Porto - view from a bus, part 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in portugal •  7 years ago  (edited)

When we moved to Portugal, more than a year ago, a friend gave me some good advice. 'Take the time to be a tourist' he said, but I did not listen, until now.

To see part 1 click here

Away we go

We decided to get an early start on the Tuesday and grabbed the first available bus just after 9 AM, so there was much less traffic and the square was very empty.

Another shot of the building next to the square, it really is very pretty.

Also next to the square is this building. I am not sure if it still houses the Banco de Portugal, but it has exquisite detailing and statues. I think you would need a much better camera or zoom to appreciate all the detail.

This building is to the right of the square. This image has a filter applied making it appear to have more of a yellow tinge, but the original was a bit ruined by the bright sun.
I quite like the look of the photo though.

The Porto side of the tour

It is just not possible to ignore the Rio Douro, a photo is a must!

Bus drivers must have nerves of steel to be able to navigate these narrow city roads. I got a photo here, but there were quite a few more instances where the bus was super close to cars, lamp posts etc.

Yes, more empty buildings, looks like this one was the vicitim of a fire.

The roof is missing entirely. I think all that remains is some steel structures.

This is a queue.
To get into a book store.
All of these people are going to pay an entrance fee, to visit a book store.
Will they buy a book? I don't know, but they will pay to get in!

It is of course the famous Livraria Lello https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livraria_Lello / https://www.livrarialello.pt/en/

No matter how beautiful it is inside, I will NOT be standing in a queue that long to get inside.
Winter is coming, when all the tourists have gone I will definitely be making a turn though.

Nothing untoward in this photo, but look closer.

There is a huge building, in a prime spot, which is overgrown.
I have said it before, but this really blows my mind.

I am truly surprised by how the Portuguese managed to build pretty much anywhere they could here. Look at the buildings in the background, there is a photo coming soon that shows how impressive that really is.

This building is probably so far gone that it's simply not worth saving. Space must have been at a premium for them to have built something in that tiny space to begin with!

Travelling through the tunnel I tried to take a photo, turned out a bit blurry and I did not realise my hand was so close to the edge of he tunnel!

As you exit the tunnel there are these buildings towering above you, all built many many years ago. I find the fact that they built here just fascinating!

Some of the steel structure of the Dom Luís I Bridge as we crossed from Porto to Vila Nova de Gaia

Vila Nova de Gaia

The bus tour took us over the bridge from Porto to Vila Nova de Gaia, where we climbed up steep hills via tiny roads, all in a double decker bus!

This side of the Rio Douro is just as developed as the Porto side with buildings stacked tightly together.

There are cable cars that take you from the rivers edge to the top where the upper part of the bridge meets the land.

Such an interesting view with so many old buildings separated by tiny little cobblestone roads. Even from here you can spot the odd building which seems dilapidated and abandoned.

Construction here must be difficult and expensive as witnessed by the number of cranes. I wonder what they are doing on that building site?

Another view of the river as we snaked our way up the hill.

Even though I ramble on about the empty buildings I did get the feeling there was a rejuvenation going on. Pretty much every road had construction workers, cranes can be seen all over. Maybe things are making a turn for the better and Porto will see glory days again soon?

Quinta de Boeira

As part of the bus tour we got a free tour of Quinta de Boeira which is an estate with three hectares of land, which produces it's own wine.

There were a number of model ships on display with a nice write up of each.

The manor house has been converted to a restaurant, but is still very original.

The restaurant was closed when we were there, but the house was open and we could go inside and take a look.

It is a beautiful old house and looks to be very neatly maintained.

The conference area, with the wine tasting section in the far back. My wife and I got to taste some wine and she enjoyed it so much we left with a bottle of port.

The trip back

By this time we were both tired so I slowed down on taking photo's, but here are a few significant ones nonetheless.

This reminds me of the Starship Troopers movie for some reason.
Exército is army in Portuguese I think, so they are not recruiting people just to exercise ;)

As we were about to cross back over the river I could not help but take a snap of people's backyard's, err, I mean the river....

All those buildings on the side of the hill, abandoned, in ruins. I wonder why it is that they were left like that?

Almost off the bus, you really have to be amazed at the workmanship to be able to create something like this from granite. Such detail in such a hard medium.

Lunch is for the birds

With the bus trip done, we sat down for a nice long relaxing lunch at one of the restaurants next to the square where the busses stopped. The pigeons here are fearless and walk up and down between the tables.

We had two take to the high ground and scope out the terrain for a bit.

Post-lunch walkabout

After lunch we took a winding walk back up to the metro station, criss crossing over roads wherever they looked to be interesting (which is all over!)

Narrow streets house many wonders and we took some time walking slowly up and down a few, stopping to see the shops, occupied and vacant.

This poor old building could look so beautiful, but is being left to rot.

The building right next door was in the process of being renovated.The exterior has fresh tiles and we could hear the workers busy on the inside.

They are sharing a private joke, but refused to tell me, so I had to move on in misery...

This and the following photo are examples of some of the old signs that adorn the buildings, advertising the companies inside. I am quite surprised that they remain as they are quite old. But I guess the business owners see no need to update them?

Walking up the road we passed this coffee shop / restaurant. There was no one in sight, giving me the time to take a photo which looks like it could be in a brochure.

Still close to the metro station, there was this colourful building, not sure if it is inhabited or not. It looks a bit too run down to be habitable I think.

I saw a broken window on a door and took the chance to peek inside. Judging by the dust on the staircase, the window has been broken a while. It is literally just a stairway to the apartment above.

The view from the outside.I wonder what that apartment holds, is it empty? Or was it left full of furniture?

Phew! So many images!

It's the end of Wednesday now and I have no idea what to do for the next two days.

Like my wife said, any holiday longer than three days turns into torture for me, hope you enjoyed the post though!

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Great Pictures 👍

wow! it's an amazing post! it is really a city of contrasts...
and those pigs heads... brrrr... :D

Nice shots, i love snapping a few photos with my SmartPhone camera too occasionally. just watch your head, that tunnel looked dangerous :)

This bus is magical man 🚌.. I'd love to take a ride..
Cheers for the great views and all the best here on the platform.. 🍻
Love to see travelers :)💖

Outstanding photos and narrative! Now I want to visit there. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks, interesting tour!!! @roused

Very lovely photographs, thanks for sharing!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Splendid !!!! @shaunmza .
Thankyou also for your https://steem.makerwannabe.com/.

How we can create same thing like it?


I love Porto FC @shaunmza

i like your post my friend