Any Way You Slice It, I Love All Of Them So Much drawn by me

in powerpuff •  5 years ago 

This piece of Blossoomer, Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles fan art is dedicated to LizithaOTAKU, Daniel Rain aka danytatu, Takuya Hojo aka kbinitiald, Emma aka Sirena93, Christina Marie Lacey aka Glee-chan, Leo Sketcher aka Akus4ever, forever-a-fangirl-14, Hi-Gummy, Donella-and-Orin, StretchNSnort, Amaroq-Ama, Neha aka SugarBubbles2000, Airlie aka crystaltoys, Shelly aka Fluoffy, Eus-mylus, ChadRocco, and kuku88 who celebrated their birthdays from a few weeks ago all the way up to yesterday and sweetxdeidara and nekoDawnlight who are celebrating their birthdays today. So, I hope you all had and have such magnificent birthdays and I wish you a lot of love, beauty, abundance, prosperity, joy, and happiness in your lives as artists and as people.

Como se dice en español, espero que hayaís tenido y teneís celebraciones de cumpleaños maravillosas y os deseo mucho amor, belleza, abundancia, prosperidad, alegría y felicidad en vuestras vidas como artistas y personas.

Comme on dit en francais, j'espere vous avez anniversaires merveilleux et je vous souhaite beaucoup d'amour, de beauté, d'abondance, de prosperité, de joie et de bonheur dans votres vies comme artiste et personnes.

Come se dice in italiano, spero che voi avete compleanni magnifici e vi auguro molto amore, beltá, abbondanza, prosperitá, gioia e felicitá nelle vostre vite come artisti e persone.

Moreover, this is dedicated to all of the hardcore and wonderful shippers of Blossoomer, Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles.

Finally, since it is Fathers' Day today, I would also love to dedicate this to all of the fabulous fathers out there, especially my own dad who has been supporting to become the person I am today.

So, sit back, relax, and soak in that Blossoomer beauty and authenticity, that Blossutch sexiness and gorgeousness, that Butchubbles lovability and awesomeness, and that Boomubbles sweetness and loveliness.

Here we have 28-year-olds Butch and Boomer being the absolutely dashing, strong, handsome gentlemen to the 26 going on 27-year-olds Blossom and Bubbles.

If any of you are going to ask me in a blind test whether I prefer Blossoomer and Butchubbles or Blossutch and Boomubbles as my endgame OTPs for Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles, I have this to say. I prefer, enjoy, and love all of the above. That is because in my Team Xtreme headcanon, I made Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles have a polyamorous and eventually a polygamous relationship, hence me not only being in great favor of Blossoomer, Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles as my OTPs but also finding so many positive and healthy facets in all of these pairings.

With that said, let us discover why I am madly in love with these four exceptional pairings ranging from the best in the form of Blossoomer all the way up to the pairing I really like in the form of Boomubbles.

Boomer x Blossom (Blossoomer): Genuineness and Unconditional Love in One Sweet Cotton Candy-Flavored Package

I know I am going to hate sounding like a broken record but Blossoomer is not only the greatest color-clash couple of all time but also the overall greatest RuffPuff couple ever because it is the most human, most genuine, most heartfelt pairing that I have ever acknowledged to the point where I am proud to call myself a hardcore Blossoomer shipper. Ergo, Blossoomer is an example of a couple whose heart, mind, and soul are in the right place.

It is often said that a relationship needs patience, compassion, unconditional love, attentiveness, perseverance in both good and bad times, authenticity, genuineness, a will to root for each other, a willingness to see the best in each other, and the drive to help change each other for the better. Blossoomer carries all of that and more in spades, which is why I am in deep awe and appreciation of this particular pairing.

Just merely pairing Boomer and Blossom together spells relationship goals, as these two are always going to stick by each other through thick and thin and ensure that they see the positives in each other. In Boomer's eyes, he not only loves Blossom because she is beautiful, intelligent, and poised but he loves how diplomatic, compassionate, understanding, wise, and authentic she is as a person. In Blossom's eyes, she not only sees an athletic, dashing, handsome, strong gentleman in Boomer but also a soul who is self-sacrificing, generous, attentive, pure, appreciative, and loving. Hence, Boomer and Blossom have an indestructible bond based on mutual respect, compassion, unconditional love, and self-sacrifice. If that is not a gold-medal standard relationship right there, I do not know what is.

Butch x Blossom (Blossutch): Gorgeous and Sexy Watermelon-Flavored Synergy and Beauty

Yes, people, I can never stop admiring Blossutch with such high regard as not only the greatest color-crack couple of all time but also a couple that spells sheer gorgeousness, absolute beauty, undeniable sexiness, and boundless formidability. Ergo, Blossutch is completely on par with Blossoomer as not only the best pairings for Blossom but also the pairing that shows how dynamic and flexible Butch and Blossom can be as a couple and as individuals.

