Best Kept as Buddies, Comrades, and Friends

in powerpuff •  5 years ago 

This screenshot de-motivational poster is Anti-Butchercup, Anti-Blossick, and Anti-Boomubbles in the sense that they are shipped as romantic couples. If you romantically ship these pairings, either avert your eyes and do not read it or swallow your bias and feel free to read on while keeping an open mind. Please just take all of what I say about The Greens, The Reds, and The Blues with a grain of salt, as these are my opinions.

Just sit back, relax, and enjoy.

There are going to be a few mentions of Blossutch, Brickubbles, and Boomercup as the pairings I really, really like and Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles as my endgame OTPs for life. So, do look out for those moments of pro-color crack couple and pro-color clash couple moments.

I have a true story to tell you all just for the sake of context. Back when I was really young, I used to be a color-code RuffPuff couple shipper, as this was mainly attributed to the kissing scene from "The Rowdyruff Boys" as well as the infamous mall scene from "The City of Clipsville". As guiltily entertaining as that mall scene was, I could not help but think about how groan-worthy the portrayal of The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls as teenagers really was. My appreciation for Butchercup, Blossick, and Boomubbles grew in my teen years thanks to the fan art I was consistently browsing mostly here on DeviantArt as well as the fanfics I have been reading for quite some time. I did not know any better back then about the implications of the color-coded pairings nor did I think about mixing the colors up, but as long as those works entertained me, I was utterly satisfied and charmed. However, looking back as to why I shipped Butchercup, Blossick, and especially Boomubbles, I realized that my reasons for liking them as couples because of the fan art and their cuteness seemed like utter, undeniable rubbish, at least to me.

Now, with three more months until I approach my 28th year in life, my attitude towards the color-coded RuffPuff couples have changed so much because of all of the fanfic-reading, horizon-broadening, constant inspiration-searching, and researching on relationship patterns as a shipper of any character. Even when I still really liked Boomubbles as the least chaotic of the color-coded couples, my sentiments for The Blues as a romantic couple dropped at such a considerable rate to the point of extinction. It also does not help that my positive sentiments for Butchercup and Blossick as romantic couples have ended up extinct. Ergo, I avoid shipping Boomubbles, Blossick, and especially Butchercup as romantic couples like the plague due to how overly similar these "couples" really are. Even with Brick and Blossom showing a tad bit more variety to their personalities, Blossick is extremely overrated and there could be better pairings for The Reds bar none.

I may abhor Butchercup to the point where The Greens' vitriol, animosity, and emotional constipation make me feel really ill, I may hate Blossick and how massively overrated this color-coded couple is with no thanks to Brick's and Blossom's huge egos rubbing against each other, and I may show a towering dislike to Boomubbles and their brand of diabetes-inducing, saccharine, syrupy, sugar-laden, sickly sweetness, but that does not mean I cannot keep these pairings as a set of great friends and sturdy comrades.

I will gladly reiterate that I deeply loathe shipping Butchercup as a romantic couple because of how much animosity, emotional constipation, addiction to violence, and stubbornness there is in these two tough, green-clad, raven-haired fighters. In my eyes, they fail very miserably as a couple, but they can at least be the tightest of friends who can be able to work together in kicking loads of baddie butt with bold, flying colors. The Greens' type of friendship would be of the rough friendly rivalries sort, in which they express their brand of camaraderie by constantly competing with each other in a sibling-like manner complete with physical sparring matches. Replacing Butchercup's unhealthy Karmic relationship is a lot easier than one can give credit for. For good results, Butch and Blossom could have this supportive, synergetic, and compassionate relationship with each other and prove themselves to be formidable when they are together. While Boomer and Buttercup could have this marvelously off-beat, adorable, and lovable relationship where Boomer's kindness can provide Buttercup's heart with all the warmth it needs and Buttercup's assertion and independence can inspire Boomer to stand up for himself a lot more often. However, for optimal results, Butch can find a lot of warmth, lovability, sympathy, creativity, kindness, and attentiveness in his true lady love Bubbles and use his amazing strength to protect his blonde-haired, baby blue-clad angel from all harm. Meanwhile, Buttercup can discover just how chivalrous, strong, tough, large-and-in-charge, determined, and resilient Brick is, thus making her fall head-over-heels for his overall inspirational awesomeness.

