Bypassing Group Policy to set wallpaper with powershell.

in powershell •  8 years ago  (edited)


  Some Group Policies will force you to use a specific wallpaper. You can use this script to change your wallpaper.

You first want to start by creating a file named wp.ps1 with you favorite text editor.


Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.Win32;
namespace Wallpaper
   public enum Style : int
       Tile, Center, Stretch, NoChange
   public class Setter {
      public const int SetDesktopWallpaper = 20;
      public const int UpdateIniFile = 0x01;
      public const int SendWinIniChange = 0x02;
      [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
      private static extern int SystemParametersInfo (int uAction, int uParam, string lpvParam, int fuWinIni);
      public static void SetWallpaper ( string path, Wallpaper.Style style ) {
         SystemParametersInfo( SetDesktopWallpaper, 0, path, UpdateIniFile | SendWinIniChange );
         RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Control Panel\\Desktop", true);
         switch( style )
            case Style.Stretch :
               key.SetValue(@"WallpaperStyle", "2") ; 
               key.SetValue(@"TileWallpaper", "0") ;
            case Style.Center :
               key.SetValue(@"WallpaperStyle", "1") ; 
               key.SetValue(@"TileWallpaper", "0") ; 
            case Style.Tile :
               key.SetValue(@"WallpaperStyle", "1") ; 
               key.SetValue(@"TileWallpaper", "1") ;
            case Style.NoChange :

[Wallpaper.Setter]::SetWallpaper( 'C:\Users\ %username%\Documents\start\Penguins.jpg', 0 )

Be sure to change "C:\Users\ %username%\Documents\start\Penguins.jpg" to the location of your image

Now that you have the powershell script ready. You can create a ".bat" file to run it.


  • powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File C:\Users\ %username%\Documents\start\wp.ps1

    Be sure to place everything in the correct file locations and these scripts should run properly.

    *NOTE* This will only change your wallpaper while you are logged in. If you want your wallpaper to be changed everytime you login you need to create a shortcut and add it to your startup folder.

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