WRAPPING IT UP (No. 6 - My life this week, on and off the blockchain)

in powerhousecreatives •  5 years ago 

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It has been a rather eventful week and also a really exciting one - and doesn't it always seem that when you are wanting additional time to focus on specific things, that a million other things pop up and you don't get even half way close to where you wanted to be lol - such is life I suppose!

Last night was pretty cool as Jude's school had a science evening. The school has moved over to a completely project based learning approach and so at the start of the evening the kids had to present the projects which they worked on last term. The idea was that the parents were able to walk around to each tabled presentation and ask the kids questions about their work so that they got the opportunity to present to an authentic audience, deal with impromptu Q&A etc. This was Jude's group video which they had to present - it was focused around the question "Can water start a war"

After the parents had explored all of the projects were were introduced to one of our biggest animation studio on the African continent - Triggerfish Studios. They gave us a brief overview of what they do, theur achievements etc. and then parents and kids got stuck int a pretty cool international initiative called "Hour of Code". Each family group was given a chrome book and small animation challenge. Well, damn did it make me feel stupid haha - but mom caught up eventually! I thought you might appreciate this initiative @zord189 ;) It really was pretty awesome!



That session ended pretty late and I honestly didn't feel like going home to play chef in the kitchen, so we went out for a quick bite to eat and Jude had a little fun making his own dinner.




As for my week ON the blockchain, I would have to say that my biggest highlight was being selected by @pennsif as the South African Representative for the Steem blockchain! I am absolutely over the moon with this new venture and so very excited to start gathering all of us so that we can start organising meetups and promo campaigns for our awesome blockchain! I have kicked it off by starting our Steem South Africa profile, discord server and Twitter account so that we can get the ball rolling! You can read more about that in this post here:

Proudly introducing STEEM SOUTH AFRICA!


I think it is safe to say that an active Steem South Africa presence within this blockchain network is long overdue, so I am honoured and thrilled to have been selected as the representative for SA in this venture. I had a fantastic start to the day - reading @pennsif's ANNOUNCEMENT POST and then stepping into my PHC SERVER and being greeted with so many messages of confidence and encouragement. Before I go any further, I would also like to congratulate another one of our very own PHC members @zekepickleman for being selected as the representative of Canada as well as @paulag (Ireland) and @chrisrice (Philippines)!


As for my other content creation, I had a REALLY super time doing days 16 to 22 of my "prompted mandala" for inktober and also shared some introspective thought posts...

Cayenne Chilli New York Sirloin Bowl with Sweet Bell Peppers & Roasted Asparagus


I always enjoy steak night because firstly, I know the man will be happy and secondly, steaks are super easy and quick, but sometimes I get tired of serving things in the traditional manner - so I decided to spice things up a little the other day... literally! haha...


Think about it...


I wonder how much “thought” people give to the power of THEIR thoughts and if they are even aware of the fact that what they are repeatedly thinking about is actually shaping their very existence.… honestly, I don’t think many are… I say that because if people were REALLY cognizant of this, then surely they would not consciously SELECT to fill their minds with so much negative nonsense or thought processes that will clearly only perpetuate their situation? It simply makes no sense to me at all!


The Prompted Mandala - #inktober (Days 16 - 22)


The more this creative project develops, the more I am falling in love with it (be it bold to say that myself haha) Having to refer back each week to the very start of it, I re-realise just how much time and energy has gone into it, but as the swirls of symbolism grow, it puts a smile on my face because more than anything, I am thoroughly enjoying the process!


I don't need your attitude... I have my own!


I suppose the fact that I grew up in a house with four men is probably the reason for my general "attitude problem" (hahaha ok, I know it isn't a problem...lol) but many of the male counterparts that I cross paths with seem to have a really hard time accepting a female with a brain, and even worse... a mouth gawd, the horror! It is interesting actually... well no, not interesting, but borderline amusing - because most men will openly admit that this quality is one which they find enormously attractive in a woman, yet most of them only seem to be comfortable with it, "from a distance" if you will... and the one primary thing that attracted them to you in the first place, often eventually becomes the one attribute of yours which they cannot handle further down the line.


As for some other awesome Steemians and their content, here is a handful of some of the really great posts which I stumbled across whilst curating from my @theluvbug account. Enjoy!

What The Record Said Played Backward

By @dandays


How to destroy creative blocks once and for all

By @fenngen



Memory Lane

By @thekittygirl



House Rules

By @freedomtowrite



Well folks, that is a wrap from me for the week! The weather is super Wintery here today... definitely red wine and pasta weather which is precisely what will be unfolding here shortly! Tomorrow is one of my nephews 12th birthday party so unlikely that I will be around... but will see you all on sunday! Hope you all have a SUPER weekend!



Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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I don't need your attitude, I have my own ...beautiful compliment.

Posted using Partiko Android

haha thanks @shuvo35 :)

Hahaha and I grew up in a house with 4 women. Gran, 2 sisters and my mom.
All of them very wise women and only one sister left.
Thoughts are only thoughts unless you clothe them in action and you are right, as negative thoughts are for the birds.
Seems like you did indeed have an event filled week @jaynie.

Thoughts are only thoughts unless you clothe them in action

Too true!

It looks like you had a nice week. So did I, but now it's the weekend....best part usually =)

delayed reaction haha but yes - the weekend was super too. Thanks @abitcoinskeptic x

Your son's school really seems enlightened! I wish school would have been more like that for my kids. (And for myself!) It seems like a great way to prepare for the real world and for the way the working world operates.

Congrats on being the rep for Steem South Africa. How exciting! That's so perfect!

They are fantastic I must admit! And thank you for the congratulations hon xxx

Beautiful! I love the pictures - Jude is so expressive.

Thanks love! Yeah he can be... he can also be incredibly shy though too... much like his mother, it depends on his mood haha!

Looks like you had a good week. Very nice post thanks for sharing.

It sure was a great week @stever82 :) and thank you too for stopping by!

Hey, Danget!! I shouted you out First!

Thank you @jaynie. For all of it, not just the curation—all of your efforts, we all see it. Have a great weekend and thank you, I’m greatly appreciative.

Always and only a pleasure @dandays xxx

Congratulations to Jude, that topic has been hot on my lips for so many years, even my Mom said water will become more expensive than gold one day. Watch what we do at all times when it comes to this precious commodity too many take for granted.

Having your own attitude, yup paddled the same boat never needed more!

Visiting from new #steemsa and very happy that the voice of South Africa will now be heard possibly far and wide, many hands make light work, let us begin together!

Thank you @joanstewart! I am very excited!

@jaynie, great post of your week in review and congratulations on your selection for the South Africian initiative. Jude's school sounds like they have some cool ideas for how to teach.

Thank you hon! Much appreciated.
And yes, they certainly do! Very much "outside the box" which I love!

Everytime I read your posts I get hungry @jaynie 🤣🤣🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

hahaha @wonderwop... well I suppose, as long as you have something to eat... it's all good haha!