Are you on a power trip or a Hero's Journey?

in power •  7 years ago 

When you talk about yourself do you say things like ‘I am a powerful’ or 'I am wealthy' or 'I am happy'? Do you visualize yourself living the life and having the things you desire? Are these your daily affirmations and incantations?

I used to say them, in fact I still do.

Would you believe it if I told you that the manifesting of your desire is even more fulfilling than the feelings you are generating while thinking about having them. Would you believe that getting to where you are going far exceeds where you think you are going. Yep! Trust Me! Read on!

Don't get impatient.

Manifesting takes time and when we are living thru it, it seems to take forever, and then one day - WOW - there it is!

A True Story

Let me tell you a true story about Emily. Emily is obsessed with power.

Emily wanted power more than her breath. But years ago, when she would think about being powerful, she saw herself sitting behind a large desk reading balance sheets and financial statements from all her businesses with many others reporting to her and handling all her day to day operations.

Over the last many years, she diligently meditated, visualized, and affirmed, all the while wanting real internal change. During this journey, life took quite a few very large bites out of her behind and the fire has refined. Now softer, kinder, gentler, she has a much different idea of power.

A Different Idea about POWER

Now when she envisions being powerful, she sees herself harmless, meek and without resistance. She holds no beliefs, no fear, no lies that can hold her back. She sees only a complete trust in the Divine. She sees herself as being fearless, so free that whatever she intends, whatever she desires, whatever she attempts, manifests quickly. It appears almost immediately because there is no resistance to hold her down, no limiting thoughts to stand guard or impede her manifestation – She is enlightened. (Get it? En-lightened? Free-er light-er)

Power vs Force

Her old and new idea of power are the complete antithesis of each other – not opposites like duality, just completely different. Pride and Power always went hand in hand. The vision of herself as powerful was accompanied by pride in what she looked like, pride in what she controlled, who she controlled and who looked up to her. Everyone she chose to emulate or wanted to be like, every business woman, politician, preacher, everyone who was anyone, was a mean S.O.B.

Christ said ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’. No one in their healthy right mind even comes close to understanding that! No one meek or humble held any position of power or wealth that she ever aspired to, so she tried to be the same big ‘B….” Now she looks back with shame for all the people she hurt and offended and is embarrassed at her faulty perception of power.

But you don’t know what you don’t know!!!

So here she is, still wanting power, with a completely different definition of what real power really is. Real Power is Meekness! So how do you go about becoming meek? In fact what the hell is it? Meek=Weak, right? NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!

Weak is the opposite of the power Emily used to strive for; mirror images of the same thing. Kind of like pride and inferiority are two sides of the same coin – the opposite of each other.

Meekness is like the DAVID, that amazing sculpture that Michelangelo found in a rock. He is quoted as saying that the DAVID was always there waiting for someone to chip away everything that was hiding it. That is meekness – and once everything is chipped away, all the lies released, all the resistance offered up, everything limiting you cleared away, what remains is MEEKNESS and real POWER.

I am Powerful – I am Meek – That is my new affirmation.

Emily was on a 'Hero's Journey.'

A Hero's Journey is what Joseph Campbell identified in his mythology writings. It's a journey or task that some souls come into this life to accomplish.

Hero's journey

In narratology and comparative mythology, the monomyth, or the hero's journey, is the common template of a broad category of tales that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, and in a decisive crisis wins a victory, and then comes home changed or transformed.

She was not Indiana Jones, or Hercules, or Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, but small delicate Emily.

A Hero's Journey is getting 'faked out.' You set out wanting something so bad that you will do everything, go anywhere, sacrifice anything to get it. The journey transforms you into a new person who could have the original intended goal but no longer wants it.

A Big Cosmic Joke?

I believe it is a big frick'in cosmic joke. The creator, Divine, God, your higher self, whatever you call it, plants within us those desires that are so strong we are compelled, driven, to attain them, and in their attainment we far surpass the person we needed to become and become the person our soul set out for us to become. - By taking us on a hero's journey!

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