The Scoop On Nietzsche #6: Real World Impact

in postlib •  8 years ago  (edited)

The Scoop On Nietzsche



"The End of History and the Last Man" was a New York Times Bestseller written by Francis Fukuyama back in the 90’s (Francis routinely makes the shortlist for most influential people in America – Fukuyama’s a political scientist who taught at Stanford and Johns Hopkins and his been instrumental in shaping US policy). Fukuyama was extremely influential in the formation of the Neoconservative moment back in the early 1990’s and helped to architect the (notorious?) Project for the New American Century (PNAP) that laid the framework for the invasion of Iraq.

Take a good look at “The End of History and the Last Man” – it’s a solid read (though you may walk away vehemently disagreeing). His characterization of Nietzsche is pretty brilliant and accurate and he talks openly about embracing the End of History (a term denoting the end of political evolution which has resulted in the triumph of Liberal – capitalist – Democracy; indeed he thinks it’s inevitable wrapped up in Hegelian philosophy as he is) even though it comes at the price of bringing about the Last Man and the eventual disappearance of Masters.

He came back later with a follow-up concerning the role of technology that I'd highly recommend: "Our Posthuman Future".

Whatever you think of Nietzsche, he’s been extremely influential on all sorts of people and his ideas have had far reaching, real-world, consequences. Dangerous, brilliant, and far-seeing – everyone’s tried to pilfer something from his work in the advancement of their agendas, causes, and ideas.

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