. I studied Counselling in Uni, and found the idea of genuinely being there for 5+ people a day, in and out in hour long sessions, incomprehensible. To be there for someone else, in some ways comes at the expense of yourself, which is why all counsellors have their own counsellors to balance this immense giving every day. People who so readily want to support others, do so to the point they need their own support. There are many reasons counsellors see counsellors themselves, you take someone’s hand and enter their darkest world so many times, you in turn need someone to take yours. Because one person can only give so much.

I can’t help but wonder, if we were just real with each other, if we took the time to really hear those around us, what difference could we make to those who really matter?

There are parallels between power delegation and helping others. You can delegate power to others, but if you give away too much, your own vote drops, reducing the value of your upvote. I feel like life is the same, you can lend your strength to others, but if you don’t keep some back for yourself, you find what you offer others has less value. It is important to keep something back.

If your voting percentage drops too low, your vote becomes worthless. If you give all your time to others, you eventually burn out, and find things take a greater toll on you than they should. Eventually you reach a point where you start letting people down, where you can’t be there when they need you, because you have given too much, for too long. Just as we are learning to keep our steem power above a minimum percentage, maybe we should consider the same for ourselves. Keep just enough back, take just enough time for yourself. You can’t put others first all the time.

Don’t give yourself away too easily. Think about the people who really matter, be there for them, and take time to do things just for you.

My cousin, a woman of wonderful insight, first suggested to me that I set aside time each day, or each week, to do things that are just for me. Things that don’t benefit anyone else. At first I was repelled by this, something nagged in my mind, it seemed like self-indulgence, selfishness, time that could be better spent elsewhere. But I respected her enough to give it a go. It was hard at first, even trying to think of something I could do that was just for me seemed impossible. I did not realise it at the time, but I was pulled at the plug in a dam. Things I have wanted, hopes, dreams, things that were just for me, I had pushed to one side, dismissed. Built a wall in front of. It took a lot of tugging, but the plug came out, the damn burst, and I realised how much I needed to do things for myself. That by strengthening by own base, I was also strengthening what I had to offer, what I could give freely to others.

I have come to understand accepting, or even loving, yourself is not the same as pride, as vanity, or self-importance. Don’t be ashamed of what makes you happy. By making yourself happy, you are better equipping yourself to be able make others happy.

Make time to be real with others, you may not get to like as many things, you may not get to scroll through pages and pages of social media, equally bored and mesmerised. In that same time, you could have one or two real interactions. Actual moments of human connection, that ultimately mean so much more than any number of votes, likes, or even that coveted little blue tick.

These are just the musing of a meandering mind, questions for reflections…

I would like to share this challenge, could you make time every day to do something just for you? Could you manage once a week? How much do you mean to yourself? How much do you mean to those you care about the most? Are you putting yourself in the best position to be everything you want to be to them? I'm also putting this forward for the Power of Positivity contest, please check out all the entries as found here.

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Such an awesome , motivational and inspiring positve entry @calluna ! It really should have more upvotes ! I love this part : "I feel like life is the same, you can lend your strength to others, but if you don’t keep some back for yourself, you find what you offer others has less value." This and everything you wrote about is so true , I really feel this in my life by giving so much all the time , quite often Lately im feeling run down and tired , like I need a break ! this I get now while im at work , alone on the graveyard shift for 10 hours doing security on a boring and very quiet construction site , and blogging on steemit all night ! Lol its my alone time that I love giving me time to recharge my batteries ! Lol ! Thanks for sharing , upped and resteemed ! Good Luck ! 💕✌👍😊

Thank you so much, it is truly wonderful to hear you say that. Taking part in this has proved to be a fantastic experience for me, and I am so grateful to you for this. You give so much to so many, it genuinely warms my heart to hear that you have found a way to get paid for a bit of alone time! I am glad to hear you are keeping those batteries topped up - full power is so much better lol :)

Thanks for you kind reply ! yes for sure Full Power and Steem Ahead ! lol !! sometimes all we need is a bit of alone time . And yes it gives me something to do on boring jobs where I basically just sit in my car all night watching a building or whatever , keeps me awake too while supplementing my low income , especially after being laid off over 6 months I just started back last week so the steeem im making is needed to help me pay on those racked up credit cards !! 👍✌💕😂

