Non verbal communication

in possibility •  7 years ago 

Communication isn’t just about talking or sending words across to the other person. Even before you started talking, the moment you present yourself physically, you are making a statement. Human’s first reaction when seeing another human, is to make silent judgement. First impression is made in just 1/10th of a second, equivalent to 5ms. That means in a blink of an eye, you had made some kind of conclusion on the other party. From the body language to the dressing, all the way to evaluating your intellectual level, all these are completed in a short 7 seconds. Even trustworthiness is judged in the first 100ms of meeting a complete stranger. 

Is it possible to strike that great first impression? Yes it is and all it takes is just practices. 

Practice your vocal intonation, good body language and great choices of words for an impactful impression in a safe and encouraging environment. Remember to find a mentor to guide you through the process 😉

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