A generic Advent Calendar usually consists of 24 windows with a secret content to be revealed each day until Christmas Day.
The theme of this year’s Swedish calendar is power through magic. Each window gives a clue to how magic is weaved. Like the song in the first window, the calendar starts in a humoristic flair, then touches on the big structures of power which hold societies together in its current order, and then gets dead serious when it unearths abuse in recent history, where it is least expected. This obscure mosaic ends in spectacular fashion as the author is forced to explain his work to the Swedish police after they try to break in to his apartment.
Window 13. 3 Reasons Labour Lost.
(1) Brexit, (2) Brexit, I forgot the third. Voters do not understand why they should fight to stay in a bureaucratic union that has promoted anti-labour policies for decades. Ah! The third is the usual media bias, subtly in favour of the right.
Right-wing populists are accused of having provoked a ‘Seldon Crisis’ at a time when escalating risk of war, and catastrophic environmental outcomes require cooperation across the traditional national borders. I think Hari Seldon would have realized that these events only are the symptoms of the stagnation. People know that elite institutions are letting them down, exactly because they are designed to maintain status quo. A raised fist for the European bureaucracy when left-wing voters were looking for genuine alternatives, is signal politics designed to spark additional irritation among the constituency. Or just dumb.
The Song of the Day: Bananrepubliken by Vreeswijk (1980).
About the song: The song compares Sweden with a banana republic, and how it gets rid of all real socialists. In contrast with the song in window 1, the lyrics of this one are merciless from start. The song uses a scene from an extraordinary ordinary-looking banana transport with thorns under their skin – to capture unequal exchange, and the compliancy of the so-called left. When eaten, people suddenly change opinion, and everyone turns blue. The only bad thing with these sneaky bananas is their colour, yellow apparently did not appeal to the voters back then. The solution is given in the last phrase. Loosely translated: ‘Somethin else is needed to get a glow in each heart instead. Bananas are yellow… roses are red’.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/2cVymobb7NXV3UHNT6HlQp?si=NzUZBTpsSxShYpxFmxK1RQ
Background: This is how a US analyst perceived the altruism of the Government of Sweden 1978:
'SWEDES OFTEN TEND TO LOOK UPON FOREIGN AID AS A MORAL IMPERATIVE. THIS IS A PERCEPTION WHICH HAS BEEN SOLD TO THE POPULACE FOR OVER 20 YEARS (...) Swedes in and out of the government tend to see the world more in North/South than East/West terms (…) A corollary held by those most inclined to this view is that the conflicts of the future will tend to be fought over the world's exhaustible resources (…) Swedes believe the industrial countries must move toward assuring access to resources of the south if they are to maintain their standards of living in the long run.'
Source: https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1978STATE278426_d.html?fbclid=IwAR0Ty2gY2aXX6UvSMzOJ6N_hRcpPwSkJbkYvefuwNhASCoPzB2L-d4zAVtA
Window 14. They are Standing on the Shoulders of Dwarves – Art Vandelay and the Oppression.
In 90’s, the cult-series Seinfeld portrayed the pyknic and bald George Costanza, as a charlatan, who at the surface is the typical tragicomic figure. However, he is not some ordinary character that can be thrown in the dustbin of history to be forgotten – George is an iconic allegory for opportunism. George is mighty, he can pull off a middle-class life without any real skills. His super power is a complete lack of spine and a talent for worming himself into anyone’s favour.
The masterpiece of this connoisseur of the art of living, is Art Vandeley, CEO of Vandeley Industries, who he quickly invents to con someone about something trivial. The meta-humour is that Art Vandeley’s ‘importer-exporter’-business, is about as real as George’s real job. This incarnation stands side by side with Lagerkvist’s dwarf, who also is able to reflect the grotesque in his environment from his niche. It is here George Costanza becomes dead serious, because he manages to shrink to a level of indecency that is way lower than the casual mediocre bald-head. That sort of reflection is assuredly normal in a world where the Christmas Spirits seem to have suffered a complete regulatory capture by Scrooge, to humiliate ordinary people with a moral, which any lady with a golden piano would approve of. In his most stunted incarnation, he becomes a giant, because it is the only form capable to mirror the falsity of the system.