So true! Especially the part where we need to think about the people who really there for them...and also take the time to do things just for us. I am always guilty of spreading myself too thin...trying to be too much at once at my own expense. This goes for life as well as voting power. Thank you for the welcome reminder to reflect and take care! <3

Also stopping by to say that you have been featured and curated for MSP Community Curation: Top Five 'Positive PAL Posts' - Week #09

Oh wow thank you so much, I have never really ventured sharing my thoughts on this sort of thing and the response has been incredible! I feel like you really got what I was saying here, it is surprisingly easy not to have enough left for those who matter the most to you. And thank you, I will have to keep an eye out for your weekly review every week, I am always looking for like minded (and totally not like minded) people to discuss these sorts of ideas with :)

Keep up the great work with posts like these! They are what make this platform so unique and unlike any other. I love to be surprised...when I come across something that feels this authentic. <3

Am humbled to have read this and it she'd more light on so many things on my mind, but the crucial point is not burning out all in an effort to please someone.

Thank you so much. It means a lot to me that you felt this, it is so important, otherwise we end up letting those who need us the most :)

I find steemit a much different place than other social media platforms. It is a business to many and the up-voting can be about strategy and working within your network. But I find it resonates much higher than any other platform I have been on. My approach has been to seek out other poets and artists, to really read the posts and to give thoughtful comments. And slowly I see my community grow.

We are very lucky ... we get paid to create and support other artists. How cool is that. I guess I am extra lucky because steemit is something I do for me, but it just also happen to be supportive.

I too found the lack of vote power limiting and I made the choice to buy into the platform. It did grant better flow and allowed me to move around the platform more and to like those who took the time to leave a nice comment on my work. 500SP gets the slider, but then of course you will have to make a point of getting up and getting outside:) As always it comes down to balance:)

That has been my approach for reaching out, when we write poetry, we share a bit of ourselves, so it just feels right to respond with sincere and thoughtful comments. I always sincerely appreciate yours myself :)

It is amazing! Getting money from sharing what we love and getting to know wonderful people. It is so fortunate that we can do things for ourselves that benefit others, I found it so hard to think of things I could do for myself that didn't benefit anyone else. I love to bake but I also love to share. It took a long time for me to come round to trying it but I am glad I did.

Oh my you are right! I missed another parallel there, just as we can buy into steemit and be able to give more back to others, we can buy into ourselves, and be better able to be there for others. I am waiting for the prices to tip the right way and plan to convert some sbd but I don't think I will be able to get to 500. I do really wish I could upvote more things, but I can understand buying in works out very well as a platform concept. It allows for it to support itself and so many others. Even without the ability to vote as much as I would like to, I still should probably get outside a bit more lol

You are so right. I saw it as investing in myself.

I would covert the SBD asap. I think the value of steem is only going to go up from here. There may however be dips in the day. The other things is that you ability to earn goes up with the more steempower you have. Even if it just means a penny increase in voting power, it makes a difference. Given there is not interest paid on SBD. It makes sense to keep it either as steem or steem power. There is more of a return.

This is wonderful! I have been thinking about the spacers and all the nice, wonderful work you put into this. I must start doing the same :p You did good here, I love it!

Gotta own up, I got @johngreenfield to help me, I think he is going to write a guide so I can do it for myself lol

I figured :p yeah, I need to just get it over with, and set one up that I can just copy and paste!

Absolutely, never be ashamed of yourself, or whatever you do, or like!

Easier said than done though, I still struggle to force myself to admit to people what I actually watch, but I think posting that berserk anime poem was part of me trying to stand by what I like. Still got a way to go lol

I think the ideas in your post are so powerful!
I wish we could in real life genuinely help one
or two people each day.

And of course help ourselves as needed first
so we are better able to do good. Wonderful
post. Thanks!

