Ruminations on Poverty

in poverty •  7 years ago 

Poverty is rampant in our society and is on the rise. Why there is such discrepancy between the haves and have not’s is almost not important anymore; certainly not as important as the discussion and action that is necessary to reverse the trend towards hardship and income inequality. Current systems are not designed for poverty reduction whatsoever. As a matter of fact poverty reduction or income equality as some may refer is not even considered in the monetization of the planet and our natural resources. Those with the funds remove natural resources from the less fortunate or impoverished in order to benefit from their artificial worth. Very few people actually benefit from corporate raping of the land and its resources, especially as more and more automation come into play. One man on a tree harvester today replaces 25 men on chainsaws and over 200 men using axes. As more and more automation come’s online cutting corporate costs of an employee, poverty reduction ideologies will have to move outside the once normal channels for personal and financial advancement. A McJob is just not going to cut it. Persons who are depending on current systems to look after them and carry them too and through retirement are in most cases not going to find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but likely more debt and older retirement ages if retirement is an option at all.

Current poverty reduction strategies therefore are not likely to prove effective as long as antiquated colonial ideals remain prevalent in understanding human needs. A paradigm shift in systems thinking and resource management systems are absolutely required. Systems that have been in place for decades sometimes even centuries do not accurately reflect the needs of people and the technologies that exist to service the requirements of the people of a modern society. As with everything else, time changes ideals, concepts, laws, and virtually every other aspect of society. Monetary systems need to change to keep pace with the changing needs of society and the people who occupy the planet that are trying to coexist peacefully. A stress-less peaceful existence is impossible as long as a status quo of inequality remains intact and vibrant in society drowning out the voices of understanding, humanity, love, and consciousness for one another’s needs. People who are happy in their homes and lives with their families are productive in society and are not a burden upon society’s resources which are scarce. Responsible use, dissemination, and return for energy’s input on resources are necessary and must be understood so that maximum benefit can be obtained for each individual dependent upon natures resources. Resources and information are community systems that must be shared openly and freely between all those who wish to have information so everybody can learn equally and from each other and expand understanding much faster than working alone in smaller groups trying to do things independently. Teamwork is essential in the new sustainable communities of the future. Materialism is wasteful, unnecessary and serves no purpose except to keep people enslaved to an endless cycle of purchasing things they cannot afford or need. It is hard to imagine that under the current system poverty could ever be eradicated. The power imbalances and systems rules do not allow for the underprivileged or downtrodden to escape their social and financial shackles very easily. At minimum wage most families are better off on social assistance and, thus, often play the system with one working under the table while the other secures an apartment and a medical card. I am not sure how a system that is so inadequate can be expected to function appropriately.

It is the responsibility of the people to ensure that they have the very best for their needs possible. The government is not concerned about the welfare of their citizens. They are only concerned about the welfare they are forced to pay under the current economic model. These are ridiculous systems that just do not work. Education has to be the first concern of all citizens. Without education the underprivileged remain deposed of the satisfaction and happiness that is derived from a healthy comfortable existence. If everybody is educated everybody benefits, there is no reason for people to have bad or incorrect information to guide them. It is the responsibility of academics everywhere to ensure they work collectively to ensure that information is good and has been verified. Citizens who are informed are a powerful lobby of intellects that work collectively to problem solve. Poorly informed or uninformed citizens do not take ownership, voice opinions or care. As Socrates stated “There is but one good, Knowledge. And but one evil, Ignorance.” Words that must not be forgotten, ignorance is the cause of most of society’s problems. It is the single biggest thing we must do collectively as a species is to ensure each of us is as educated as possible so we can all flourish. There is no reason for students to leave high school with a diploma and a grade three reading level. We cannot allow our future to be decided by a few, this is the direction we have taken where the many are ruled by the few and the few are very well educated indeed. Of course most of societies wealth is concentrated within this few, a meager 2% of the population of the earth hold 80% of the wealth. This is a ridiculous statement, but it is accurate. There is no reason for this and is entirely because poorly educated citizens allow this to take place. Let’s be clear, you cannot have wealth if you do not have poverty in a monetary system, it just isn’t possible. If money were distributed evenly there would no point to have it. The main function of money is wealth, and the main reason wealth is desired is power, nothing else. Money is not required to live, it is meant to enslave. One must understand, money is created for you out of thin air when you borrow it but you are forced to work and pay back this loan with real money and interest. Meanwhile this same money was loaned to many others all who have to pay back the loan with real money and interest acquired from their real work. This is an impossible game to beat if you are not the house dealer. The recent 2013 budget released by the Newfoundland government clearly shows that government is not looking out for society’s better interest either with cuts to education and health while pursuing a multi-billion mega hydro project that makes about as much sense as Barney played backwards. There is never a good reason to cut education. Education above all else must not only be maintained but also enhanced at every opportunity, but most importantly, education must be free to everyone. This is difficult when your loyalties are to the almighty dollar, materialism, and the vested interests of multi-national corporations and not the well-being of society or its citizens as a whole. Cutting education, as incomprehensible as that may be, is the standard and not the exception in many places now as all levels of government local to federal struggle to maintain the systems of waste so prevalent in many societies today. Corporate tax cuts only exacerbate the problem as tax revenue collected often does not offset the damage done by the industry with the final bill left to the citizens as government steps in.

