The Infinte Beauty of Faster Then Light

in portal •  7 years ago  (edited)

Wormholes aka Inter-dimensional portal travel & technology.
According 2 the acturians in a transmission given to us nearly a month ago you can even FUCKING OPEN THESE WITH YOUR higher awareness/mind!
Funny thing is i've already done this others have to.
You know it as spirt summoning no matter what that is summoning unicorn/demons ghosts/spirts etc.
Your opening a inter-dimensional doorway even if you dont allow yourself 2 see it fully with your visual spectrum human eyes.
It's still there other beings aka you are 100% in tune with this and can 100% see it visually.
I actually have seen this not only in fuckng dreamspace but here while being awake because i was on pysdehllics!
Thing is u dont need lsd/psychdellics to see or use them! As when we raise our frequencies permantly they no longer become "trips" that only last minutes hours or days. But u can then access them 100% at will any time you fucking want!
Magical in fucking deed!
This is 1 of the reasons i've truely loved the show my little pony friendship is magic because all of the magic spells and witchcraft done in that or even the funnier verison - Friendship is Witchcraft is all real 'ALL OF IT"
everything in every fucking fantasy tale,story,song or movie we've ever seen there all 100% real reallites even your fucking dreams because WE ARE IN A DREAM RIGHT NOW OF THE INFINTE FUCKING CREATOR!/creators US! We are them to how fucking amasing bitches wooooooooooooo!!!


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