Hi! We're Postlib!!!

in postlib •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hey Hey Steemites!

I'm Amor!

And I'm Adam!

Though we're separated by a continent [and ocean] we make up part of the close-knit Postlib crew - we're a bunch of entrepreneurs, techies, small business owners, bloggers, intellectuals, and all-round polymaths.  We believe that technology and entrepreneurship are a force for good.  We believe in the radical democratization of money-based systems and see both the internet and software revolution as fundamental to human advancement and thoroughly reject the concept that "some must die so that others may eat".


We can't even begin to say how stoked we are to see Steemit go beta (and live)!  Media, here and abroad, has become centralized among the powers that be trapping writers, intellectuals, information, and intellect into tightly controlled systems of informational and educational asymmetry (which represents something completely against the philosophical foundations of the open web and open source software revolution) and which, at this stage in history, represents a systemic problem inducing tremendous entropy!

Steem represents the current culmination of those principles that we hold dear and it's truly awesome to see so many like-minded autodidacts, creatives, intelligentsia, and digerati joining together, leveraging the free-market, in an openly democratic, healthy, community of incredible people. We love nothing more than seeing others striking out into the great unknown, embracing life, human potential, and flourishing! 

You have built it and we have come :) [Adam's from Iowa so a throwback to Field of Dreams seems appropriate hehe]


A little more about us - Adam's a fullstack engineer working at a couple early-stage to series A software startups, dabbling in poetry, and providing geostrategic consulting:

By far the more interesting of us (and by far the better half) is Amor:

Fashionista, small business owner (tasty delectable treats/clothing trendsetter), and model by day - super mom by day and night (I have no idea how she does it all! - Adam)

Adam dabbles in a little analytic philosophy and is hoping to join a dual PhD program soon - he thinks I'm the true uber-"mensch" (which he says is really where Nietzsche got it wrong hehe).

You can check out Adam's website and give him an email, text, or ring at: Stackchampion


We've been in cryptocurrencies for a while and were actually in the process of putting together a small tech blog for educational, software, finance, cryptocurrency, and intellectual use when we heard about Steem! Super stoked to integrate and help out - right now our blog's currently in beta but we hope to either (A) post content here directly from it and/or (B) integrate in some other fashion. We see platforms like Steemit as a mechanism to generate superior content managed through free-market forces while simultaneously seamlessly enabling small blogs to enter into a rich ecology of thinkers both increasing the content equity of those services while providing a win-win solution for small bloggers.  We would love to hear from you (Adam's got that philosophy and debate background so he loves to chat and discuss cordially) and hope to provide a wide range of awesome content through Steem in the future.

Feel free to check out the progress of our little project at postlib


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Hi what's up? :-)
I'm Martin the curator and this post has:

  • Techies
  • Sexy people
  • Deepness
  • Positive feeling and colors

Analysis: Trending


Hey (it's Adam hehe), thanks! Super stoked! Sorry about the graphical effects... we're still getting the hang of this :)

Your link is dead. http://www.postlib.com%21
does not exist
Have fun man!

Thanks for the tip :)

Here's one back!


  ·  8 years ago (edited)


Hey! Thanks man. Also, I know the information's a bit formulaic but there's a lot more to come - some personal content and a lot more substantive examples - how to build a web app, how to integrate a site within postlib (once we figure that out), etc. First post woot!

We've both been through a lot and have found the community here to supportive, inspiring, and pretty amazing :)