Post covid USA

in postcovid •  4 years ago 

I am not sure if we can truly call the world of today post-covid just yet. But roll with it with me, will ya?

America and Americans are very gregarious, social and fun loving people and spend most of their time in company of others. Asking a people like that to stop living their life like they have lived for centuries and adopt a new way has not been easy. So once CDC recommended vaccinated people can start to get together socially, first in outside settings and later inside too, has been a welcome gesture.

I find myself in a unique position- I am a physician- first responder, a mom- kids in junior high, business owner- I own a restaurant, hospital administrator- I am the chief of finance of my health group. I will try and present my POV in each setting.

2020 was a year where many of our patients and society in general appeared to be in awe of us and the work we do. Our job had always been dangerous, I remember during HIV and AIDS pandemic, hubs and I were always worried about a needle stick, we were still in Med schools and then residencies, planning a family. Our jobs required taking care of trauma patients with multiple gunshot wounds in south side of Chicago- notorious for gang violence. Life was dangerous, contracting HIV was a real possibility and it was considered a long slow death sentence. Fortunately we have some great treatment options now. I don’t remember general population caring or understanding the risk of being in medicine in those days. COVID has been an interesting disease, people have been very informed and disease has stayed in news on a daily basis- 24/7. I am not sure if it was due to political reasons , the dramatic press conference our then president conducted or stay at home orders. As we have made our way into 2021, a fatigue has set in and a general “I don’t care anymore” attitude is quite apparent. I have noticed a general increase in impatience, care on demand and feeling of entitlement. Social factors and frustration I understand has a lot to do with this human behavior. Mental health issues are now my most common chief complaint that needs to be addressed. I have referred more patients to counseling and started on anti anxiety/ antidepressants than ever before. I pray this is temporary and not a start of drug addiction and suicide/ homicide pandemic in US/ the world. Another aspect is medical conditions that were left untreated due to scare of COVID, are now to the point of either being very advanced requiring multiple surgeries or becoming non treatable. That saddens me the most.

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