Details of Salahs (Compiled)prayer !

in prayer •  6 years ago 

The Virtue of Prayer


Prayer to Allah Pak is the most important worship. There is nothing more to worship than Allah than praying prayer. Allah has ordained for the people five times a day in the Prayer. Those who perform the obligatory prayers for five times daily, they will stay in the best place in the Hereafter. And those who do not pray, they will stay in the lowest place of hell.
It has been reported in the Hadith that Allah Almighty will forgive the sins of the person who performs Wudu prayer with devotion and devotion, on the Day of Resurrection, and will place in the best place of Paradise.
In another tradition, it is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Prayer is a pillar of Islam". That is, the house is not made without a pillar or standing. Similarly, Islamism can not survive without a pillar called house and prayer. The person who had established the Prayer properly, he helped keep Islam. The one who did not establish the Prayer should destroy Islam.
The first prayer will be taken on the Day of Resurrection. The hands, feet, and faces of the person who performs the prayer will be as bright as the sun's light on the Day of Resurrection. But the consequence of Banameyami will be the result and will be hell. It has been reported in the Hadith that the Prayers will be with the Prophets, the martyrs and the aliens in the field of Resurrection. And Benamajira, will be with Pharaoh, Saddad, Haman, Karun and other big disbelievers.
It is very necessary to read the Prayer of each person. If there is no prayer, many losses will occur in the Hereafter and in the world. Salat is not forgiven for anyone. In any case, it is not permissible to abstain from the Prayer, the condition of the sick, the open, the deaf, the blind, the dull, and the condition of the prayer.
Allah Pak has said in the Holy Quran -

قد الفلح المؤ منون الذين هم صلوتهم خاشعون
Pronounced mumininal laminaahum salatihim khishouen.
It was obligatory for every prophet and his followers to start praying from the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) to the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). For every Prophet 10 times, every 30 times, one for every 50 times, and 40 days for each person was obligatory. When the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) went to the mortal, Allah made fifty times the prayer and he decreed gradually by 5 times for the prayer. But in the last 5 prayers, the people of the last prayer will get the reward of 50 times of the Prayer. Prayer is a gift of Allah Pak. Those who disobey Allah Almighty's gift or they will never be able to be the favorite servant of Allah Pak.

Allah has said the Qur'an about the Virtue of the Holy Book -

والذين هم على صلوتهم يحا فظون اولئكفى جنتمكرمونا
Pronunciation: Walazina Hama Ala Chalawatihim Yehafijuna Ulike Feet Jannatim Muqramun.
Translation: All those who take care of prayer, they will go to heaven and will be honored with respect.
The Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, "Five times Prayer is like a river flowing in front of your house. If you take bath in the river five times every day, just as you can not have any garbage in your body, one person can not touch any type of sin if he performs the Prayer five times. The Holy Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) further said, when a person prays with devotion, fear is offered in a mixed prayer; Allah Pak will make it unlawful for the fire of Hell. On the Day of Judgment, Salat will save the person from the fire of Hell and go to heaven. If the soil on the forehead is filled with dust, it will not clear it. Because, as long as the soil is on the forehead, Allah's mercy continues to rain.
Prayer on Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), Prayer on Prophet David (peace be upon him), Prayer on Prophet Solomon, prayer on Prophet Jacob (peace be upon him), and Prayer on Prophet Jonah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) It was made obligatory. The person who earns these five times in prayer with due respect, he will get the same reward as the above five prophets. Aishah (R) said, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was talking to me. At that time the prayer was made. He stood up and stood up. His body color and appearance changed. I was thinking of seeing him, he could not recognize me. I asked the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) about the reason why he said,' O aisha! This is the time of observance of Allah's command. At this time everyone should be afraid of this call.
The Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, "When a servant stands in jayamanam by performing abductions, Allah Pak sent a messenger to tell him that my such and such a servant is preparing to pray, but his past sins are stored. His prayer will not be purified if he performs the Prayer with uncleanness. You take all the sins from her body on your head. And let my servant pray in silence. According to the order of Allah, the angel took away all his sins and stood on his head. After the completion of the Prayer, the angels say, O Allah! The prayer of your servant has ended. Now let's shed her sins in her body. Allah Pak says, 'My name is Rahmanur Rahim.' If I take the burden of sin from the person's body, and if he imposes that burden, then my Rahman name does not have the self-interest. O angel! Throw the burden of the sin of this servant in hell and burn it. From now on, my servant is innocent.
One day the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was sitting with the Companions. At that time, a Jew came and said, "O Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)! I'll ask you a question. If you can answer him, then you will understand that you are really the Prophet of Allah. Because no one can answer my question without a prophet. Then the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, what is your question? The Jews said, "What is its doctrine that you and your Ummah have been given five daily prayers?" The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "When the sun goes towards the western sky, a group of angels is worshiping God in the first heaven. At that time the doors of all the heavens are open. The worship of man and all the angels is worshiped by Allah in the Holy. All the prayers of Allah are accepted in the time of Johor. The Prophet's (peace be upon him) disobedience to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) by Allah's Apostle. At that time the intention of the order of the Prayer was to be done, that Satan could not be deceived if he prayed in those times. In the time of Maghrib, the repentance of the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was accepted. In that time, Allah will accept the supplication that Allah will give to the Holy Prophet. This is the time when Esha Prayer was made obligatory on the people of my previous Prophets and their community. When this prayer is done, there is a specific Prayer Prayer on all the Prophets. And the meaning of the Fajr prayer is that when the sun arises, it arises upon the devil's head. At that time, the idolaters of the disbelievers prostrate themselves to Satan, aimed at their gods. Allah has ordered me and my followers to pray before it. The Jews said, "I understand that you are really God's Prophet." Then the Jew became a Muslim by taking his dalabah.
The Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, "When you stand in the Prayer, you will think in your mind that I have stood in front of Allah Pak." Although I do not see him, he sees me.
In one battle Hadrat Ali (R) was hit by the arrow. He was troubled by the pain of arrows. Can not make the arrow out of many attempts. During the prayer, when Ali decided to pray, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to draw some arrows in the direction of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and took out the arrow. The zygomatic blood was wet. But Ali (R) did not know anything about it. At the end of the prayer, he asked the blood of the janamamayah what blood was it.
The prayer of the nearest servants of Allah is usually the same. Prayer can not be finished by virtue. Therefore, warning the Muslim brothers that they can not be reached without the prayers in the next life.