Thank you very much. I heard a wonderful bit in a tv show about being good to others, no one is kind or generous by accident, you have to set the intention first. It sounds like you are already doing that, so it makes me so happy to hear you are loving yourself as well :)

Thank you for the thoughtful article. I sometimes struggle with what to do just for myself. It always ends up being practical, like buying a needed new pair of sneakers because the ones I have a hole in them, or a "nice haircut" which really is necessary grooming. Other women in my life do things like get manicures or buy expensive makeups and are always telling me to "take care of myself" - but that just isn't me and it always seems to be advice about outward appearance. Do you have any ideas for someone who just doesn't care about material/looks very much? Thank you :)

You know what, this is something I have been thinking about quite a lot recently. Plenty of my friends do exactly the same thing, I have been wondering how much of that we really do for ourselves, and how much we do for the approval of others. Although I suppose that is still for yourself, just getting there a different way. I did even give it a try for a while but I reached the same conclusion, it just isn't me.

I do things like take a few hours one weekend to read a book I want to read. Once a week I try to watch a bit of a tv series I know isn't that good, or is completely out there, because I enjoy it anyway. I grow veg in the garden but then I share it, so I started growing house plants. They are mainly ones I got half dead and reduced from a supermarket. Every Sunday I bring them all into the bathroom and water them all together, then I tend to just sit and look at them for a bit to let them drain any excess water. Although it is taking care of something, it does give me a bit of time to think and some have got so pretty! I found it so hard when I first tried it, I really struggling to find things I could do, but the more I tried to find things for myself, regardless of reviews or recommendations, the more I found myself loving whole new things. I don't know if any of that is something that you would enjoy or could give you a place to start looking? :)

I think to begin with, I started asking myself why I was doing things, what I really enjoyed and what I maybe liked more because other people did. In a way it has helped me both discover and accept my self a little bit more. I still haven't managed to find more than a few hours of things to do a week, so I am still looking for more ideas myself :)

I love the idea about a book! I haven't done that in a while. Also the tv shows is a good idea. I only recently started to watch shows again but not many, like you I just do it once a week. I have a "relaxation problem" I guess. Love your plants and how you help them... they are beautiful and lush and certainly give back by just being present. I think the way you water them is very relaxing sounding.

Well let me know if you end up with any good book recommendations lol I do watch plenty of tv really lol, but once a week I watch my tv, instead of things anyone else would agree to watch. It has been strangely empowering to seek out things that are just for me, I hope it turns out to be as much fun for you :)

I disagree, it costs me nothing to give on this platform. I don 't feel as if I'm depleting anything, except selfishness, lack, and general poor thinking.
I live an abundance and share that experience through

I invite everyone to experience prosperity consciousness.

H. G.
Have a full upvote

I am intrigued by your phrase 'prosperity consciousness', and would like to know more! I don't think it is one I have encountered before.

It makes me so happy that you have said you disagree as it often makes me sad how few people will say what they think. So thank you :)
Although that said, I would agree that it doesn't cost anything personally to use this platform, but your voting power is reduced by every vote. I have been reflecting a lot recently on how people are similar in their day to day interactions. It may be something that I experience more than other, which I would be equally interested in finding out. I feel that when people offer emotional support to those around them, it takes something, something that is happily given. But to give too much, to too many, without thinking about themselves, leaves people burnt out to some degree, and what they have to offer others suffers as a consequence. I don't know if that is something you feel too, I would love to hear your thoughts.

And thank you very much :)

I wrote in my blog . . as a response. Thank you for asking the question.

H. G.

Such an interesting way of viewing things. Thanks for the entry into the #popcontest. GOOD LUCK and I have upped and resteemed.

Thank you very much, I sincerely appreciate your support. It is fun to think about things differently now and then :)

A beautiful piece! I agree and I love how you were able to relate real life scenarios to Steemit Universe!

I also once heard people say to me to reward myself sometimes. I think that's a way of giving back to one's self.

Thank you very much, I often think in parallels and metaphors, so I am so glad to have found one people can understand :)

Yeah it is very much the same idea, it is something I had heard said many ways before I actually considered it, but I am glad it is something you have embraced :)

Very thoughtful post. I appreciate your observations as always.

Thank you, it is something a bit different for me so I am very pleased you still liked it :)

nice post sister @calluna 😎😎😎

Thank you very much!