As a collective it is time to understand that the policies of governments of the world almost never reflect public opinions. Even when public opinion is overwhelming on one side of an issue; governments more often than not follow party policy as opposed to public sentiment. How is this beneficial for the mass of citizens if their views are not considered when forming government policy? How can we even consider this democratic? We have all heard “If you want something done right you have to do it yourself.” It is not reasonable to expect elected politicians to act collectively in an adversarial system designed to treat each other badly and act like spoiled children. It is up to reasonable people to look after themselves and stop relying on a system that is designed to let them down. Education is the answer to society’s issues. Without education we rely on others to make decisions in our best interest. Unfortunately governments around the world have proven time and time again they are not making decisions for their citizen’s as much as they are making decisions for their nation; they are not the same thing. While governments worldwide partake in these international games citizens suffer as essential services are cut or diminished to pay for war machines and exorbitant overlapping waste.

The first action that must be taken by society to ensure health, safety, productivity, happiness and prosperity is to make sure education is free and accessible to anybody willing to learn regardless of their sex, age, religion nationality, social status, personal preferences or beliefs. Corporate influences must be removed from academia entirely and information accurate and updated regularly. Socio-political structures must reflect the needs and dreams of the citizens and understand that there are things more valuable than the almighty dollar. Social Media is a powerful tool if used properly to disseminate important information en masse and will likely be the tool we use as broadcasting interests in today’s society means we are routinely being bald faced lied to. All of mainstream media from advertisements to the news is loaded with half-truths, omissions, and complete fabrications. People are a better source of information than organizations, especially when they are educated and socially conscious. Materialism must be replaced with a social conscious where it is understood that in order for us to succeed we must do it together. The pace set for today’s western society does not allow for the people/family connections we once had. We must reverse the line of thinking that allows us to sit in front of a computer while the television or internet comfort, console and educate our children. It must be us, the parents that answer the questions our children ask. As a community we fill the gaps until knowledge is universal and understood by everybody. This is not possible in a society such as the one which traps us today. Parents cannot afford to spend 60 hour weeks at the office to make a living while children raise themselves without guidance and overt constant love. We cannot afford to constantly seek differences and must focus on what we all have in common. Lines of any kind only serve to differentiate and provoke. We must learn to understand we are all the same; there are no lines between us except the ones we create. Where ever you draw a line you create the environment necessary to diminish people and eventually provoke a reaction. Provocation over lines leads to argument, dissent, and eventually conflict. Conflict is almost always avoidable and should not take the place of a healthy argument. There is absolutely nothing wrong with different ideas which must be given as much credence and opportunity to sway us and help us to evolve before we shoot it down arbitrarily. With this sort of social conscious we can not only eliminate poverty but social hierarchy so people work together for the common weal of each other, and the planet.

Einstein’s definition of insanity was stated as doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. What we have been doing over and over again to support people, reduce poverty and increase wealth in society has not been working for a very long time and it’s time to try something new. Current economic models and financial systems do not take into account creating wealth for the poor; they are only designed to store wealth for those that are already wealthy. A Resource Based Community (RBC) type model, or some hybrid of an RBC, must be the thinking of the future if we hope to get the most value out of our limited resources with the least amount of wastage and with the greatest benefit for society with education and health as the most important focus for citizens.

Concept Hybrid Resource Based Economy (RBC)


A true resource-based economy like those proposed in the Venus Project, the brainchild of futurist Jacques Fresco, and the Resource-based Community model proposed by Mitch Jacobs for sustainable communities and nature preserves, and so on, are at the very least decades away from realization. A hybrid system that combines resource community-based principles of sustainability with the ability to still function within the confines of today’s financial systems would be an important transition point in the evolution of communities of people. Some would say that de-evolution is required from our materialistic nature which is destroying the planets natural resources at the expense of our well-being. Remember, these concepts are not a throwback to the Bronze Age. It is not responsible for society to regress intellectually or technologically, but it is necessary for us to use our technology better and instill understanding, compassion, and common sense into our intellect. With today’s technologies resource-based communities can have all the conveniences of a modern society with internet, electric lights, indoor plumbing, and heat operated by a thermostat. Conveniences should not be the issue we have the technology to be comfortable, live healthy, and respect our natural resources at the same time. The point here is to minimize outflow of finite resources. So needs that have to be meat with money today can be afforded without loss of valued inputs to save money. Quality of food, or which bill to pay should never have to be negotiated.

