The miraculous power of Qur'anic verses

in power •  6 years ago 

To gain a strong influence from the Qur'anic verse on yourself, you should memorize verse thematic verse along with the translation. The verse of choice should be read frequently in prayer and out of prayer. Try tadabbur verse.

Here we give some examples of thematic verses and their effects on our daily lives.


Verily thy Lord pours out sustenance to Whom He wants and narrows it; Lo! He is the Knower, the Seer of His servants. (Al Israak 30)

Tadabbur surah Al Israak 30

O Allah .... You have told us in your glorious Qur'an, sura Al Arabic verse 30, that You are the enlarging and narrowing of sustenance for whom You want. And you are omniscient and omniscient to our state of Allah. We beg of you Allah, raise our sustenance and our life in the field. Open it for us the door of sustenance from the heavens and your earth. Open for us the door of sustenance from all corners that Thou shalt bless. Do not you narrow the sustenance and our life O God. Do not you squeeze us with the difficulty, the narrowness and the darkness of life. Extend our sustenance in the fields of God. You alone are the fulfillment and the narrowing of sustenance for whom Thou wilt. Let our request be Allah, You are all-knowing and all-seeing our circumstances ... .aamin

Read the above verse following his tadabbur repeatedly, if you already understand its meaning then the translation is quite read once only. Qur'an verse following tadabbur it you read repeatedly, involve your emotions and feelings in reading tadabbur this verse. Feel the effect on your heart and mind. Please hypnotize yourself with the power of that verse of qur'an. You will feel a tremendous power within you in overcoming the economic difficulties you are facing. Continue reading this verse over and over again in prayer or out of prayer until Allah gives you a sustenance of wealth.

If you believe in and believe in God you will get what you ask for. There is no doubt at all, this verse is only useful to you if you believe and believe in the awesomeness and power of Allah SWT. This verse should be read in conjunction with the Surah Ali Imran verse 160.

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