Happy Caturday from a future cat lady

in powerhousecreatives •  5 years ago 

It’s only a matter of time. One day I will own 10 cats!

For now I am content with two, plus my dog. And fish, a turtle and geckos.

The reason I love cats is because they have hilarious personalities and do silly things. And I love to photograph them. I must have hundreds of photos of my cat Angel.




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Cats are amazing, my cat was the type of person I wanted to be!! Hahaha so fun and proud xD

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I love it, @zaidagrilli. Let’s all find happy, good-natured cats to model our behavior on. It would pretty much instantly result in world peace.

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I Loove cats to and they have such amazing personalities and are such characters 😂 lol
Never know what they do next.
That is such a beautiful kitten you have there, love The colourful fur and The eyes 😍 awww..

I have one little dog but NO cat... The one I had passed about a year ago and Bobby grew up with him so he is more into cats than dogs 😂 Hahahaha

Thank you for sharing this and Mabye one Day you have all your 10 cats 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈 😍 Many cute Meaw oes... Lol

Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers! 🤗💋💖

Cats really are so awesome. I know not everyone agrees! But I have only had really good cat experiences. If I had had bad ones I might think differently! So are you thinking of getting another cat?

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When I die, I want to come back as your cat @jayna 😁

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Ha ha ha! It’s a deal, @wonderwop!

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I love to watch the cats) We have only one - but he walks with us and runs through the grass. The grass is above him and watching the cat is very interesting.

That’s cute! They look like tigers in the grass! Only one of my cats goes outside. The other one is afraid of everything. 😆

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I'm a cat fanatic, like a good witch hahaha. The truth is that their personalities are unique and fall in love, also are a pleasant company for those like me do not want so much stress. Now I only have one, because my other 3 cats disappeared for no reason. I want a couple more so that my cat is not alone! Beautiful your cat!

Oh I’m sorry to hear about your kitties that disappeared. There are a lot of outdoor hazards for cats. We tried to keep both of our cats inside for that reason, but only one complied. I’m pretty sure Angel, my tabby cat who cannot be contained indoors, has nine lives. We have hawks, owls, coyotes, and raccoons, all of which can prey on kitties!

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I have lost many cats in my father's country house, I think that just like the chickens some alcones take them, the ones I have at home sometimes run away and return after a couple of days, but I have not been lucky in some cases, which is sad, because they end up being part of our family!

I think you can own maximum 3 cats before you pass a point of no return.

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I totally believe that! 😆

We have had these two cats we own now for 15 years, and have resisted every urge to get more, and every plea of our young children. But it has been touch and go! I can only imagine what would happen if we threw caution to the wind.

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I have many cats when I was young and I loved them. Now I'm allergic to cats, so sad but I still like to play with them for a short period of time, else I'll start to get itchiness...

Oh, that is indeed sad, @roselifecoach! I guess some people get hairless cats for that reason. But they are just not as cuddly and cute!

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I agree with that, if hairless, I rather not have at all.

A pretty kitty. I had a cat named Angel for 16 yrs. Your Angel looks a lot like her.

Really? That’s amazing, @redheadpei. What a coincidence. I’m sure you miss her!

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I hear you about having hundreds of photos of your cat.
I was a cat lady for awhile - made it up to 6 cats at one time! And 5 of them lived until they were over 20 years old! I called our house the geriactric cat house!
Now we are down to 1 cat and 1 dog and the cat is getting on in years.
Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of your cat!

Oh my gosh, that’s a lot of cats, @porters. It’s so hard to see our pets getting older and then moving on to greener meadows. My cats are both around 15 and not showing their age too much yet. I’m glad to hear 20 is attainable! I want all my pets to live forever, but I suppose I’m not being too realistic.

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Yeah, I can relate, we currently have three cats, plus our dog Lolo.

Plus six chickens (including two little chicks), two Muscovy hens, two doves, a turtle, and seven aquariums with fish.

Funny, too, that we've lost three cats since we've lived here, but every time a new one has literally shown up to claim their place in our lives. It's like they're led to us.

Cats, and dogs, and animals in general, are amazing and wonderful.

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Wow, that is quite the menagerie, @crescendoofpeace. Seven aquariums! I can’t keep up with one. You do seem to draw critters to you. They must sense that they will be safe and well-loved. ❤️

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Yeah, I think they all quickly spot that great big flashing neon "sucker" sign on my forehead. ;-)

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Ha ha! But it’s us suckers that give them all love and a safe home.

Indeed it is.
They know what they're doing. ;-)

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You need a barn and then you can have massive numbers of barn cats! I used to visit a farm that had over 20. The sweetest of the lot was an old tom cat. The others mostly wanted food, but he wanted to give and receive affection.

Proud member of #powerhousecreatives

Ah, brilliant! Then you have rodent control as well. That gives me an idea for our summer cabin that has a bit of a mouse problem!

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Me too!!! I love cats, and they do have amazing personalities....each one different. 10? Woo, that's a lot of litter changing, lol We have two right now and they're getting up there in years although the last two we had lived to be 22 years old :) Your kitty is a beauty!

Yeah, 10 would be too many! Unless I had a barn, as @toddrjohnson suggests. Now I’m thinking! Wow that’s great that your cats lived to 22. I’m hopeful mine can stay around that long. 😊

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Awwww. Getting to 10 cats is much easier than people think! I know a couple of people that certainly have a few of them. I been thinking of getting one as of late I do miss the personality they bring into a house hold.