Under my time as a Ph.D. student at the department of Economics in Lund, I was sometimes treated like dirt by professors who could barely count, instead of receiving their advice. This would have been rather comical if these figures were not also published in rather foppish international journals. Not much of a scratch on the surface is needed to realise that several arguments in these publications could as well have been written by Art Vandeley. This is however not something that Lund or Sweden should be ashamed of in particular, because a significant part of mainstream Economics is complete rubbish from a theoretical point of view, i.e. it does not add up even if you agree to the assumptions! The fact that prizes are given to pure frauds in the name of Alfred Nobel has everything to do with George Costanza – smokes and mirrors to uphold a lie, which primarily benefits about 30 people who own as much as half of the world’s population.
Background: Nowadays there are plenty of sources across the political spectrum were Economic theory and empirical studies are picked apart, even among (so called) Nobel Prize laureates. One prominent figure in this regard is the market-friendly Steve Keen. See also Michael Hudson. Oxfam has provided reliable statistics and discussions about inequality for years. Lagerkvist is a Swedish Nobel Prize Laureate in literature who wrote The Dwarf.
Picture of St. Olof at Uppsala Cathedral, Sweden.
Source: digitaltmuseum.se
*Song of the Day: Falsk matematik by Peps Persson.
** Video of the Day: The Rise of Art Vandeley.
About the Song: Peps Persson is among other things a legendary Reggae musician. The song’s name is False Mathematics with the following self-explanatory chorus (roughly):
Should it really be that difficult to grasp.
That it’s false mathematics.
That makes the poor so poor and the rich so damn rich.
Each part starts with addition of a number, followed by addition of twice that number, starting from one. The pattern is broken with zeros at the end.
Lucka 15. A Dead Champion’s Speech.
One period of my life, when I had it good enough to contemplate fates where I was denied happiness, and I finally got a visit from a dead friend of the family. In a corner of a no-man’s-land, there was a dark house that a friend and I had to fight for our lives to get out from. He got the easy road, whereas I got a nightmare of a path which nearly kept me in the darkness in the middle of nowhere. When we go out, we took a Cabriolet to Mist Street, where I once had lived. Our dead friend stood at the door, and we asked him if he wanted a ride. The dead had been a member of the Chilean resistance, his life ended when he got murdered in Argentine through the intelligence cooperation the US-backed dictatorships had. A bohemian. He smiled and shook his head, and answered with the first expression in the following poem (Loosely translated):
I have seen and fought all battles
Travelled slower than life to behold and remember
Fought at the battle of man
Was standard bearer to the army produced by the century
Stood side by side with the greatest
Those who discovered the gate between present and future
Those who gave their lives for a time
Only the virtuous are capable to dream of
We fell
But comrade, it is written that we are reborn
Until suffering ends, and no longer invokes our wrath
- I think this is what he wanted to say. This took place when I started my studies in Lund 2003. No comments in terms of the supernatural by request.
Song of the Day: All Along the Watchtower.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/0Fnb2pfBfu0ka33d6Yki17?si=tS89kYcZSM-Ci0a2_sPMvA
Window 16. Democracy-Adapted Power in recent history.
Where are the facts consistent with the formula of power outlined the 12th of December? Before examining history, it is instructive to revisit the principles of the ghost-like power which is elegantly tailored to suit the rule of law. The formula is:
(i) There must be no incentives for the offenders to confess their manoeuvre.
(ii) The offence must be invisible to third parties.
(iii) There must be no incentives for the victim to make the offence public.
Rational offenders who want to be able to strike at any time and place in a democracy with a legal framework and (at least a façade of) social norms against harassment will have incentives to make social calibrations in accordance to the conditions above. Such a strategy combines versatility, obfuscation and range. The two first conditions are the simplest to relate to – a physical assault under the cloak of night fulfils (i) & (ii). However, it can be costly and technically very difficult to deter the victim from going to the police or at least speak about the offence, i.e. to fulfil requirement (iii) without violating (ii), e.g. by threatening the victim. Of course, the victims and the offenders could be alone – but such assumptions are not valid in general, which obviously would limit the scope and usefulness of such a hazy strategy.
A threat carried out with private information ensures that the target will be able to decipher it with information stored in memory, and it will therefore be invisible to others. The third condition is more readily satisfied with a somewhat vague message in order to ensure that confrontation with the offenders becomes futile. The idea is to devise the offence in such a manner that the victim will be seen as suspicious if he or she chooses to talk about the offence. A trivial example is to trash talk someone loudly without being too specific. It is about tuning in to the correct frequency or spectrum. One useful way of satisfying (iii) is to psych someone out in a manner that reminds of mental illness in order to stigmatize the victim if the abuse is made public.
