Covid-19 article from 2016 (received in 2015), saw this on @RealAlexJones and @realDonaldTrump should know they are trying to do more lockdowns in the future. Everybody should always remind @realDonaldTrump and @elonmusk and @DOGE about geoengineering and chem trails and the damn planes and jets spraying stuff in the sky in the name of alleged global warming or climate change which they've been spraying all over America since at least the 1990s or longer and for more information people can contact @RealAlexJones and Dane Wigington @RealGeoEngWatch.
People in my Discord Server think I'm trying to learn how to become a lolcow like Chris Chan or Daniel Larson.
Covid since 2006; videos: Drunken Oatmeal Joey Pirate Song video; watched: Star Wars Theory - The Skeleton Crew Episode 3 Breakdown - THE OLD REPUBLIC, John Campea - Star Wars Skeleton Crew Gets Even Better With Episode 3, La Brea 201-202, Joe Rogan - Joe Rogan Experience #2240 - Roger Avary & Quentin Tarantino, Tucker Carlson - Why the Intel Agencies Want to Track Your Every Transaction and Throw Roger Ver in Jail for Life, Roger Stone and David Martin on Alex Jones, FBI Has TWENTY SIX Informants At J6 IG Report Exposes, AOC WAS RIGHT w/Mike Davis | Timcast IRL
Power Rangers
Oatmeal Daily - 2024-12-12 - Thursday | Published in December of 2024
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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Discord Drama
2024-12-12 - Thursday - 02:53 AM - Discord Log
827/ Bots automatically give people the prison role in order to try to prevent too many people from excessively leveling up towards getting roles that might be too high; the system is not broken, it's just most of the people in the server tend to be trolls or at least not heirs. 828/ Lil Andru should be demoted for not understanding that the roles are not fucked up; Andru is too anonymous, too much of a troll, and not enough of a real Heir of the Oatmeal; most people in the server are trolls who should be below admin. 02:40 PM: 829/ I don't think the roles are inconsistent, I think you are mistaken. Wait, who is Nova Online? 05:01 PM: 830/ Give me an example of a role that might have inconsistent permissions because it could be a mistake on my part because not all the permissions are saved when I'm in there in the settings making changes, it could be a conflict between the server and channel settings or roles. 831/ My suggestion is to not give out the message management permission to roles below gods or maybe rulers, that is the power to delete messages, there are roughly 87 main roles, gods is level 56 which is roughly in the middle; only let people you trust get certain powers. 832/ To use an analogy for understanding the Internet, it's critical to understand there's a difference between kids saying hello to clowns at public shows at libraries and men sneaking into bedrooms of children in private; trolls conflate these two very different things. 833/ Somebody turned off permissions for Warlocks? Do we need to punish whoever broke Warlocks? 834. I gave the main roles numbers, I want to keep 71-73, there are also roles above you that are not being used either, I was thinking of remodeling some of the roles, I'm thinking of changing the names to these four roles and other roles too; I was also thinking of adding roles. 835/ People should not create new temporary invite links and use my permanent link that I post all over the Internet; the ability to view messages partly depends on the settings and permissions of the different channels which can vary or it can be conflicts and blocks. 836/ I don't think that's true. 837/ First person to explain why I talk to my Discord through Twitter X might be rewarded or something, give me an answer to this question that is good enough, this challenge is only open to mods or lower. 938/ Historians can just copy from my autobiography which is on my blog, just copy and paste. 939/ But my blog is the deep dive because my blog has details about every single year of my life since I was born in the year 1985, every single year. 940/ Which permissions do you want to see enabled for which roles? I currently see no inconsistencies in the roles, is Rulers still appearing to work better than Bartenders? 941/ Looks like Alliana saved the day again. 942/ Human brains might continue developing until the age of 25 but that's still an estimate, partly a theory, it can vary depending on the individual in the same way people grow at different rates and some people are tall and some people are short; many variables. 943/ I'd argue there's potential for the brain to continue developing even after the age of 25 because every cell in our bodies are generally replaced every seven years which would include growing a new brain every seven years on average. 944/ Please explain.
