Some people are so quick to criticize others.
However, when it is time for someone to critique them, they play the victim.
If you are going to be critical of others.
Be able to take it, when others are critical of you.
Being a critic of someones thoughts or actions is fine as long as it is constructive and with purpose. The best critic seeks to challenge others to become better.
A bad critic simply wants to give destructive criticism with no substance.
They often take the position of an intellectual expert on a topic.
But, have little to solidify their position.
I feel that being critical has tremendous value if the intent is pure.
I mean, how can we grow if we are not challenged?
That being said.
There is a fine line between being someones critic and just being negative.
Critique to improve not to tear down.
Critique to initiate mind expanding dialogue not to speak negativity over others.
Critique to learn not to inflate your ego by attempting to make others insecure.
Offer critique with a side order of support, knowledge and understanding.
Offer it only when you are prepared to show people a better way.
When done right critique yields value.
When done wrong critique creates poor human engagement and puts people at odds.
Am I selfish?
When I do something good?
Why so?
"There are no unselfish good deeds!" said the actor in the popular sitcom.
Even though the audience burst into laughter, this question lingered for a while in my mind.
Are there any unselfish good deeds?
As per the show, if any act makes us feel good, it become selfish.
But if something makes us feel bad and we still do it, that makes it unselfish.
So, I sat down and gave it some thought.
After a few arguments with myself, I settled for this:
If a deed is done without realising that it's doing good or bad and turns out to help someone, it can be justified as selfless good deed.
It seems be going in circles, though 😅
What are your thoughts on this?