Time has come to visit the 80’s, and the harassment the two Scandinavian whistle-blowers Ingvar Bratt (Bofors) and Odd Lindberg (Seal- hunting) endured, as describe by Haglunds (2009):
Bratt received threats over the phone. People spit after him and exaggerated rumors about his situation circulated. People avoided him on the street or turned their backs on him. A friend of Bratt recalls that a visible empty space formed around them in a crowded store. Lindberg’s situation is worse. His connections in the civil society are severed, and it becomes impossible to make new business contacts. His whole family is targeted: His wife gets spit on the face and yelled at work. His children’s recreational and school activities derail, and they have trouble getting friends. His house is stained in red. Posters where his head is damaged by a hunting weapon are put on display, and he receives death threats over the phone. Lindberg sees people signaling headshots against the temple with their hands, apparently everywhere. (Haglunds 2009, p.200-217).
These are mere cantrips compared to the majestic illusions contemporary social structure relies on, such as corporate media and the financial system. Nevertheless, these modes of social violence are necessary when the mechanics of the system are insufficient to ensure obedience. These histories also hint suffering in silence. The principles, victims unaware of abuse.
Haglunds, M. Enemies of the People – Whistle-Blowing and the Sociology of Tragedy. Stockholm Studies in Sociology (38).
*Song of the Day: State & Capital by Ebba Grön
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4bofKUmzk2mYjUlsL3NVeF?si=jqit2iUnSeuf54YoeQ5Fvw
About the Song: It is about corporatism, the alliance between the state and the business community. Among other things, the State & Capital do not want anyone to think there is something wrong with the work process, and when things go wrong, they want everything to be treated ‘as an ordinary case of illness that can be remedied by the merciful rehabilitation treatment’ (roughly translated).
Window 17. When the Illusion is caught on Tape.
Yesterday’s historical visit opened a window to some lower-level illusions that were implemented by significant parts of the local community. The witch hunt was triggered by a media campaign that assuredly was initiated by powerful interests, who framed the leaks in terms of threats to the economy (Haglunds, 2009). Because democracy-adapted power by its nature usually is invisible, we must shift focus to places where there is a greater likelihood to spot the phenomenon. If the analogy with what happened in Bofors and the seal-hunting is correct, then such favorable conditions should be located where power has bought the whole place.
Nicholas Shaxon, author of Treasure Islands, has spent a considerable part of his career scrutinizing such places. His work departs from the US shadow empire, and the hidden British Empire, which is the natural progression from its old territory. If you think about how media usually reports tax avoidance for a moment, it is often in terms of new disclosures about corruption, which the police and tax authorities presumably can correct now that the bad guys have been exposed. Sometimes police or bank clerks are allowed to convey that they did not quite know what was going on. In reality, tax havens are the foundation of the modern empires. Shaxon estimates that about half of the world trade goes through these. All big financial institutes are in this one way or another.
The financial flows of the empires are made invisible in these nodes, it is here that the great illusion is weaved, it is here the exploitation of the underdeveloped world starts to count as legitimate by the institutions that are the cornerstones of the global financial system.
However, as Shaxon and others have argued since the dawn of finance, even the employees (e.g. in the UK and the US) lose on the ever increasing power of finance capital, and its demands which do not coincide with the interests of the majority.
In Jersey, one the islands of the British shadow empire, Stuart Syvret chose to disclose infernal corruption. The local society’s institutions reacted as tools to silence him with a variety of harassment. For a short background to the harassment, see from 48:50, from 49:20 if you want to jump to some previous attacks before the one that is caught on film when Syvret gives his testimony about how abuse of power is carried out from 50:08.
As the whistle-blower literature shows, the consequence for the victim is at times a transformation that Nathaniel Hawthorne once so vividly expressed as: ‘A person who should entertain an idea of suicide, and, altogether beyond his hopes, meet with the good hap to be murdered’ (Introduction to the Scarlet Letter by Brenda Wi?apple).
I am lucky to be an incurable optimist.
