The Post Was Hidden Due to Low Ratings.

in post •  8 years ago 

No it wasn't.
It was hidden because someone downvoted it.
Call a spade a damn shovel why don't ya?
Honesty is the best policy.

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you sir, are correct.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

How can you tell someone flagged your post?

little flaggy thing.

There should be a feature that if someone down votes an article, they must comment and leave a reason. It's frustrating when you get downvoted for no reason.

naw..too many rules.
if you don't like someone
mute them
that'll wipe wipe them off of the face of the earth
as far as you're concerned.
let em talk to themselves.
you don't have to listen.

That's a good policy. Not everyone agrees on everything. I usually don't click on posts I don't agree with. I definitely down' downvote people. Kind of like TV, you can turn the channel. :)

right..and if i REALLY don't like something...I apply 'parental control' (mute)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment