OpenIDEO is using collective intelligence to tackle society problems – Positivity Challenge #5

in positivity •  8 years ago 

How OpenIDEO works :

OpenIDEO convenes a global community to collaboratively create solutions to address our world's biggest challenges. Thousands participate on the OpenIDEO platform and are empowered to take action, inspiring their local communities to get involved in tackling global issues.

A challenge is usually a three to five month collaborative process that focuses our attention on a specific issue and creates a space for community members to contribute, refine and prototype solutions.

What challenges have been addressed :

*How might we create financial services that support the dreams and obligations of those 50 and older?
*How might we expand economic opportunities for youth in East Africa?
*How might we dramatically reduce waste by transforming our relationship with food?
*How might we combat health threats like Zika, SARS, Ebola and Malaria in bold, imaginative ways?
*How might we reimagine the end-of-life experience for ourselves and our loved ones?
*How might we improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers by reducing food waste and spoilage?
*Water and Sanitation Challenge

*Exploring Open Innovation
*The Higher Ed Challenge
*How might we improve education and expand learning opportunities for refugees around the world?
*How might we use the power of communities to financially empower those who need it most?
*How might communities lead the rapid transition to renewable energy?
*Climate Innovator Stories: Join us in sharing powerful stories that highlight people and projects innovating for the planet.
*How might urban slum communities become more resilient to the effects of climate change?
*How might we use technology to inspire all socioeconomic and multicultural groups to lead healthier lives?

What Steemit could bring to OpenIDEO ?

The best solutions to the challenges need more exposure . Steemit is an excellent marketing platform and the Positivity Challenge can amplify the exposure of the OpenIDEO challengers's solutions.

**Is money an issue ? **
What is money ? What is the value of your work ? Which society would you build if you had enough money to do it ?
The money&Society MOOC is answering these two first questions. The last one is more important . When a group of dedicated people are motivated to reach an objective, they reach it.
The main problem is to set up objectives that fits all !
No later than this afternoon I was stacked in the traffic jam behind a large 4 wheels drive vehicle. I don't understand how people can still buy this kind of car. Is it possible that they did not heard about climate change and the peak oil ? They have not and we are living on the same planet !
Setting up common goals for the society is really what counts. You probably heard some speeches from the ongoing presidential election and you can see how different we are !
I like Steemit for the freedom of expression it is bringing to us . I didn't quite understood how much money it will create and what will be the value of it, but if it is really becoming stronger, I would like us to dedicate this strength to help the ones who most need.
The solution is maybe to dispatch a universal dividend to all.

All the best,

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Very interesting! Just the kind of projects that the world sorely needs. Are you a part of OpenIdeo, or have a connection?
Maybe you want to help get them on Steemit, and try to do some fundraising.
There is a new Steemtrail account, non-profit-trail, that will be used for fundraising. I will be participating in that,and can submit your post if you want to do fundraising for OpenIdeo yourself, or better yet,get them on Steemit.

Yes, I am a member of OpenIDEO since november 2014 and I have submitted several ideas.
Yes, I will contact them to introduce Steemit with this post.
I will have a look at Steemtrail
If I can fundraise for OpenIDEO, I will be happy to do it . :)

Ah. I loved this. It's late and I'm going to bed - but I'll certainly look through this tomorrow.

Thank you, what would be cool is that Steemit sponsors a challenge for OpenIDEO ; something like " How cryptocurrency can help nonprofits to achieve their goals"

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