SMILE - It's free!

in positivity •  8 years ago 

Here's a post I am doing from my phone, because why not? I feel inspired lol.

SMILE - It's free!

Why is smiling so important? Because it shows that you radiate positivity! Being positive not only helps you, but it also helps the people around you! This morning I watched a video on Facebook that basically said "We control how we feel; therefore we choose our life." Our destiny is shaped by how we perceive the world believe it or not. The happier you are, and the more you do good for others, the more others will do good for you!

Life has a crazy way of giving back what you put into it. If you want to succeed, help others win! It's so basic, but yet I feel that we often forget this simple but big truth.

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Best words i've ever heard thank you for your wisdom my dear friend