If one were to be so brazen as to test one's strength and combat prowess against Butch, Blossom or both, one should be ready to say those final prayers, for the Baron of Berserk and the Commander and the Leader can combine their skills as combatants to make their opponents fall on their knees to beg for mercy. Basically, Blossutch is an amazing matrimony of Butch's muscles, super strength, animal instincts, unwavering toughness, and wild roughness and Blossom's lethal accuracy, magnificent athleticism, seductive beauty, and peerless conscientiousness of one's surroundings. Therefore, their skills combined show a lot of balance and determination in the heat of battle.

Then we go to the main reason of why I love Blossutch so much as my OTP of the color-crack category. It is because of how capable both Butch and Blossom are at supporting each other through thick and thin. It is true that Butch is super strong and a tough fighter no one should mess with and Blossom is poised, elegant, athletic, and independent but both of them do have crippling flaws and problems like every other human being. Butch could barely control himself and does have the tendency to wear an extremely hard shell, while Blossom has the tendency to let her ego consume her, be overwhelmed by expectations, and be a huge perfectionist. Through their flaws, both Butch and Blossom help each other to overcome anything with Butch becoming aware that Blossom does not always need to put up a front and be so stuck-up, thus making her feel free to be herself more often without having to be pressured of what people are going to think of her and giving her so much more worth than she ever bargained for, and Blossom being courageous enough to realize that Butch has countless defense mechanisms that make him hide his true feelings and even realize what is really going on with Butch without being manipulative or muling. Therefore, she would remind him that it is all right to express whatever he feels inside because those make them who he is as a person and he does not need to be addicted to anything to gain any form of happiness. At the end of the day, Butch's and Blossom's life as a couple would be governed by balance, healthy synergy, and helping each other become better people than they were before.

Butch x Bubbles (Butchubbles): Hardcore Enthusiasm and Joyous Euphoria Waltzing in Awesome Harmony

This is actually my second most favorite pairing with Butch, as Blossutch has the mantle of being my first most favorite pairing with Butch because of how much good this pairing can do. Butchubbles is just as amazing because of how well both Butch and Bubbles can work off of each other.

Combining Butch's muscles of steel and super strength and Bubbles' peerless gymnastic skills and fluid agility is what makes me fascinated with Butchubbles as a wonderful duo. Their combat skills can make one think of a vivacious yet dangerous Bacchanal that can give invaders and marauders several to flee the sacred premises. Ergo, Butch's brute strength is enough to crush boulders and combining that with Bubbles' gazelle-like agility would be enough to prove to any foe that these two should never be messed with.

Going to the dynamics of this particular couple, I cannot help but be in utter awe of how pleasantly surprised I am to ship them as a wonderful OTP. Butchubbles' way of finding balance is based on an emotional and psychological level, considering how many times Butch would go out of his way to protect Bubbles from any form of harm and how Bubbles would always love to see Butch's softer, gentler, more protective side and not just fancying herself to his muscles and awesome power. Therefore, Butch would be turned on by Bubbles' band of ingenue beauty and fierce agility and Bubbles would be turned on by Butch's inner teddy-bear nature and his insurmountable strength.

Boomer x Bubbles (Boomubbles): Loyal Generosity and Warm Kindness in Sweet, Splendid Symmetry

Even though I feel the color-coded couples are bland at best and annoying at worst, Boomubbles is the only I am still rooting for because of how sweet, loving, kind, and normal the Blues are towards each other. Hence, I am still happy to ship Boomubbles as the best color-coded couple ever.

Considering how effectively Boomer and Bubbles would click as a couple, it is enough for me to keep them as a lovely item. Sure, the overall flavor of Boomubbles does tend to go on the vanilla side at best and sugary-sweet diabetes at worst. In spite of that, the loyalty, kindness, generosity, and lovability that radiates between Boomer and Bubbles is the classic case of two star-crossed lovers who are begging the universe for the both of them to be united.

What makes me continue to root for Boomubbles as the best color-coded RuffPuff couple is the overall positivity present in both Boomer and Bubbles. Boomer would be the one person to use his insurmountable strength, rapid fire speed, and overall athleticism to save Bubbles from perilous predicaments. Meanwhile, Bubbles would use her kindness, empathy, and charm to soften Boomer's heart, thus making him quite the gentleman towards her. On top of that, their relationship would be a great example of being full of positive vibes and boundless loyalty towards each other.

And there you have it, fellow Blossoomer, Blossutch, Butchubbles, and Boomubbles shippers. All of these four wonderful pairings in one amazing package.

If you have one or more pairings you that you consider your favorite or OTPs from these four or if you love all four of them just the same, please let me know in the comments below.

Until then, I will see you all in the next submission. Take care, everybody.

Butch, Boomer, Blossom, and Bubbles from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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Very beautiful creations, I like it.

Lovely couple, amazing drawing sir @antoni.

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Hi @antonireviews, excellent my friend .