More Porn Movies Men Over Women

in porn-movies •  6 years ago 


Porn films have always been considered as the realm of men. But apparently, this blue film is even more detrimental to the adam than for women.

The adult film turned out to make men more unhappy with the relationship. However, the same thing does not happen to a female porn movie audience.

The researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 50 studies involving 50,000 participants from different countries. Some participants were asked about their habit of watching prono movies. While others are shown material that is pornographic.

The end result that the researchers are trying to reach is to find out how pornography affects sexual relationship and satisfaction. And the answer between the two sexes was different. Men feel more dissatisfied and happy, while women do not get any negative effects.

According to research, this is related to how we watch pornography. In general, men more often watch porn movies themselves. While women usually watch with a partner.

This is why porn movies even make men feel increasingly not connected with their partner. While women actually benefit from sharing experiences and feel more intimacy.

The findings of this study contradict the myth that women can not enjoy movies today. Because it is considered to make them feel bad with themselves. This may be true for some women. But most do not feel that way.

Many women can successfully separate porn movies from reality. This makes them feel no negative experience or a bad view of sex just from watching unusual porn movie scenarios.

This study concludes, if you still want to watch porn movie after marriage, should do together with your partner.

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