Blossick may not be as bad as the barf-worthy sickness I have received from Butchercup, but The Reds' brand of extreme pride, smart-ass nature, ego-feeding, and soapbox-standing is making me go through a complete mojo drain. These red-haired, red-clad big siblings are mainly running their so-called relationship on unwanted tension, over-competitiveness, and so much selfishness that it is impossible to help them find a sense of being more down-to-earth. They may suck as a couple, but with them being comrades-in-arms, great sparring partners, friendly rivals, and surprisingly good and supportive friends. Whilst they may not be the greatest definition of being in a Karmic relationship, Brick and Blossom can do a whole lot better. Blossom can have Butch as a nice life partner who can be able to defend her good name, give her acknowledgment, respect, compassion, and helpfulness she truly deserves, use his great power to rescue her from all forms of peril, and make Butch realize that she may not be Miss Perfect but she is trying to do everything she can to not lose her head, thus gaining her sympathy and see how human she truly is. Whilst Brick can have Bubbles to give him the warmth, kindness, lovability, support, and enthusiasm he needs, thus making him risk tooth and nail to make sure that Bubbles stays safe from bullies, monsters, muggers, and murderers. However, for results that true great marks of excellence, Brick and Blossom can easily find their respective true loves in Buttercup and Boomer. There is no doubt that Brick's and Buttercup's strength and resilience make them powerful as a couple, and it also helps that Brick loves a girl like Buttercup who can speak her mind, take no crap from anyone, prove her strength and combat skills, and simply be herself all the way through. On Blossom's side, she and Boomer can easily display massive amounts of class, positivity, inspiration and impetus to become better people, unconditional love, and boundless support, thus making Boomer and Blossom strive for great relationship goals together.

Finally, we come to Boomubbles, the color-coded couple I used to love but now I have lost all of my mojo for The Blues. Whilst I do appreciate the loyalty and the positive vibes present in The Blues, I cannot deny that these two blond-haired, blue-clad lovelies are the definition of having too much of a good thing may not always be great in the grand scheme of things. I liken Boomubbles to having one too many treats in one go, thus overstimulating the pleasure centers in the brain, making it go through an instant high in the form of a sugar rush, but making it all come crashing down to a sugar withdrawal and soul-crushing boredom! Ergo, I have experienced Boomubbles' brand of pleasure and sweetness several times and after many years of shipping them as a couple, I can say hand on heart that there are other better life partners for Boomer and Bubbles who can give them far more substance in their relationships other than just one solitary flavor. At least their loyalty is enough for Boomer and Bubbles to the most supportive and best of friends who will have each others' back and will always support each others' endeavors. Indubitably, Boomer can have Buttercup in order to soften her heart and see a more sympathetic side to this female brawler with an attitude and Bubbles can fancy the pants off of Brick's courage and determination while helping him become a lot kinder, nicer, and more considerate as a person. However, in order to bring The Blues' lives in their relationship to excellent standards, Blossom and Butch can enter Boomer's and Bubbles' respective lives as their one true loves, thus making them a million times better than just having Boomubbles' brand of bland, sugary, syrupy sweetness. Blossoomer and Butchubbles are absolutely and legitimately perfect in terms of the versatility of flavor, color, and synergy, thus making them balance each other out in the most brilliant and delightful way possible. Boomer's brand of compassion, kindness, and unconditional love can crack Blossom's seemingly perfect veneer and see a young lady who under that mask is diplomatic, bright, considerate, compassionate, honest with herself, noble, and genuine. Meanwhile, Bubbles' brand of kindness, sympathy, optimism, and enthusiasm can be able to soften and tame Butch's wild, unresting heart and make him appreciate the simpler things in life.

In conclusion, I am more than happy to keep Butch x Buttercup, Brick x Blossom, and Boomer x Bubbles solely as a set of friends with The Greens having a competitive, loud, sibling-like friendship, The Reds having an equally competitive friendship, and The Blues being the definition of being best friends for life. Moreover, I am just as happy to stop shipping the color-code RuffPuff couples romantically and I never want to go back to them ever again because their personalities are just way too similar to the point where the thought of shipping the color-coded "couples" together is really off-putting. Butch x Blossom, Brick x Bubbles, and Boomer x Buttercup may bring some wonderful benefits to lead them to harmonious relationships but those are just the classic cases of first crushes. At the end of the day, Butch x Bubbles, Brick x Buttercup, and Boomer x Blossom are certainly the way to go when it comes to being in a set of superbly healthy relationships, which will keep growing with beauty, strength, loyalty, compassion, devotion, and unconditional love. I must reiterate and state with such pride that Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles are my endgame RuffPuff OTPs for life and I will never ever let them go, as these couples are the greatest definitions of true romance.

I hope you all enjoyed this Anti-Butchercup, Anti-Blossick, Anti-Boomubbles, Pro-Blossutch, Pro-Brickubbles, Pro-Boomercup, Super Aggro Pro-Butchubbles, Super Aggro Pro-Brickercup, and Super Aggro Pro-Blossoomer entry, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care and keep the love for Blossoomer, Brickercup, and Butchubbles alive, everybody.

Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and the screenshot from "The Rowdyruff Boys" from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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