04:53 PM
People in my Discord Server think I'm trying to learn how to become a lolcow like Chris Chan or Daniel Larson
Twitter Tweets
Everybody should always remind @realDonaldTrump and @elonmusk and @DOGE about geoengineering and chem trails and the damn planes and jets spraying stuff in the sky in the name of alleged global warming or climate change which they've been spraying all over America since at least the 1990s or longer and for more information people can contact @RealAlexJones and Dane Wigington @RealGeoEngWatch
12:27 AM
John MacArthur argued crypto or Bitcoin is not money and cannot be legally taxed at all. The problem with standing on a building is a sudden gush of wind will blow you off and you will die if the wind is going faster than you can react, so it is an ultimate dare to test fate.
12:40 AM
I was born in 1985, I enjoyed watching PBS especially in the 1990s but PBS has been getting worse over the years; I think even Elmo was promoting the Killer Covid Vaccines; but regardless, government probably shouldn't be funding PBS directly or indirectly even if PBS wasn't spamming fake news to children
12:46 AM
Sounds like either some of the secret service are bad at their job or they were told to let people try to kill Trump and luckily people were unable to take out Trump but it seems secret service were ordered at least at times to stand down which should be criminal if it isn't already; this should be fully investigated
01:51 PM
Santa Claus was just a fictional character we would see on television and in movies for Christmas, I don't remember my parents or others trying to get me to believe in flying reindeer
I would play along with the idea of Santa since I was maybe eight; I also pretended I was an alien growing up as well; there were times I debated with other children how can Santa deliver all the presents in only a few hours and how does Santa get into trailers since we grew up in the ghetto; but I mostly saw the debates as theoretical fan fiction; I don't have memories of thinking Santa was totally real; perhaps if I ever did really believe in Santa, those memories might be buried deep inside my head; but for the most part, Santa was just a fun Christmas mascot
02:30 AM
There is this like anime cartoon show on like Netflix called Secret Level which goes over different videos games and one of the episodes is Pac-Man which tells the story of a robot drone trying to force these clone humanoids to kill for her; near the end, the drone tried to take over the man's body to become the Pac-Man but then that man rejected the drone from demon possessing his body thus resulting in his death; after that, you see the drone going back to the factory of clone bodies to try to get the next body to kill as it's really the drone who is stuck in the maze
12:19 PM
I am not saying they didn't tell me, I don't remember, but regardless of what anybody might have said, I mostly would see the world in whatever way I wanted to; but I did sort of thought there were people inside the TV when I was little and people inside the screen at the movie theater as well
So, therefore, perhaps I did sort of believe in Santa but I have no memories of actually believing in Santa at the moment; but I think I am glad my parents didn't talk about Santa all the time like as if Santa was real; I grew up going to church, so we would focus on how Christmas was more about Baby Jesus and less about Santa; I think a lot of parents don't have to tell their children that Santa is real or fake in the same way you don't have to tell kids that every single movie and show is real or fake; Santa was a fun story; I think a lot of kids can probably eventually realize Santa is just a story on their own
But then again, I wonder how many kids in America tend to believe Santa is totally real when they are younger; I wonder how many kids were like me; I'm either a bit unique or I at least can't remember actually believing in Santa or maybe I did at times and maybe some people are like me with no clear memories like long lost buried memories that people end up forgetting
12:26 PM
There are secret unofficial trillionaires or families like the Rothschild dynasty who may own many of the banks around the world, so Elon Musk will probably become the first official public trillionaire as the actual richest people in the world tend to try to hide how much money they really have, they try to stay out of the lime light; look at King Charles, the Pope and others; maybe Elon can find out who some of the secret richest people are in the world and post that list on a website
01:06 PM
I see Santa Claus as an illustration of other things people can believe or not believe even later on in life, sort of like an imaginary friend you might grow out of later on; my advice would be you don't have to directly say Santa is not real but you can show her how the sausage is made and let her develop doubt of the existence of a magical flying Santa