The punishment for not praying

Allah Pak has declared his Quran -

فويل للمصلين الذين هم عن صلوتهم سا هون
Pronunciation: Fawwillulill Muchialalllagineham Unchalatihim Chahun.
Hadrat Ibn Abbas (ra) has stated - There is a huge hole in the name of the name of John, which is named after his name, Ole. This place is so difficult that the other people will pray to Allah for seventy times every day, O Allah! Save us from that oil.

Those who do not pray at the time of praying, who are ill, and do not pray at the time, how can they be punished sometimes.
It is mentioned in the Hadith that in order to give up the Prayer every day, there must be eighty people in hell. The eighty years of the world are equally shocking. His eighteenth Chhakab means that he should stay in Hell for a time of 1600 (one thousand six hundred) years of Prayer. Those who do not pray at all and do not keep the Mishabah in prayer, they will have to live forever in hell.
The Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said that there is a path between the Muslims and the disbelievers, this is a Muslim prayer, and the unbeliever does not pray. Therefore, the unbelievers are considered to be among the disbelievers. If someone says what the prayer is, what will be the prayer, and he will be disbelieved. Many people say that we have to earn poor people. Where is the time to pray? They think that the happiness of the world is passing peace and eternal peace of the Hereafter Those who are in the hope of peace for two days in the world by destroying the happiness of eternity, are not fools like them. God Pak, who owns the bread, earns bread. If he does not give up, he will not be able to work for the whole mass. And if Allah gives mercy, He can give him wealth in the moment. Therefore, the prayer should not be discarded at the Ruji's presence.
Many girls say that the boys do not have time to do the work of the family and do not have time to pray. Again, I did not wear clothes like my prayer. I can not even just clean the dough, and I can not clean it properly. How to read the prayer? All these bad accusations have no value in Allah's Court. Those who are interested in praying, they are capable of praying even during obstacles. And there is no limit to the objection of those who do not pray. On the Day of Resurrection Allah Pakan will sit on the Qazi's seat. Then all these objection objections will not work.
For those who do not pray, God has set a specific goal. Sixteen will be given in six worlds, three deaths, three in the grave, and three will be included in the expedition.
Six Penalty in the World There will be no blessing in his life. 2. God will take away the marks of good people from his face. 3. The one who does something good will not get the reward of it. 4. His prayer will not be accepted by Allah Pak. 5. All the angels of God will be displeased with it. 6. Will be deprived of the precious blessings of Islam.
At the time of death, three are: 1. Be extremely distressed and die. 2. Due to hunger, we will die. 3.At the time of his death, he will get so thirsty that he will want to drink all the water of the world.
Three in the grave: 1 His grave will be so narrow that the bones of one side of him will be shattered with the bones of the other side. 2. In his grave, day and night will always be kept on fire. 3. God will appoint an unruly angel in his grave. The iron mugure in his hand will be there. He will say to the dead person why the prayer is not done in the world. Take advantage of his fruit today. In order to avoid this, Fajr prayer is to be done from Dajar to Johar, from Zohar to Asher for Zuhr prayer, from Asr to Maghrib for Asr prayers, from Maghrib to Esha for the Maghrib Prayer, and to pray for this prayer from Esha to Fajr till Fajr. Every time there will be a sound like a thunderstorm, and the body will be crushed and goes down to fifty yards of ground. The angel will resurrect him again and bite the bones one by one again. Thus, by the time of Resurrection, he would be hit by the iron muger.
Three abrasah at the field of Bashar An angel will take him to the top of the foot and head down to the field of the desert. Allah Pak will not see him in favor of Grace. He has been enjoying the fruits of his own works forever for being a Hellfire.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah (peace and blessings be upon him) said that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) will be disheartened on the Day of Resurrection on the eighth generation of my Ummah. Their faces will be very ugly and tremendous. Every person will hate them in the field of Bashan. The Companions asked him to listen to this, O Messenger of Allah! Who are those people? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Javan-kar 2) The unchallenged King or Hakim. 3. Mother and father's disobedient child. 4. Interest rate 5 After-reproach 6 Mischief and tyrannical 7 False witness 8 Beysedi Among them, the punishment of the unbelievers will be greater. While wearing a fire-dress, he used to bend the fire and put it on fire. Heaven will tell him, do not move on to me. Hell will tell him I'm waiting for you. I'll stop your stomach's hunger. By this, hell will be able to raise his tongue in hell.
The Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, there is a coup in hell, in the hell, Lalmol. It is filled with numerous snakes. Each snake will be equivalent to a shore and will be equivalent to a scorpion elephant. The snakes of the snake will always roam the unreasonable person, once in Kamrail, there will be pain of it for seventy years and no one will die.