In a Hybrid Resourced Based Community Model the basic needs of life and health are met by the individual and their family as much as their available resources allow. We cannot afford to profit from the necessities of life such as food, clothing, shelter, education or health care. If you're profiting from the necessities of life, someone is suffering because of it. With arable land and a home that is built well and affordable using self-sustaining features people can free themselves from a constant stress load that hinders creativity and diminishes their capacity to truly be productive. Everybody benefits when creativity and productivity are driven by passion instead of desperation. Cash and virtual money are only useful to acquire the things you need when your needs are not met, money itself is not warm and does not taste very good. Once basic needs are met and the overall stress level is reduced personal growth and society will flourish.

One thing a Resourced Based Society will have to do away with is Planned Obsolescence¹. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever to pay people to make sure things break on cue when they could be building things that never break or in the case of electronics are easily upgradeable and obsolete parts are recycled in their entirety. Planned Obsolescence is one of the craziest ideas ever for a planet with finite resources but is standard practice for every major manufacture in the world. It is not a coincidence your television breaks 60 days after the warranty is over. Resources must not be wasted, with goods built to last or upgradeable in the case of technology. Resources cannot be sold off for profit. Short term wealth does not replace the long term security those resources could provide. In Newfoundland we cut and sold enough wood to build every person in the province a dozen homes each. We now import most of our lumber from the Maritimes and Upper Canada so we can build homes at twice the cost with exorbitant mortgages. Citizens that were once allowed to catch a Cod Fish anytime they wanted are relegated to a twice a year fishery with tiny limits because our government allowed commercial fisherman, domestic and foreign, to empty the ocean for short term profits. Who won? Is this how we want our finite resources managed? Who benefits from such actions besides the wealthy? Is it intelligent for an Island people to depend on mainland resources such as food? With a three day ferry delay for weather store shelves on Newfoundland Island are decimated. Meanwhile, farmland that had been worked for centuries is being dug up and spread an inch thick over rocks to grow a substandard lawn removing the soils ability to remain nutrient rich and be productive. The world is losing topsoil at an alarming rate. Newfoundland is not noted for its available arable land yet here we are digging up this valuable resource and spreading it over lawns. The least productive, yet most wasteful type of plant growth humans partake in on the planet. In a RBC type of economy this would never be allowed to happen. Resources are used responsibly and for the benefit of all citizens. Green areas should be just that, areas where people can grow herbs and vegetables. Large areas within parks and housing projects where lawns are now maintained and barely walked on gardens could and should be instituted. As demand grows more areas would be set aside for this very important community initiative. One half acre can produce a lot of food. Imagine many of these half acre lots all over the city. Fruit trees such as apples and plums should be planted instead of cedars and other ornamental's that grow poorly in our climate and soil. With climate change opportunity for other crops such as grapes are now viable options. Let’s keep our options open.

Poverty will not likely ever be solved within the framework of the current system we are forced to work. The opportunity and equality required does not exist as status quo is desired by the wealthy. The best chance we have to eliminate poverty and empower people is to look outside today's systems for alternative methodologies.

Some Reasons for poverty

  1.  Unfair distribution of wealth
  2.  Primary education system inadequate for majority of students
  3.  Secondary education systems are unattainable for most students parents
  4.  Most students who complete post-secondary education have large debt load
  5.  Minimum wage inadequate on many levels
  6.  Early debt load is carried through life with more added. Cycle of debt created.
  7.  Dropouts and High School only students often earn too little to break debt cycle, 
       or suffer from poor money management skills while earning better wages.
  8.  Social status beliefs keep persons from reaching their full potential.
  9.  Financial systems unfairly benefit higher income persons. 
  10. Inability to attain land forever cycles low income persons in a mountain of debt
    through renting that never allows them to save enough to get real property to break
    the cycle. Real property is essential for personal freedom and social sustainability.

Some Solutions for poverty

  1.  Land, everybody has to have land. With as little as ½ acre (1 acre is best) of 
       mostly arable land and a house that is paid people need very little to carry 
       themselves and thrive. Self-sustainability is essential for growth and happiness. 
       Happiness is essential to success.
  2.  Education, this has to be free and available to everybody and delivered in a 
      more tailored fashion. Parents have to be more involved and more would be if 
      the was more time and less financial stress.
  3.  Financial equity must be attained. Corporation’s profit margins are extreme 
       and unfairly distributed especially considering who’s actually earning the money.
  4.  The minimum wage is a disgrace and must be adjusted to reflect the real 
       cost of living.  As long as a monetary system is in place wages must be fair.
  5.  We must shift society from a financial materialistic based system, to a community 
       resource based system.
  6.  The technology exists now to free home owners from reoccurring hydro bills and 
  7.  Exploiting natural resources and exporting them for profit has to stop and resources 
       must be saved for the needs of  those who own them, the people. By people we mean 
       people globally, the needs of nations and industry use 85% of all resources and 
       massive amounts of those resources go to feed global disruption through military 
  8.  The people need access to any and all information generated when they want/need 
       it to encourage growth, idea generation and mutual understanding.
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