Growing up, I remember seeing how Christmas presents would come from the parents and others; I don't remember presents coming from Santa; I would remember going Christmas shopping with people; so it was like in my mind, nothing came from Santa because the gifts came from different people
I think also some friendly debates about Santa might help kids see maybe Santa isn't real; but the biggest thing might be about who buys the presents; I always knew people got the presents; so it is only logical to think if people bought all the presents, then what did Santa do? Do parents write down on the presents, "To Billy, From Santa" or do they write down from mommy or from daddy? Do families actually say to their kids the gifts came from Santa? I think my family never did that, I remember gifts saying each gift came from actual people, each one
01:45 PM
Breaking news, George Washington handed Donald Trump the keys to the universe in space saying now is your time to hawk tuah onto the deep state who are hiding in deep space trying to fake Project Blue Beam to distract the world with said Alex Jones
Globalists are trying to throw everything at us in order to stop Trump and Elon Musk; globalists trying to throw at us new Jan6 traps, new Covid-like pandemics, trying to make world war 3 with Russia go hot, trying to turn off the power, trying to start race wars, trying to fake alien invasions to scare everyone on the planet into a prison planet submission, trying to crash the dollar to increase inflation and depression; the globalists are cornered wild animals trying to throw everything at us and they're trying to murder Trump and Elon Musk and others; globalists will NOT stop trying
02:34 PM
The math does not add up, Jizz Bucket Porn Star Lily Phillips did 100 men in 14 hours around October 2024 and now want to do 1000 men in 24 hours in February 2025, but the math would state you can do maybe 200 men in 24 hours if you went at the same speed as last time
11:41 PM
Mario battling Pac-Man
11:52 PM
Here is Grok drawing me
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La Brea 201-202
2024-12-12 - Thursday - 02:41 AM - La Brea 201-202
She goes through a sink hole to see her older sister but now she is younger. The other group was in Seattle but their hole brought them to LA. Another group made it to 1988 and they ran into a scientist man who is trying to stop these holes. People end up at a slave camp with a castle like gate. Boy reunites with his grandpa and his parents may still be alive.
11:54 AM
Roger Ver was buying Bitcoin when it was under $1 each, his company accepted payment in Bitcoin; around June of 2011, Bitcoin went from $3 to $30. Not only the media but also the CIA was paying attention trying to figure out what is Bitcoin
People were on this website called to learn about it around that time, there was a bunch of bots posting on that forum a bunch of nonsense to confuse all the new people who were trying to learn about it. I probably heard about it too by that time or earlier and I thought it was related to Minecraft or other video games and didn't buy Bitcoin for the first time until 2017
05:20 PM
Covid-19 article from 2016 (received in 2015), saw this on @RealAlexJones and @realDonaldTrump should know they are trying to do more lockdowns in the future
La Brea 201-202
2024-12-12 - Thursday - 02:41 AM - La Brea 201-202
04:14 AM
Joe Rogan - Joe Rogan Experience #2240 - Roger Avary & Quentin Tarantino
01:19 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Thursday 12/12/24 • DEEP THOUGHTS ON THE DRONES AND UFOS • Infowars
06:07 PM
FBI Has TWENTY SIX Informants At J6 IG Report Exposes, AOC WAS RIGHT w/Mike Davis | Timcast IRL
Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed around 04:20 AM. Awoke around 11:05 AM. Drunken Oatmeal Joey Pirate Song video. Breakfast: 11:57 AM. Lunch: 01:23 PM. Dishes, 02:40 PM for around two around including compost, recycling, trash, mail, cooler clean, jars rinse, ice replace as normal each day for that red cooler with the jars past week or longer, Mom is watching Star Gate, season 6 right now, cloudy, some rain, Joe Cool is the Thief in the Night video taking stuff or basketballs at WOLBI 2004, talk with mom about how egg powder is put in foods at restaurants and stores and is bad compared to real eggs because it is sort of like what they do to milk and they put stuff even in the beef in hamburgers at fast food, I do leg and arm exercises as I take vitamins or other random times throughout the day including stretching starting weeks or months ago like more so on average than ever in my life in an attempt to workout a bit even if it is only a few seconds or minutes each day at random times, back here around 04:45 PM. Dinner: 04:50 PM. Nap around 06:30 PM for like thirty minutes. Scanned mostly the dick photos and awards around 08:00 PM for around 2 hours. Studying driving tests online a few minutes or longer each day on average for weeks now. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, 11:57 AM, applesauce pudding mom made which was delicious, 01:08 PM. Lunch: 4 boiled eggs, 01:23 PM. Dinner: potato, tea, 04:50 PM. More tea later.