The Blossutch Family Strikes Again drawn by me

in powerpuff •  6 years ago 

This marks my final Blossutch Month submission, as headed by the wonderful Paula aka BrickercupMasterX3. I'm going out with a bang on this one, as we are taking a look at more Blossutch children.

Here we have 26-year-old Butch and his 25-year-old wife Blossom and their eight children 5-going-on-6-year-old eldest daughter Azalea Bernadette Green, 3-year-old fraternal twin sons Brendan James Green and Blake Francis Green, 2-year-old twins Bradley Oliver Green and Belle Marguerite Green, 1-year-old sororal twins Brenda Katelyn Green and Belinda Kiara Green, and 7-month-old Abigail Barbara Green.

We knew how Brendan, Blake, and Belle came to be, so let's get to know how these children came to this world and who they are.

Azalea Bernadette Green was born on December 20, 2012, when Butch and Blossom in their second year of college. After Butch bore three children with Bubbles and Boomer bore three daughters with Blossom a year ago years ago, the two couples decided to reunite. That was when Azalea was born and it was said she was a placid baby when she emerged. Moreover, she showed her first signs of bearing cryokinesis when she was fed mashed pumpkins and carrots, as she blew on the spoon and it turned to ice. As Azalea or Azi grew, her motor and verbal skills developed at such an impeccable rate, as evidenced when she learned how to read scientific books, novels, magazines, and newspaper articles when she was a year old and when she effortlessly carried her parents to her room. Even more astounding was her ability to make an ice version of her parents' signature laser eye beams, in which Azi is able to use her ice eye beams to freeze any heat-powered attack, thus neutralizing its effect as well as creating two versions of Butch's energy-absorbing force field, one being the normal one but in the color of pink and the other version being made of ice to absorb any heat-powered attack. Through all of the books she read, thanks to Blossom being such a great influence on Azi, she grew up to be a highly intelligent young girl who bears her mother's intellect, astounding use of tact, wide vocabulary, and willingness to do the right thing. Aside from her smarts, she also bears her father's willingness to fight thanks to all of the sparring matches and racing she does with Butch. As the eldest sister, she does her best to be a good role model to all of her younger siblings, though there are times she is prone to bossiness and thinking that her way is always right. In spite of all that, she still means well and is a fine balance of brain and brawn and is extremely close to her mother.

Bradley Oliver Green, much like his twin sister Belle, was born on July 26, 2016. He and Belle are like two peas in a pod, as they are both highly intelligent yet also a bit on the wild side. The only difference being that Bradley shows that wild, energetic nature in spades like when he twitches with excitement in the face of battle, while Belle is more reserved and tame, as well as having only green eyes while Belle has heterochromia. Bradley looks up to Azalea, Brendan, and Blake to the point of even endorsing them as the best big siblings he and Belle ever had. Being the best of both worlds like his parents in terms of his powers, he can create an icicle-spiked force field to fend off enemies and protect himself from any attacks, as opposed to the igloo version Belle can make. Moreover, even though he has his mother's signature ice breath, he can intensify that said power to make his signature Blizzard Breath, which he can use to incapacitate his foes not only freezing them but also effortlessly blowing them away. In spite of his occasional wild ways, he like his twin sister Belle still manages to be the pacifist of the siblings, especially when Azalea starts to get too big for her boots or when Brendan and Blake get into arguments.

Brenda Katelyn Green and Belinda Kiara Green were born on February 2, 2017. It was said that Brenda was a placid baby, while Belinda was a bit on the loud side. Even though Brenda loves anything that is feminine like playing with dolls, being in frilly dresses, and liking anything that she perceives as dainty, Belinda is a little bit more tomboyish and prefers physical activities like using her giant teddy bear as her most favorite sparring partner, thus making Brenda a mommy's girl and Belinda a daddy's girl. Moreover, both Brenda and Belinda have impeccable vocabulary even though they are all but a year old. Power-wise, both Brenda and Belinda prove themselves to be strong fighters showing a lot of endurance as well as showing tactfulness in battle evidenced when both girls were playing with their dolls and making them fight each other. Brenda bears the ability to create sleet and slush from her hands thus immobilizing her foes and Belinda can create a durable energy-absorbing force field to protect her from any attack. One attack these girls have in common is their signature Slush Attack, in which Brenda and Belinda create punches and kicks that brings out a gale of slush, sleet, and snow. In spite of their differences, Brenda and Belinda get along really well, even though they get themselves into arguments, but they are easily resolved.

Abigail Barbara Green was born on February 20, 2018, as she is the newest member of Butch's and Blossom's family. Even though she is all but seven months old, she has shown to bear the power of flight, especially evidenced one night when she was in her crib, as she floated in her sleep. She is a rather fun-loving, rambunctious baby who bears two qualities. The first one is her rough-and-tumble personality in which she has a tendency to twitch when she gets excited and whenever she wants to get physical with anyone and anything. The second one is her more ladylike personality, in which she can be composed when the situation calls for it. Moreover, for someone who is still a tiny baby, she has shown to prove how strong she is by bench-pressing her crib and using her giant stuffed crocodile as a wrestling partner and she can even use her ice breath to turn food like yogurt into frozen yogurt. Abigail enjoys the company of her siblings, especially her older brothers, as she looks up to them so much.

Well, that's it for my final Blossutch Month submission. It was certainly a fun ride, even though I have four pending submissions for KatyGorl's Claim a PPG Month. Don't worry, the remaining four submissions will arrive in the next few days, it's just that I have to deal with real life and academics. But like I said, I'm not going to abandon the remaining four. So, until then, see you in the next submission.

Butch and Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken and Cartoon Network.

Azalea and Abigail belong to CottonCandyGrl1969.

Bradley, Brenda, and Belinda belong to Misse-the-cat.

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Very nice i like it
That's really great