Video of the Day: The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire (Documentary)
**Song of the Day: To Beat the Devil by T Bone Burnett.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/3gF8wS25KL2sn6sbHseJXT?si=OcIQrLTpSdqkrLWwV35MMQ
(Also on YouTube)
Window 18. Dark Rituals.
The principles of power discussed so far are expected to be employed in regulated environments such as the workplace. The more regulated the environment is, the more reasons there will tend to be to obey (i)-(iii). The findings in the whistle-blower or work-place-harassment literature are consistent with that expectation. Scandinavian countries are thus suitable for the study of democracy-adapted power [1].
O’Day (1974) speaks about rituals of exclusion. The ultimate purpose of these rituals is to block support for the ideas of a reformer without creating a martyr. O’Day suggests that the undermining, exclusion and deterrent involves lies about incompetence and mental health. [2]
Things are different outside the workplace. However, as the principles suggests, it is enough to design the attacks in such a manner that the victim will look like a mentally ill person if the offence is made public. Ideally, the victim should be kept in stasis or completely unaware that he or she is slowly being buried alive. If the target is resistant then it serves the purpose to weaken the victim in order to deal the finishing blow.
The next step is to consider attacks which are potent enough to cause psychological trauma. Interestingly enough, the Scandinavian psychological tradition has historically taken a position which must seem promising to offenders with these vile motives in mind. This school suggests that psychologically normal individuals in principle can react with a temporary psychosis to events that most people could endure. Moreover, that it is in principle possible to find a set of psychosis triggers, which are tailor-made for one individual but would not induce a temporary psychosis (up to a couple of months) on others. However, approaches closer to a contemporary American tradition remain sceptic to the thought of reactive psychosis in the Scandinavian fashion. [3] Nevertheless, research indicates that a common kind of abuse, like bullying at the workplace, can give rise to conditions close to identical to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD. This condition involves several parts of the brain specialized with the management of stress, decision-making, fear, memory and the ability to detect the internal states of the body. ) [4] For purpose of exposition, call the exclusion/isolation-related ‘rituals’ for S1, and the ’shock treatment’ S2.
Like in the Exorcist, I think that the social dimensions of these results are more interesting than the psychological ones -especially the coincidence of strong regulations, strong incentives of camouflaging harassment and the psychological tradition in Scandinavia. I will come back to these. You do not need to like the giant footnote of Marx to agree. Take a look on the following examples from Swedish university literature and scientific journals. Theoretically, these triggers thus fulfil condition (ii) and are therefore suitable for applications designed within the domain of S2.
Case 1 – Boss –
Cullberg describes a hard-working manager who suddenly is abused by her younger boss. The boss brands her as social incompetent without any grounds and fires her shortly thereafter. She is assigned to install her replacer. After this treatment, she has experiences of being observed and exposed to death threats from people on the street, which leads to panic, delusions about international conspiracies, and she subsequently ends up being taken in for psychosis. She is discharged from the hospital quickly after this sequence, but it takes years of therapy for her to get over the abuse. [5]
Case 2 – Culture –
Ungvari and Mullen (2000) describe close to archetypical cases of reactive psychosis, where previously completely healthy individuals get temporary psychosis with a quick recovery time. The cases are characterized by idiosyncratic psychosis triggers in the form of losses connected to their culture or the particular circumstances the individual was part of. The examples are about remorse and a sensation of betraying the family, and feelings of shame and humiliation in connection with a separation, in a cultural context with more traditional family bonds than usual in the West. Someone outside the culture would most likely only have perceived the events as a tough life experiences. The delusions in these examples tend to reflect the trigger of the psychosis. [6]
Case 3 – A Contrasting APA-Styled Psychosis –
Levander describes a contrasting case where a highly gifted individual suddenly experiences that a classmate wants to harm him. His grades worsen after this experience. This individual remained untreated for over a year and ended up having thoughts of persecution linked to the Palme murder and poisoning of his food. The difference to the previous cases is the drawn-out illness progression and the declining cognitive capacity. Typically enough, the symptoms were attributed to brain damage. [7]
Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/wFBp2tSQgFdo1MmZ8
Background: It stands to reason that in order to solve the egg paradox, one could define an ‘egg’, ‘hen’ and ‘chicken’. There must be an oldest/first chicken in a sequence of chickens. The first trivial case is when a chicken is defined as a creature that came out from an egg, and with other requirements - then it is not necessarily true that the chicken was born from a hen (e.g. a mutation), however it came from an egg, thus the egg came first. Even more trivial, is if the transformation does not demand an egg etc.
