London - Archives supremely classifieds Nazi revealed that fantasy Adolf Hitler who want to create a fleet of UFO Nazi can destroy London and new York is the fact.
command was delivered when forces Hitler in many locations are back. location alleged production sites UFO Nazi is a series of the tunnel tunnel buried under the Valley Jonas Thuringia, the Center of Germany.
under the command of general ss (special police Nazi) Hans kammler, a number of group worker slave to work hard to realize the dream Hitler. magazine science Germany, pm, reveals how sophisticated program at the scientists working hard in a number of factory secret to produce a UFO to win the war.
the magazine citing description a number of witnesses claiming to see a flying saucer with a sign of the cross iron German fly low on top of the River Thames, England, in 1944 ago. "American also regard seriously the existence of such weapons. apparently, the machine is able to distances 2.000 kilometers in flight its inaugural," as reported by the Sun. US believe that Germany could use a flying saucer to drop a bomb to new York, a target want attacked Hitler war continues. at that time, new York times reported sightings "flying saucer mysterious" with photos of the object that fly with speed very high above the buildings in the city towering.
"Germany has destroyed most of the file that contains the activity of them, but there are a number instructions to prove that (a fleet of UFO Nazi) there," added the daily. project UFO Nazi led by two engineers, Rudolf schriever and Otto habermohl, and is based in Prague, Czech, between 1941 until 1943. project started with a project Luftwaffe finally are under the control of the Minister of weapons Albert Speer before returning taken over by kammler on the 1944.
witnesses captured allied forces after the war claim never seen a flying saucer in a couple of occurrence. Joseph Andreas EPP, a technician be a consultant to project schriever-habermohl, claiming there are 15 prototype UFO that have been made. he describes the form of aircraft the form of the cockpit setral that dikelilngi Wings and propeller spinning and form a circle. propeller the glued together with a tape on the side of the outside and made spin Rockets small installed around circle. when the speed of rotation enough and flying saucer mengangkasa, then turned jet or rocket horizontal to move it.
in his book published 2000, prawda Ooh wunderwaffe, Igor Witkowski, a historians and journalists Polish steeped in the field of the military and technology space, claiming that Hitler want the scientists remains to make the best-shaped Bell. way mengesankannya technology Nazi found at the end of the war, the rocket scientist V-2 to hunted by the US and the Soviet Union for employed in the program missiles and space respectively. more 120 rocket scientist, including wernher von Braun, the Central figure in the NASA, meet technicians Germany Georg Klein and claim that there are two types of flying saucer created the Nazis. Klein, which after the war career as an engineer Aeronautics, say, "I do not crazy, eccentric, or fantasize. this I see with my own eyes, a UFO Nazi!" a number of crew bomber American and British also reported the appearance of strange above enemy territory.
he is also a UFO researchers international (international UFO researcher) using the English language, Japanese, Russian, Germany, and Bulgaria and the initiator, speaker and lecturers ufology-101. according promise admin, the following 5 stars good of Hitler was done a lot leader great world: is like contrived list of people who most hated in history, the figure is in the first place is Hitler. Yes, how do not hated, this guy has crime craziest who have never done anyone before, including one is butchering the millions of Jewish through the program Holocaust him.
Hitler was nightmare for the world is like the Lord has never been created then undoubtedly the past not be as bad as it happens, so said people. we always taught to do not see someone from the side jeleknya only. because everyone must have the other side of a good. even including a Adolf Hitler. he may be cruel, but behind it turned out to Hitler was the figure of extraordinary good. goodness Hitler even very large and become thing not much done the leaders of the world. here is a row of goodness-goodness Hitler that may will make you were stunned.
here are some facts and reality tenteng Hitler non lot by the leader of the world.
Hitler life changing society German sunk by plot Freemasons in world war I, Germany defeat quite a landslide. this causes the country's economic Panzer raggy. they even owe large enough to 96 thousand tons of gold may in value miliran dollars today. Germany as state most sunk in the world. until appear figures modifier circumstances. Yes, who else if not him. under Hitler, German slumped can rise again even able to pay off debts. Hitler slowly changing Germany into the country life again. when he was appointed to the position of government highest, programs managed to improve the German economy. he even able to make about 6 million unemployment get the job and change the German back to be a great country. honest, is still there a leader of the present were able to seek employment as much as this? or change the debt state be a surplus of income and improve the lives? Yes, Hitler was tough but he do great things that can not be done the leaders of the other.
Hitler very anti with cigarette many Photo shows the body Hitler Stout and athletic. pretty cool when compared official state plumpness the stomach buncit-buncit it. Hitler very keep her body, one of them by leaving away smoking. so, cigarette is a very hated and Germany finally got the influence of distaste Hitler to objects suction this. Hitler campaign for anti-smoking with a variety of ways. start of the leaflet until the curriculum basic in schools. result incredible. in 1940 cigarette consumption annual per person successfully trimmed to be 749 only. in the same time people American consuming about 3 thousands of cigarettes per person.
Hitler make cheap car for everyone Germany that there is still up to now a true leader know will need a fundamental people. when people need a job, the leader will seek to seek employment, including is like the people need a car, true leader will working on it. but, now where there are like this? does not exist, but once there. Yes, Hitler of course. Hitler even think of the vehicle's for the people. Hitler ever make a program where each of the German people will be able to have a car. Hitler build KDF wagen cheap and are functionality good run. it is well received by the German people. car manufacturer this growing continue to significantly even today. we may have heard name Volkswagen, Yes, this was the one program cheap car ever made Hitler.
Hitler build family people Germany after world war I, almost all the system in Germany damaged, including blow economic impact on the decline in the number of marriage and the led to the number of birth decline. when Hitler up, he also apply specific rules to birth rate can be higher. Hitler provide free money 1000 Reich marks (worth around 9 months money salary standard) for men Germany wants a family. Hitler guarantee each family prosperous and emphasize the importance of the role of women. not until there, Hitler still add 250 marks for each baby born to the family. not forget also in addition to providing real help Hitler also embed values such as the importance of the role of women in the family. it also makes the leader of the state that respect for women. today not a lot of leaders can guarantee its people like this.
Hitler animal lovers and condemned those who tortured one more which may will make you were stunned is how the men mustache middle is so love animals. Hitler prohibit torture animals and even will enter anyone to prison people who caught do so. Hitler hate those who behave not polite to animals. not only on treated animals proper, Hitler was banned animals be used as a Guinea pig for research. Hitler said if the animals were the same pain when they hurt, then as a human we must show sympathy. this rule making Germany as the first country in the world prohibiting bad things related to the animals.