Why the vegan movement attracts terrible people

in post •  7 years ago  (edited)


There can be a lot of health benefits to having a vegan diet. Some choose to be a vegan because of just that and others do it because it's 'virtuous.' The latter type of people think they are doing good by animals by not wanting them killed for us to eat when in fact they are run-of-the-mill radical left activists who want to dominate the agricultural industry in a Maoist style 'great leap forward' which starved out around 30 million people.

With leftist organization like PETA and the Animal Liberation Front (whose website resembles something that of the IRA meets ISIS) who are naturally collectivists that only see people by what group they're in and not their individuality. They only recognize life as being with eyeballs, a nose, mouth and a central nervous system. They do not see plants as living things that feel pain like animals or humans. That means the radical vegan leftists are phony, virtue signaling fake empaths who pretend they are the awakened seers of consciousness that want to spread their lack filled brains to everyone else.

Did you know that the pleasant smell you smell when the lawn if freshly mowed is actually the chemicals the grass release that signal distress (see "feel pain" link above)? That's right! There have been many studies that conclude that plants are capable of communicating with other plants, hearing, talking, crying (or the human equivalent of) and sharing nutrients with other plants. Plants may not posses a central nervous system but that does not mean they have any less of a desire to live than humans or animals.

Plants know when they are being eaten by bugs and when their leaves are being chopped off but the radical vegan activists do not have the empathy of the small town Midwestern housewife who tends to the garden and talks to her plants. I will go so far to say that leftists have no empathy at all! If they are willing to endorse the only ideology that's worse than Nazism (communism) and has killed the most people in the history of the planet then their agenda is not even close to be driven by empathy.

Veganism sucks in the the arrogant, unemphatic, charlatan parasites that want to take over peoples' lives under the guise of saving animals. Tell me how that goes when dear and rabbits eat all of your lettuce in your garden.

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