The Mysteries of Rock

in powerhousecreatives •  4 years ago 


For many people, rock is considered a religion or a lifestyle, which, although it hurts many, has had its ups and downs over these two decades. Although the clear majority see rock as a symbol of sects or extreme avant-garde, one cannot ignore the great phenomenon it has unleashed since its inception, and the mysteries it has dragged along with it.

The bliss of the '60s, the holy grail of rock music existed?

You can't talk about legendary rock without mentioning the golden age of the rock renaissance. The most emblematic stars passed through there, where everything happened, and thanks to that a whole mythology was built around the music genre.
Groups like the Beatles, the Beach Boys, singers like Brian Wilson made a whole continent kneel at their feet in unison of more than songs were feelings that could go out and flourish in an era where freedom was the great protagonist. From that euphoria was born "the holy grail", Wilson's controversial album, which for many religious fans was a "teenage symphony dedicated to God" and did not go beyond that, thus sinking the career of such a good musician that after tasting the honey of success did not enjoy it again, where many deserve that defeat to Wilson's unnecessary waste and madness for fame.

Success always takes its toll in some way...


The more successful you are, the closer you are to being a martyr

It's almost a vicious circle that has been repeated from generation to generation ever since, where the clear majority of stars die tragically or live badly to leave projects and expectations blank. Let's talk about the great Richey James, who did not die a terrible death, but a somewhat curious way of walking a different path if we want to see it from that perspective.
To the surprise of many James was not a born musician who succeeded in composing and playing an instrument, quite the contrary. But that never stopped him, he made up for it with his incredible creativity and way of handling and projecting his band's image and creating a whole ideology about it.
But since not everything is rosy, James was bordering on crazy when he hurt himself with cuts on his body at the request of his fans and went out to play with that look totally out of the ordinary and logical. For that kind of performance, he was committed to several psychiatric hospitals, until one day he simply disappeared from the scene. He left his colleagues in an airport and since then no more was known about this character.

As if the earth had swallowed him up.


Gram Parsons

If you were looking for attention then you should look for Gram Parsons, who was characterized by almost always being on drugs or alcohol and who was quite "creative" with his way of being and his way of influencing those around him. This last one is what made him so outstanding because he spent most of his time doing coke and getting any kind of crap in his veins to hallucinate and look for UFOs.


These practices were never going to lead to anything good, and that's how on September 17 his body was found in a motel, the product of the excessive ingestion of alcohol, heroin, and morphine, leading him to death at the age of only 26 and leaving some friends disturbed with a mission, to fulfill a kind of promise that consisted of recovering the body, returning it to its favorite place and spraying it with 10 liters of gasoline until it was reduced to ashes.
If you think this is horrifying, you should know that some charred bones were recovered and sent to a relative of Parsons, but there is a legend that some remains rest in the door of that motel.

An ending is taken from an amateur film

More lives than a cat

No doubt of the oldest rockers still alive, and the one who has been killed the most is Paul McCartney. Every now and then the rumor of his death spreads like wildfire, and in a way, we come to think that the public longs for his death just because of the morbidity of it, and it's not just because of his current age, it's something that has always haunted him, even during the Beatles' effervescence, where after a certain controversial accident they began to sow hidden clues in their records and everything that referred to their image.
To date, there are fans who investigate with a magnifying glass magazine covers wanting to decipher some hidden mystery.


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