My RRB x PPG Ships: The Extra Critical Version

in powerpuff •  5 years ago 

The original RRB x PPG shipping meme belongs to xXRuffGalXx. Moreover, this is one of my annual Red Ribbon Reviewer contributions for the year of 2019. Red Ribbon

I am holding nothing back with this, especially from the last revamped RRB x PPG shipping meme I did. This time there is going to be no leniency, no pussyfooting around, and no backing down anytime soon. This is going to be straightforward, as each pairing category will end up getting the NOTP, Liked Pairing, and OTP treatment.

Let's get started.

NOTPs for Life: The Color-Code Couples, the most overrated yet most boring set of pairings ever!

Butch x Buttercup (Butchercup aka The Aggressive, Loud, Over-Competitive Greens in an absolutely frustrating, soul sucking, short-termed relationship!)
Please get these two green-clad, raven-haired, loud toughies who have every opportunity to let their fists fly at the slightest provocation away from each other before the earth splits open! I do not want anymore animosity, emotional constipation, and boundless addiction encroaching everything beneficial about being in a healthy relationship. Keep them as great friends and they will be all right.

Brick x Blossom (Blossick aka The Competitive, Prideful, High and Mighty Reds whose egos are really huge and have no prospect of being in a great relationship!)
We have now come to the most overrated RuffPuff "couple" ever. I know they have their opposite personalities but I have seen enough Blossick fanart for one day. These two red-clad, red-haired "big siblings" truly deserve someone who can give them loads of respect, allegiance, loyalty, unconditional love, and someone who can be able to direct them into loads of positivity rather than having a couple of know-it-alls going at each other tooth and nail.

Boomer x Bubbles (Boomubbles aka The Syrupy, Sickly Sweet, Sentimental Blues who may be equivalent of a sweet treat on the outside but have too much of their sweetness and one would easily contact diabetes!)
Boomubbles may have done its fair share of salvaging of an otherwise overrated set of pairings but after shipping them for quite some time, I have decided to jump ship for good. I know their relationship would be akin to a first crush, but after a while, their relationship would end up getting boring, stale, and way too much on the safe side. Speaking of which, sometimes indulging myself in the Blues' brand of sweetness would be akin to easily caving into diabetes to the point where I can no longer taste any other flavor anymore. Please give me something other than just sugary sweet before my blood glucose levels spike up and give way! It pains me to say this about this particular color-code couple I used to love the most, but I am officially done with shipping the Blues together.

All right, I know my friends and fellow artists who are color-code shippers are going to pop at me but when one reaches a certain stage in life and has seen way too much of Blossick, Butchercup, and Boomubbles fan-related works, then would easily realize that enough is enough. I have seen my fair share of color-code fanart, fanfics, and other fan-related work and I have seen more than enough. The Reds, The Greens, and The Blues certainly deserve someone so much better!

Liked Pairings for Life: The Color-Crack Couples, the cutest, loveliest, and most lovable set of pairings ever!

Boomer x Buttercup (Boomercup, surprisingly diverse and really fun)
The prospect of Boomer and Buttercup as a couple is akin to grabbing the nearest teddy bear and giving it a tight hug or having an excursion to the petting zoo and seeing all of the sheep, rabbits, and other lovely critters to pet them as much as possible. Boomercup is that lovely and sweet. One thing I can see is loads of support between our favorite cobalt blue-clad Ruff and our favorite lime green-clad Puff and forging a great friendship with each other. Boomer would be able to see Buttercup's soft side and Buttercup would be able to acknowledge how surprisingly strong and formidable Boomer is aside from being sympathetic. As I stated before, Boomercup is absolutely sweet and heartwarming even though it does not end up achieving OTP status.

Brick x Bubbles (Brickubbles, superbly supportive, indubitably innocent, and charismatically cute)
Brickubbles is the classic case of a well-rounded, large-and-in-charge, determined jock who is the school's Mr. Cool hooking up with a lovable, popular, kind-hearted, merciful cheerleader with a heart of gold. I could see this mainly functioning in a high school setting but as a long-term relationship, not so much. At least, Brick can be able to help Bubbles be more assertive and confident and Bubbles can be more than capable of delving into Brick's more sympathetic, more protective, and more loving side, thus seeing a gentler soul in such a large-and-in-charge person. Indubitably, Brick's and Bubbles' dynamics are quite healthy and do show lots of loyalty to the point where they are not only the best of friends but also the most loyal and most supportive of in-laws.

