Project 4: Regulated Linear DC Power Supply - Version 1

in power •  6 years ago  (edited)


  • Input Voltage: 120VAC
  • Output Voltage: 9VDC
  • Rated Current: 1A
  • Power Factor: 0.50


  • NEMA 1-15 power cord -> Not grounded
  • 300mA fuse -> Protects the circuit from over-current
  • 120VAC/24VDC 2A transformer -> Steps down voltage from primary 120VAC to secondary 24VDC
  • 1N4007 rectifier diode x 4 -> Turns AC to DC
  • 330uF 50V capacitor -> Smooths rectified voltage
  • Green LED -> Indicates On/Off
  • 1k resistor x 2 -> voltage dividers to lower the input voltage to the regulator
  • 0.33uF 35V capacitor -> Remove any momentary glitches in the power source. Capacitance chosen by 7809 data sheet
  • LM7809CT voltage regulator -> outputs consistent 9VDC
  • 0.1uF 35V capacitor -> Remove any momentary glitches in the power source. Capacitance chosen by 7809 data sheet



Load Test (Load Resistance vs Supply Voltage)

No load -> 9V
100k resistor -> 9.27V
10k resistor -> 9.24V
5k resistor -> 9.16V
2k resistor -> 9.06V
1k resistor -> 8.72V
660 Ohm resistor -> 7.45V, supply voltage started to fluctuate +-40mV
330 Ohm resistor -> 5.45V, supply voltage fluctuated +- 100mV


Secondary Voltage


Bridge Rectifier


Smoothing Capacitor


Voltage Regulator


Closer Look


Load Test



  • Calculate voltage rating of circuits using peak voltage, not RMS voltage.
  • Placing fuse on the primary side is recommended to protect the entire circuit. Calculate the current rating based on the load. Remember that the current flow increases from primary to secondary.
  • Using a transformer naturally offers electrical isolation from the mains voltage. One must be extra careful using oscilloscope probes on grounded circuit.
  • Smoothing capacitors significantly increases the RMS voltage near the peak value.
  • The voltage divider serve two functions 1) bleeder resistor 2) voltage divider. Bleeder resistor discharges 330uF capacitor for safety when the power is turned off. Voltage divider lowers the input voltage to the regulator since without it the input voltage would be 36V, above the max input voltage rating.
  • Use heat sink with the voltage regulator to dissipate heat.
  • Supply voltage fluctuates depending on the load. In contrast to ideal voltage source, practical voltage source can only supply finite amount of current. If the load's resistance is low enough to draw higher current than the voltage source can provide, the supply voltage will decrease.
  • Power factor of 0.5 demonstrates how inefficient linear power supplies are.


Power supply comparison

Floating power supply

Various options for power supply unit

Load transient recovery

Bleeder resistor

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