Portfolio update: week 16 2018

in portfolio •  7 years ago 

Week 16 already has passed and it was a second green week in a row I could get used to this!


As you can see the curve is looking nice, really nice! It surpassed the 4K mark again. Never thought that things could evolve is such a fast way. And there is no sign of getting weaker. If it continues like this, I can report that my portfolio is break even! Looking forward to that.
The times that I was trying to buy the dip, is paying off! Glad that I didn't loose the faith, to be honest I did question myself sometimes if I was a smart decision.
2 more weeks like this and I should start to update my selling strategy. I do want to recover some of the invested money.


Lot of them.


Well this one was still missing from my portfolio. I finally purchased some. Not a lot, but at least it is on the board. The investment into it, is a little bit above 100 euro.


Neblio was bougth in 2 batches. In total a little more than 25 Nebls are added to the portfolio. But it was a hard decision. I was doubting between Neblio and EOS! Yeah, I do know that most of you, would have chosen EOS, but I already had Neblio and did have a target on the number of coins I do want to have in my portfolio! This number has been reached now. So a happy customer.


@cicbar specially for you I did increase my holdings. But to assure you the desired number has been reached. So the next time you will see this in my overview, it will be in the sold section.


I also wanted to increase my BTC holdings. Didn't have enough. It should have a higher market share of my portfolio, so I tried to do something about it!


Like every week, also this week an extra batch of Steem could be recorded in my portfolio. Only 18 Steem, it could have been more, but I am saving for my world cup contest and still do sponsor some other SBI related contests!

Winners and Losers

O man, this is a nice chapter this week. No losers at all. All coins painted green in the past week.
Almost all alt coins crushed bitcoin in the past week.
A special mention for Snovio (they are really doing a great thing), KCS and Zeepin. All 3 have increase more than 50%.


Like I told, I tried to increase the market share of Bitcoin a little bit within my portfolio. Let's how things turned out.
Last week the top 3 was:

  • NEO - 19,67%
  • KCS - 16,51%
  • Stratis - 14,75%
  • Steem - 8,21% (not within the top 3 but a special mention)

This week the top 3 is:

  • KCS - 19,26%
  • NEO - 15,97%
  • NEBLIO - 12,89%
  • STEEM - 7,81%

Neblio pushed Stratis out of the top 3, this because the extra investments into it.
BTC has now a market share of 6,83% and decrease of 0.18%. Funny how things can go. The rise of BTC is just slower than the altcoin market. But I don't care.

Profit or loss?

At the moment 5 coins are writing completely green. So current value - investment is green.
These are KCS, Oyster, Zeepin, Ethereum and of course Steem.
3 coins still have to work hard, these are Vibe, Monetha and Snovio. All needs at least another 200% increase to get into green figures.

Next week

Well I am probably done with investing. Now it is time to sit back relax and see the market grow.
It is possible that I will try to purchase some EOS eventually, cause I should become one of the coins of the future.

How is your portfolio doing?
Also getting better and better?
Is there a coin which should be a must have for each portfolio and which I don't have?
Feel free to comment!

Keep the faith,

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Good job, ( even with KCS :-)) My week was great also.

I think that KCS is going indeed to the moon :)

Lets hope it does. If it reaches 15 then I will sell a quarter of my holdings. This way it is like free money 😁

Do you have exit strategies for your coins, when you're going to take profit ? or are you just going to hold for a long time ?

I did had an exit strategy but this one was crushed by the bear market. I would love to be able to extract my investsments. Some coins will not be for sale for some time, like Neo or Oyster. I did purchase on purpose more Stratis then I did desire to sell some back!
So still in doubt. Do want to extract but don’t want a crippled portfolio.
Will create an real exit strategie from the summer on!

I just wondered, as reading other peoples posts they all seem to be holding their crypto forever... no-one ever talks about selling their crypto and making money, it's all about just holding as much as possible for no profit lol.

I really can't understand why people don't trade crypto the same way as any other stock or asset class. Buy something when it's low or undervalued, sell it when it peaks and make a nice profit, then use that money to buy something else low or undervalued, rinse and repeat forever and make the maximum amount of money possible.

You are true. But I do want to extract at least my investment from the cryptoworld around the end of the year. Some coins will go when they even get a little bit above break even, because I regret to have invested in these!
For me it will be only a loss or a profit, when I do sell. As long as I don't it will be a virtual profit or loss.
I will not hold forever, or at least not my complete portfolio.
I do like the approach you wrote!

It's just basic economics, compound interest. I like to keep money working all the time, if it's tied up in one thing and that thing is not making money then I put it into something that is making money.

I'd rather make 2% compound interest per day for 10 years, than make one trade every 10 years that makes less than inflation.

You sound like you are getting out of crypto altogether ? Are you going to continue trading normal markets or move onto something else ? By your name I gather you're interested in sports betting ? That's something I would love to try.

No intention to turn my back to the cyrptoworld. I just want to make a profit, like we all want. Did my research, made some though decision because I don't have to funds to buy all the coins I did want to buy.

I used to do sports betting and online poker. My old blog, was all about sports betting Dremebers mybet But I never had much of interaction there.
When signing up on the Steem blockchain I was planning to write about sports betting but I switched to cryptos and Steem. Together with the sports betting community on Steem, we are trying to do some project, so I will start posting about sports betting.
I do like statistics, so made my own prediction models and so on. But can't say that I do have a good track record at it. It requires so much discipline :(

I love statistics ! My trading systems are built around mathematical probabilities, statistics, odds etc.

90% of the day I'm actually working in a simulator trying to find statistical edges to exploit, the real making money part doesn't take much time and pretty boring :-)

Than sports betting could really be something for you. Maybe something to write your own post about.
I did create my own basic Poisson model. While it doesn't mean anything, still proud of! :)

XLM will be my next move.

I do have it in my portfolio but it the XLMs belong to my dad!
He portfolio is worse than mine. Which makes it worse is that I did put it together for him 😔

How long is he planning on HODLing?

He probably until it has doubled up his investment. Then he will ask me to extract his investment from it, and hand over the portfolio to me and my sister :)
But he is a patient man!

If he could be patient until the end of the year I guess he would have the chance to sell that XLM at $5 each. I don't know why, but I'm very bullish for 2018. I guess the high temperatures around here are making my blood boiling.


Nice portfolio. Increased on Verge today. Have been doing my research and the partnership was for replacing the credit cards. Not just memberships but advertising etc. All payments through entire porn industry basically. Can't go wrong with Tron either. Even if you just bought 20 euros worth and put it away.

Will look into Tron again. Will stay away from Verge. Took my profit and run. Really can't decide if it is a good project or not.

Read my latest article and you will understand why they want crypto. Was on the fence with Verge. I am here to make money so no favourites.

I think its definitely still good to have a portion in BTC you never know what'll happen. Even though ALTs are out performing BTC right now. Good to have some for the dips.

I do feel that I should increase the BTC share in my portfolio even more.
It is one of the most scare coins out there! And above all the godfather of all other coins!

Exactly the Pioneer of all coins. I think in the end when lots will drop BTC will be a safe coin to have some holdings in!