Minoritas Islam di Asia Tenggara 1/Islamic minorities in Southeast Asia 1

in post •  6 years ago  (edited)

Berikut adalah jumlah populasi umat Islam di negara - negara Asia Tenggara yang manyoritas penduduknya bukan beragama Islam


Jumlah Penduduk:15.000.000 Jiwa
Jumlah Populasi Islam:500.000 Jiwa
Kawasan Muslim:Provinsi Kampong Cham
Suku Muslim Kamboja:Suku Melayu Cham
Asal Usul:Kerajaan Islam Champa


Source Image
Masjid Agung Al-Serkal, Phnom Penh

The following is the number of Muslim populations in Southeast Asian countries where the majority of the population is non-Muslim


Population:15,000,000 people
Total Population of Islam:500.000 soul
Muslim Area:Kampong Cham Province
Cambodian Muslim Tribe:Tribe Melayu Cham
Origins:Kingdom of Islamic Champa


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