Butch x Blossom (Blossutch, beautifully synergetic and absolutely thrilling for a first crush scenario)
Yes, I did love Blossutch a lot. However, nowadays, I would just love to chalk this up as a first crush scenario between Butch and Blossom. A couple of facets remain, as they are attributed to their collective formidability as a dynamic duo, the support they would give to each other, and the chances for them to lead more fulfilling lives. Butch can always remind Blossom that there is a whole lot more to life than books, reputation, and what people think of her and Blossom can always remind Butch that there is a whole lot more to his life than just being Brick's favorite brother and lapdog, using his fists and muscles to get through his problems, and thinking that expressing his emotions is only what sensitive people do. Speaking of Brick, Blossom would be unafraid to call him out on not giving Butch the acknowledgment, approval, and sympathy he really deserves as his brother, thus making Brick realize the errors of his own brother-rearing ways. In turn, Butch would be extremely blessed to have someone attentive as Blossom be there for him as his greatest confidant and most loyal friend.

In another universe, I would have easily loved these couples in a heartbeat. However, all of them work on a first crush basis and nothing more. There is still some good, interest, and flexibility to be found in each of these three couples, and I would not have it any other way. However, there is another set of couples I place so high on my list with such regard, admiration, and love to the point where I am proud to be a devout shipper of these three couples.

OTPs for Life: The Color-Clash Couples, the greatest set of couples who have boundless synergy, flavor, and excitement on show!

Butch x Bubbles (Butchubbles, delightfully comforting without any form of guilt whatsoever)
The praises I sing for this opposites-attract couple will never end, as I continue to be completely chuffed at their brand of lovability, synergy, and cuddliness. This has the wonderful effect of having a nice, savory flavor with a sweet aftertaste which can leave me pleasantly full and delighted for that meal. Growing up with a lot of bad boy and sweet girl couples has made me see what dynamics Butch and Bubbles were going to fall into, and the results have been amazing. There is no doubt that Butch's super strength and magnificent muscles would be great for defending Bubbles against all harm and Bubbles' kindness and compassion can be able to give Butch every single reason to live. Ergo, one can never, ever go wrong with Butch and Bubbles staying firmly and hand-in-hand as a most loving couple.

Brick x Buttercup (Brickercup, rambunctiously resilient and splendidly spicy)
The bold, beautiful, exotic flavors Brickercup have make me want to go back for seconds because I have been shipping this color-clash couple for the longest time. Who cares if their relationship is not like a fairy tale or anything too romantic? Brick and Buttercup may not have so much time for syrupy romance but they are a clear example of not holding back, displaying loads of persistence, and never caving in to addictions, thus leading them down the road to be the healthy, synergetic couple that they are. When it comes to strength, determination, valor, stamina, guts, and persistence, Brick and Buttercup truly have these awesome facets in spades. Henceforth, there is no way these two are going to separate any time soon.

Boomer x Blossom (Blossoomer, graciously genuine, abundantly awesome, and brilliantly beautiful)
The sheer purity, unconditional love, and endearing genuineness which radiate with this particular couple are off the charts in the most phenomenal way! It is astounding to know that I am proud to proclaim this couple as most favorite overall RuffPuff couple of all time because of how much greatness and positivity I can find with Boomer and Blossom being together. Moreover, they prove themselves to be astoundingly staunch towards each other whether they have a jolly holiday, a mournful dirge or a frustrating ditch, they will stay by each other every way until Sunday. Their strength lies within their boundless loyalty and unconditional love to the point where I salute Boomer and Blossom for being the couple that can display loads of allegiance and oodles of faithfulness towards each other.

It goes without saying that the color-clash couples are the definition of being in an unbreakable, infallible, and unwaveringly healthy relationship full of synergy, unconditional love, and a divine sense of forgiveness, humility, and resilience. That is why I continue to be very happy to be a full-fledged color-clash couple shipper and be continuously grateful for all of my fellow artists and friends who are just as hardcore Brickercup, Butchubbles, and Blossoomer shippers as I am.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Take care and Happy Holidays, everybody.

Brick, Butch, Boomer, Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles from The Rowdyruff Boys and The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

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