Will Robots take Over Humans? COVID19/illuminati/HAARPTheory

in powerhousecreatives •  5 years ago  (edited)

Less of will and more of when and no, this isn't based off the premise of Will Smith's i-robot movie. I've seen some pretty convincing robot videos demonstrating their advancement and improved AI capabilities; but this one was one of the scariest. This one is clearly a militaristic robot. Seemingly unphased with the initial kicking and hitting, then "it" clearly demonstrates being angry or at the very least irritated with the humans doing it. Incredibly smart, can tell the difference between human and non- human "dummy" hostages. I won't ruin the video for you, but it's really a watch worthy video.

Long since have I known of increased robotics use in China taking away basic waitressing type jobs at low end, fast food chain type restaurants. Therefore eliminating the need to PAY a human to do a minimum wage job. Just a matter of time before that happens in the US and elsewhere. Those robots could take over drive through jobs and more.

Asides from maintenance these robots don't need paid, don't need food or water, don't need healthcare or benefits, so much cheaper for many of the low end franchises, etc.. A human's touch at a high end restaurant will remain, at least for a while in my opinion, but they could certainly enhance the AI to fit that role.

With a virus engineered to kill off many, yes, COVID19 is no accident folks. If you think it was or is, think harder or get your head examined. No offense. HAARP is loving this virus that's airborne, in my area alone they insured a recent tornado about an hour away stirring up more spread of these germs via wind.

The powers that be are going to continue using HAARP to further f*ck up our lives. Also we are due any time due to my personal study & opinion & fact of past recurrent earthquakes for the massive one that'll split the US, put all or most of Florida underwater and probably CA too. That'll kill many Floridians & Californians and the others will flood into neighboring states, which'll cause economic problems, & overcrowding. Where will they stay; how will we have resources to truly aide these people if we're barely making it as is??

Just the start of WW3 & NWO/one world order. You'll either get with the "program" or starve/ die. WW3 will require us to be underground with stockpiles of food unless we wish to die on a potentially deadly radiated wasteland. "Vestigial" organs could adapt strong, healthy humans for this radiation, as we've seen in animal & plant life in highly radiated places in the world.

Unless you're smart and understand off grid living, you're probably screwed. This isn't to mention the massive solar flares also due at any time that could wipe out our power grids that are supposedly "reinforced." This will break families and loved ones apart. If the massive earthquake does split us in half will we still be the USA? Doubtful.

Regardless, with all these things in mind the smart, intelligent, and not necessarily just the super wealthy will be okay. The high rises near the tectonic plates for this earthquake have also been "reinforced" to to withstand "wobble." Well, I'm doubtful those engineers did an adequate job.

Going back to the robots it'll be the perfect time to begin really using them whether militaristically, as a police force, or to take simple jobs from people that need them. If there's ever any robotic doctors; that's where I would really draw the line. They aren't going to help you unless their AI becomes "smarter" & more altruistic.

Again watch that video. It was a bit scary especially once the robot demonstrated anger. Those people were playing with fire. I am just saying the smart & intelligent will survive, along with some wealthy with smarts and intelligence as well. But if the global population seriously declines I could see robots walking the streets as a normalcy.





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Well, the dystopian nightmare and the utopian dream both have steps that look very similar.

In example, we have all these communists that want to seize the means of production... so why don't they? Well, seizing is stealing. But, they could build the means of production themselves. It has never been cheaper or easier. With robotics and AI everyone could have a manufacturing plant in their garage.

However, every communist i have told this to has either just gone silent, or become very upset.

Anarcho-capitalists on the other hand go "oh yeah!" "lets do this".

So, the future will be robotics building things. But, who will own the robots? In the end, it will be the people. In the intermediate, it may be the big, powerful corporations.

Robots are stupid. AI is dumb. Self driving cars, if people knew the actual reality of the state of that AI, they wouldn't allow them on any road.

They have programmed computers to beat Chess masters. Do you know how you beat this AI? Start playing Go, or Rummy, or even 52 card pickup.

The only way there will be robots on the battlefield is that we continue to carry the ball and chain of Federal Reserve Notes. Else the robot factory would have no one to work it.

Stop thinking like a robot and remove ourselves from their system.

Not sure if you could beat AlphaGo Zero :)

AlphaGo Zero
AlphaGo Zero is a version of DeepMind's Go software AlphaGo. AlphaGo's team published an article in the journal Nature on 19 October 2017, introducing AlphaGo Zero, a version created without using data from human games, and stronger than any previous version. By playing games against itself, AlphaGo Zero surpassed the strength of AlphaGo Lee in three days by winning 100 games to 0, reached the level of AlphaGo Master in 21 days, and exceeded all the old versions in 40 days.Training artificial intelligence (AI) without datasets derived from human experts has significant implications for the development of AI with superhuman skills because expert data is "often expensive, unreliable or simply unavailable." Demis Hassabis, the co-founder and CEO of DeepMind, said that AlphaGo Zero was so powerful because it was "no longer constrained by the limits of human knowledge". David Silver, one of the first authors of DeepMind's papers published in Nature on AlphaGo, said that it is possible to have generalised AI algorithms by removing the need to learn from humans.Google later developed AlphaZero, a generalized version of AlphaGo Zero that could play chess and Shōgi in addition to Go.

I can beat AlphaGo Zero at Rummy, Old Maid and many other games.
I can even beat AlphaGo Zero at chess.

Eh, it's not about beating. Still cool sh*t though! Thanks for sharing @old-guy-photos!

You raise valid points, i don't think self driving cars are safe options at all. Just as when the first priuses and other "electronic" type cars came out, flaw after flaw, and many manufacturing recalls. Not "thinking like a robot", just presenting points. Yes the robots could be quite helpful. I didn't even mention solar flares could be the least of US concerns, other countries (communist) could detonate a long range intercontinental missile and there goes our grids. A lot could happen. Im not negatuvistic just see things how they could go. Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

Well the robots can spread the virus, and cannot be infected - win win for the robots!!

So I've heard! As an asthmatic who's had pneumonia, bronchitis multiple times, pneumonitis, those robots can keep their virus spreading asses away from me! Or maybe i need to become partial robot so i can't be infected. Just kidding, sounds like movie material. Lol

It does sound like a movie!!

Yes im getting getting my synthetic lungs and respiratory system in place as we speak! :)