Welcome everyone to my blog today, I'm really happy to be writing this achievement 2 which is all talking about security. In this case, I have observed that when handling with STEEM you need to know the uses of some vital keys which includes; Active key, memo keys, private posting keys and many others). Thanks very much @frank03, for carefully tutoring me up about this task. Also a very big thanks @cryptokannon for this opportunity to be among the wonderful Steemians.
Security can be define as the act of protecting some ones goods, organization, company, factory, building or a country against threats such as crime or evil attacks.
SECURITY in STEEMIT talks about the measures set aside by the Organization to guide and control the privacy policy of its members. In order to guide and control the privacy of the members, there was need to develop some permission keys which have different usage, and only known to the owner.
The five permission keys in steemit are active key, owner key and posting key.
Below is a little explanation about the steemit keys.
Active means engaging in physically energetic pursuit. The Active Key can do almost all functions the Owner Key can do with the account, except for changing the Owner Key itself. However, it's main ability is for confirmation of the transaction done in Steemit.
A memo is a type of document used to communicate with others in the same Organization. A memo key is the only key that is specifically in encrypting( encryption is the process of converting information or data into codees), and decrypting( decryption is the process of converting an encrypted message back to its original form). Private messages sent and received via your Steemit account.
The owner key means to be in control of some thing that belongs to you. The owner permission key gives you free gate pass to access your Steemit account anytime. This key gives you access to change other keys, and it is one of the most important keys in Steemit.
Post Is a piece of writing, image, or other items of content published online, typically on a blog, social media, website or an application. Posting is the major activity performed with this key, but it has uses which includes; up voting(showing support) and down voting (demotion), selecting who to and who not to follow in Steemit.
Master is a skilled practitioner of a particular art or activity. The master key rises above other permission keys, and it's designed to perform special activities like changing of other keys. It is also called Steemit Password, because it influences other keys and rests at the top of the chain.
Every body has different ways to secure their keys, based on their point of view. But the most important here, is that you must make sure your key is secured.
After @Frank03 created my account, he told me to make sure I keep my details safe. Immediatey I copied my master key and other keys to my Gmail account were I can have access to it even if my phone unfortunately gets missing. Also, I locked my PDF reader with a strong password to prevent fraudster from getting into it.
Firstly, click on the round Icon that covers your profile, when it shows different options, then you click on wallet and sign in to your wallet.
Secondly, You click on your Steemit balance.
Thirdly, Click on transfer in the options that displayed when you clicked on your Steemit balance.
Fourthly, Insert the username of the person you want to transfer to, and the amount you will like to transfer to the person, then click on next and confirm the transfer.
Firstly, You click on the icon that cover your profile.
Secondly, You login to your wallet.
Thirdly, You click on your Steem balance.
Fourthly, Click on power up in the options that displayed when you clicked on your Steem balance
Fifthly, Insert the amount you will like to power up then click on power up and confirm the transaction.
I have come to know the different keys involved in Steemit and also have known my in and out of my Steemit wallet.
Thank y'all for reading my achievement 2 post, I hope you find it so interesting.
Special thanks to @frank03, for his effort and assistance, not excluding, @amad
Best regards to;