More interesting is the case when it is required of a chicken that it should come from an egg (+other req.), & something defined as a hen, which in turn is defined as a creature that pops an egg that may result in a creature with certain characteristics that correspond to a chicken (+other req.). Then simultaneity is a possibility if the creature popping the egg becomes a hen, not when the egg is popped, but when the creature which is to be defined as a chicken, creeps out (& is realized as a chicken), and so forth. Note that these scenarios could be made to correspond to something biological but that is beside the point – it is about ‘eggs’, ‘hens’, and ‘chickens’. These abstractions could nevertheless be used to contemplate the conditions for where there must have been a first set of creatures which ought to be regarded as the first of their species. With natural conditions on inherited properties, which define possible future sequences.
However, a real paradox would be an ideal component of democracy-adapted power.
[1] Zapf (2003) points out that there are stronger incentives to use bullying to discipline the workforce and to force them out of the organization in Sweden, compare to e.g. USA due to the comparatively rigorous safety net and labour laws to protect workers in the former.
Zapf, D. (2001). 21 European Research on Bullying at Work. In McCarthy, P., Rylance, J., Bennet, R. och Zimmerman, H. (Ed),
[2] O’Day, R. (1974). Intimidation Rituals – Reactions to Reform. The Journal of Appplied Behavioral Sciences. 10(3)
[4] All the negative effects may be the same. The only difference is that the trigger is not severe, which is a formal requirement for a PTSD diagnosis. Björkelo (2013) concludes that workplace bullying is associated with several syndromes, among these PTSD – the only difference is the severety of the trigger. PTSD may be at least as closely associated with workplace and school bullying than burnout syndrome.
Brita Bjørkelo, (2013) "Workplace bullying after whistleblowing: future research and implications", Journal of Managerial Psychology, 28(3), pp.306 – 323
[5] Cullberg, J. (2004, p.23). Psykoser: ett integrerat perspektiv. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.
[6] Ungvari, S.G., Leung, C.H. & Tang, W-K. (2000) Reactive Psychosis: A Classical Category Nearing Extinction?. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 54, 621-624.
Ungvari, S.G, Mullen, P.E. (2000). Reactive psychoses revisited. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 34: 458–467
[7] Levander, S., Adler, H., Gefvert, O. & Tuninger, E. (2008). Psykiatri: en orienterande översikt p.140: Studentlitteratur AB.
Window 18 ½ . Appendix to footnote [4]
Contemporary research shows that psychological strain not only leads to temporary disorders but may also induce long-term and most likely permanent alterations in the biological nature of the individual. [1] Studies show that different parts of the brain can shrink or become impaired as a consequence of varying degrees of trauma. Some show that harassment can decrease the volume of hippocampus and the functionality of amygdala, in addition to adverse psychological effects [2]. Adverse effects are even transmitted to those who observe harassment, according to some studies [3].
This research shows that moderate psychological abuse (compared to the usual triggers of PTSD) in the vein of S2, which is feasible within the constraints of a democratic society, can cause severe trauma and make physical imprints on the brain. Democracy-adapted power is compatible with human interaction at the fundamental level of the network structure of society, as the impact of psychological violence is transmitted through direct and indirect links at a decaying rate. [4] Perhaps with the potential to cause biological damage to the primary target at a genetic level. All these results are closer to the Scandinavian tradition regarding psychosis, and suggests a much broader scope for a democratic approach regarding the link between social interaction, psychological impact and ultimately, biological implications.
