Like many other popular industries, the music industry needs constant innovation. Potentiam system offers a unique opportunity for the decentralized use of music as a whole. The basis of the system is Potentiam Core that is a closed social network uniting composers and performers. Within its framework, they can advertise their talents, and also unite for productive cooperation, creating full-fledged groups and interesting projects. Moreover, Potentiam offers participants a full-fledged studio for producing content with the necessary tools for recording, editing and other needs.
Participants receive all necessary management tools and manage their content themselves with the use of copyright, which can be registered with both through Potentiam and off-platform. Potentiam allows users to profitably earn on their content through the implementation of:
• digital sales, for example, in iTunes and other similar systems;
• physical sales, for example, by releasing CDs;
• licenses that allow using copyright music in advertising, films and other projects;
• permission to reproduce tracks, for example, on radio or television.
In addition to the fact that the copyright system operates in Potentiam effectively and officially, users can regulate its share. When a completed file is downloaded in a user's directory, then the rights to it belong exclusively to this user. In the case where the work of the whole team was involved, the share of copyright is distributed at the discretion and agreement of the parties involved in the creation. If someone tries to use an author's content, Potentiam system will request a license for use and only after that the operation will become possible.
Thus, de-centralization of the music industry will help participants around the world to become closer, and for young, talented performers - to express themselves. At the same time, Potentiam allows music performers to profitably sell their talent and significantly reduce marketing and management costs.
When the project was at the stage of development, clear, reliable calculations were made to prove that Potentiam functions will indeed be in demand around the world. Thus, the marketing costs of music executors this year amounted to more than $40 million, and the FaceBook network spent more than $25 million. Thus, blockchain technologies integrated into the field of social marketing make it more perfect and significantly reduce the costs of participants.
Also, the platform releases its own PTM tokens, which are the means of circulation within its framework. In total, it is decided to issue 100 000 000 tokens, 60% of which will be available for sale during crowdsale.
The general distribution of tokens is as follows:
• 60% - for crowdsale;
• 25% - for the project team;
• 6% - for further development;
• 5% for research;
• 3% - for the Bounty program;
• 1% - for the advisers.
Thus, Potentiam platform enables music performers around the world to protect their copyrights, to unite for projects, to sell the results of their talent and to become more popular without huge marketing expenses with the help of blockchaun technologies.
White Paper: