He changed how I look on my days

in positive •  7 years ago 

His name is Markian and he have 1 million followers on Facebook. He make videos to make people smile. I do smiled whenever I watch his videos but a few days ago he make a post that really open up my mind.

'What made you smiled today?' he said.

At first I thought oh it's just a simple question and I just answer it just like that.

As I try to remember what made me smiled that day, I realized I never thought about it, what made me smiled everyday. Not even a moment. Before I go to sleep every night , I tend to focus more on negative things or things that only make me feel bad.

And when I remembered something that made me smiled that day , it's just feel GOOD. I know that we are all get in troubles sometimes and we tend to focusing more on it until we forget something that make us smiled.

So I decided, every single day, whenever I started to think about my problems, I will remind myself that there is always something that still can make us smile.

Today I smiled and laughed because my niece pronounced something that is sound hilarious :D

What about you?

What made you smiled today? :)

Comment below and share with me!

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