[1] See e.g. Emdad (2012) for an instructive discussion about the link between workplace bullying, psychological effects and biological consequences. However, the underlying biological explanation is spurious. In 2016 there was still no consensus about the exact mechanism. Several attempts have been made to create mathematical models to describe the behavior of the body’s self-regulating systems when responding to shocks, as a result of stress. The HPA-axis (Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Adrenal glands) has been the focus of attention. The idea is to show that our internal system that registers and signals shocks can become dysfunctional. The HPA-axis initiates its reactions to shocks with increased cortisol levels in the Pituitary as a response to stress, e.g. an accident. The system registers this signal and begins to communicate with hormones, which in turn dampen, and thus regulate the increased cortisol levels, in a feedback loop. However, Vinther, Andersen & Ottensen (2011) made a contribution which questioned our understanding of the HPA-system’s influence on hormone fluctuations, when they showed that a mathematical formulation of the wisdom of the day, was unable to generate a fitting description of the variables, i.e. the hormone fluctuations. Hippocampus was added by Andersen, Vinther and Ottensen (2013), but this model was also unsatisfactory, even though it was the best one around 2015 according the review by Hosseinichimeh, Ramanad and Wittenbor. The state of the art modeling had not yet incorporated amygdala, and hopes where put on better information on the genetic level and machine learning, see Thakur et al. 2015. However, there existed a good mathematical description of PTSD, at least with regard to the qualitative features of the phenomenon, which could distinguish between a state of depression and a normally functioning individual by Sriram, Rodriguez and Fernandezoch Doyle (2012). They show how depressive individuals get stuck in a condition of heightened levels of cortisol (hypercortisolemia) and are less sensitive to the dampening signals. Patients with PTSD instead have low levels of cortisol (hypocortisolemia), and have a more sensitive dampening mechanism than usual. This is in line with earlier results in the field, which go back to Yehuda (1996).
Andersen, M., Vinther, F. and Ottesen, T.J. (2013). Mathematical modeling of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal gland (HPA) axis, including hippocampal mechanisms. Mathematical Biosciences. 246: 122-138
Emdad, R. (2012). Mobbningseffekter– från cell till samhälle. Psykologtidningen. Nr.10.
Hosseinichimeha, N., Rahmandad, H. och Wittenborn, K.A. (2015). Modeling the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis: A review and extension. Mathematical Biosciences. 268: 52-65
Sriram, K., Rodriguez-Fernandez, M. och Doyle, J.F. III. (2012) Modeling Cortisol Dynamics in the Neuro-endocrine Axis Distinguishes Normal, Depression, and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Humans. PLoS Computational Biology. 8 (2).
Vinther, F., Andersen, M. och Ottesen, T.J. (2011) The minimal model of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. J. Math. Biol. 63:663–690.
Yehuda R, Southwick S, Krystal J, Bremner D, Charney D, et al. (1993) Enhanced suppression of cortisol following dexamethasone administration in posttraumatic-stress-disorder. Am J Psychiatry 150: 83–86.
[2] Emdad (2006) shows that the effect of workplace bullying can lead to decreased hippocampus and impared amygdala. However, a shrunk hippocampus can be due to a biological predisposition. Nevertheless, other parts of the brain have been shown to become altered due to trauma. See Thakur et al., 2015
Emdad, R., Bonekamp, D., Söndergaard, P.H., Björklund, T., Agartz, I., Ingvar, M. och Theorell, T. (2006). Morphometric and Psychometric Comparisons between Non-Substance-Abusing Patients with posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Normal Controls. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 75: 122-132.
Thakur, S.G., Daigle J.B. Jr, Dean, R.K., Zhang, Y., Rodriguez-Fernandez, M., Hammamieh, R., Yang, R., Jett, M., Palma, J., Petzoldbe, R.L. and Doyle J.F. III. (2015) Systems biology approach to understanding post-traumatic stress disorder. Molecular BioSystems, 11(4): 971–1206.
[3] Emdad, Alipour, Hagberg, och Jensen (2013a, 2013b)
Emdad, R., Alipour, A., Hagberg, A. och Jensen, I. B. (2013). The impact of bystanding to workplace bullying on symptoms of depression among women and men in industry in Sweden: an empirical and theoretical longitudinal study. Int Arch Occup Environ. 86:709–716
Emdad, R., Alipour, A., Hagberg, A. och Jensen, I. B. (2013). Comment on ‘‘Can observations of workplace bullying really make you depressed? A response to Emdad et al. 2013’’ by Nielsen and Einarsen. Int Arch Occup Environ. 86:723–724
[4] Such pattern may for instance be understood in terms of the classical connections model (Jackson & Wolinsky, 1996).
[5] Bowers and Yehuda, 2016 indicate that the offspring from persons who have experienced severe stress may be born with deficiencies, because of the stress experienced by their parents.
Bowers, E.M. och Yehuda, R. (2016).Intergenerational Transmission of Stress in Humans. Neuropsychopharmacology. 41: 232–244
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