Let me start by saying that, every problem in life is accompanied with its solution by its side; your ideology towards problems at times will determine the output results, be it good or bad. when you see problems as a means or a stepping stone to attaining a new height, you become extraordinary in the sight of those who see problems as a normal event that must happen once in a while, in order words I can say that, problems are part/ways of life, the more problems you encounter each day, the better your chances of becoming great.
Now the question is how do I succeed in the midst of problems? This brings me to my 7 powerful points that will transform your mindset about problems
If you have never encounter a problem before and you are succeeding, then, your success is questionable. The level of your success depends on the numbers of problems you’ve solve, in other words, if you don’t have a problem, find one, study it until you become completely knowledgeable on what to do.
When you encounter a problem, immediately your mind will go into action and take hold of the problems and summon different ideas, in this case, you can apply slow and steady principle for proper examination of the ideas. Knowledge of a problem is a key to successful solutionBE CONFIDENT:
Note this: self trust is the first secret of success by Ralph Waldo Emerson. If you lack confidence and believe in yourself, someone somewhere will introduce a contra opinion and you will accept it, in other words, if you really trust yourself, you can handle any difficulties. People becomes extraordinary when they start thinking that they can do it, have confidence and believe in yourself because you have what it takes to achieving your goal.
IT IS NORMAL TO FAIL BUT IT IS ALSO ABNORMAL TO REMAIN A FAILURE. Because you fail when trying doesn’t guarantee you to remain a failure, your success story cannot be complete without a history of failure, don’t be scared of failure because it gives room for new ideas, your fear is an enemy within, fight it and when you fail, you will be happy to start over again.EXPECT AND MAKE MIRACLES HAPPEN:
Miracles are “DIVINE” arrangement, when you talk about divine, it means GOD is involved. The ability to attract divine miracles depends on the capacity of the heart, in others words, there must be a work done before miracles can occur. Your expectation of miracles doesn’t stop you from putting more effort. Note this: don’t expect your miracles to come once, it can be in sizes, from small, medium, big but what matters is that you can work up to the bigger one. Think and believe and work and give your best to any given opportunity.HAVE A PASSION:
Whenever you are face with a problem, develop a passion for it, note that: whatever you don’t desire you can’t probably acquire, it is very easy to achieve a passionate goal than trying to follow instruction from a master. Have a passion and be active, it is a way of living a happy life.PEN DOWN YOUR PROBLEMS:
Have you ever taught of this? Write your problems down, let me take you through the bible, (Habakkuk 2:2), and the lord said, write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it. Note that GOD recommend it.pen your plans down and go through it each day to compare your achievements.
Cheers @emmy9ice