What Do You See: A Steaming Pile or a Mountain of Potential Opportunity?

in positvity •  8 years ago  (edited)

Yeah, it’s like one of those simple line drawn illustrations that are optical illusions. You can gaze at it for a few seconds and you can see either see a young woman or an old woman. Or, like this one:

(Do you see a vase and two people facing each other? It’s a fairly easy one and I found it on Google, marked for re-use. I hope it brings a little smile to your face.)   

These things definitely teach us about perception and really, that things are not always as they seem at first glance. 

They remind us to take our time, look at the situation and really think for ourselves to come to our own discoveries and conclusions.

For the last 4 weeks, I have been passing by this pile of manure twice a day. It's sitting on the edge of a hay field and I was so amused by it, that I actually got out of my car so that I could take this picture.

(The Crappy Disclaimer: I don't know who the pile belongs to, so just for the record; I did not make it myself. I have purely been observing and admiring it, in all its glory.)   

In fact, every time I see this pile, I am filled with a sense of awe because of its potential and what I am witnessing going on within it.

Today, it was an incredibly beautiful hub of activity. I love that you can see the steam rising from it.

Shortly, this pile will be spread on the hay field where it will provide essential nutrients to the soil, and ultimately support new life. It’s powerful stuff.

While I’m at it with things that seem to be nothing more than a pile of crap, here’s another one:


(This is a picture that my sister took of her lunch the other day. Yes, it is actually food. It’s a Water-buffalo sausage!)

Allegedly it was delicious and was a nutritional dense source of protein, even though it looked like it should be sent to a lab for analysis. Her lunch picture continues to make us laugh every time we talk about it or look at the picture. (The presentation, using classic black and white paper, really sets up the plate appeal nicely.) 

I think it's fair to make a similar exercise out of using Steemit, as the subject matter. This platform has more to offer than one would think at first glance. 

So, I ask you: " Is it a steeming pile or a mountain of potential opportunity?" 

I welcome your comments on the subject. 

(I personally think it's a fascinating topic for intellectual discussion.) 


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This is such an interesting post, I like the creativity in photography which is so often accepted as what it is

Thanks for commenting @anthonyjerrigo. It's not that often, that one gets to witness a steaming pile, in full action. In fact, most people wouldn't think it could produce any activity.

I see STEEMing piles in full action all the time over the last few weeks... ;)

Funny! Me too. lol

LOL i totally thought that was a piece off poop!!! I like the "perspective" analogy (I believe) Your implying. Nice job this fun and interesting. I gave you a big up-vote and follow:D I post fun stuff on steemit please return the favor :D

Hahaha! Makes me laugh every time I look at it! Yes, it's all about perspective. Thanks for commenting. I am following you. Let's enjoy life, laugh and really live. ;)

I think it depends on each individual, on how one view things, situations, life. Maturity also comes into play, experiences, wisdom, mentality.

Thanks for your comment @immarojas. I agree that life experience often form our perception of something as our minds try to related new or different sensory input. As a child, I would have related a pile of manure to stinky animal waste that should generally be avoided. As an adult, I'm interested in fermentation, composting and how organisms work, so this pile became interesting and worthy of further study.

true ;) back home as a child, these are being used as compost for flowering plants in the backyard. waste nothing as they say.

I laughed out loud several times here, thank you!

Perfect @natureofbeing! Exactly what was intended. :)