Celebrating Rebecca Horn’s Radical Experiments in Movement and ChanceAt the age of 21, after damaging her lungs through prolonged exposure to toxic materials at art school, Rebecca Horn spent a year convalescing. Confined to her sick bed, she began experimenting with prosthetics and restrictive choreographies, eventually going on to develop the series ‘Body Extensions’ (1968–ongoing). An early example, documented in a photograph, depicts a nude woman bound in red fabric bandages that extend down from her arms and seemingly anchor her to the ground (Arm Extensions, 1968). In the catalogue for her 1977 exhibition ‘Drawings, Objects, Video, Films’ at Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, Horn described the arms as ‘isolation columns’ while her body is ‘crisscrossed like a mummy; all movements became impossible’. Shaped through the prism of youthful illness, Horn’s understanding of bodily movement instigated a career-long reckoning with corporeal limitations.
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