The obligations of the Prayer
Some of the rules must be followed if you perform Salat. There are eight rules out of prayers. This is the condition of prayer and six prayers in prayer. Call it Rokon
Salat conditions
Before the commencement of the prayer, it is the condition of the Prayer that the duty is to be done. It's eight; Namely: -

  1. The body should be purified, ie, if it is necessary for bathing or bathing, then it will be collected.
  2. The dress is twisted. If there is an unclean substance in the cloth, it will be washed by washing it or changing it to wear sacred clothes and take it.
  3. The place to be cleaned-that is, the place where the Prayer will stand, it is to be purified.
  4. Lowering the terrace - that is, when the person is a woman and a woman at the time of Prayer, it is necessary to cover all the body except the mouth, hands and leg, but if the pledge is made, it is obligatory to cover the stomach, back, side and navel from the bottom of the cloth to the bottom of the cloth.
  5. Stand in the direction of Kaaba Sharif.
  6. Praying for a certain time. Decision that the Prayer of the Prayer will be done, its intention.
  7. Calling takbeer-tahreemah Meaning of prayer and starting the prayer with "Allahu Akbar".
    Prayer Rokanas
    The one who is obliged to perform the prayer after the commencement of the Prayer is called Rokan of Prayer. It's just six; Namely: -
  8. Stand up and pray.
  9. Read some verses of the Qur'an in the Prayer.
  10. Bow down.
  11. prostrate.
  12. Lastly read Tahashud.
  13. Desire the work of the division and break the prayer.

Prostate Prayer with Saalam Sunnah If you go out to pray and leave one of the 14 Farz forgotten, then the prayer will not be purified; Prayer must be read again.
Worshiping of the Prayer
If you leave any of the obligations in the Prayer, then you will have to give Sahaje to the last meeting.

  1. Read the first Surat Fatiha in every rakha.
  2. After Surah Fatiha, recite another Surah (one verse or short verses)
  3. Performing the prayers of consecutive prayers, ie bowing down to each bowl and aiming towards it.
  4. First meeting.
  5. Reading Atahiyyatu.
  6. Turn back to prayer.
  7. In the two Eid prayers, the additional six takbeers are called.
  8. In the first two rak'ahs of the obligatory prayer, read another chapter with Surah Fatiha in all rak'ats in the Promised and Nafl Prayer.
  9. Slowly praying rokanas.
  10. The Prayer that is read in a loud voice, it is a gradual fall in the reading and the gradual fall;

Sunnah of Prayer

  1. Taking the takbeer, put two hands up to the earrings.
  2. Keep fingers separate from each other.
  3. Reading the recitation of the takbeer for the Imam to start the prayer.
  4. Read the chap.
  5. Read "Ausubillah".
  6. Read "Bismamillah".
  7. After reciting Surat Fatiha, the words of "Ameen" are gentle and gentle by the believers and masters.
  8. Tahrima tied up under the navigator for purusha and tied the Tahrima on the knife for the wife
  9. Ruku told the takbeer.
  10. Keep two people in ruku and keep fingers separate.
  1. In the ruku, say three, five or seven times, Tashebih.
  2. Stand up straight from the ruku and stand upright.
  1. When the rising from the ruku, the "Imam" of Chiamyallah Hulimman Hameeda and the "Rabana Lakhal Hamd" of the peers.
  2. Going around the gate, sitting with two knees and takbeers.
  3. Reading the Tazbee Tazbee.
  4. For men, rising from the Shefdah, the right foot is standing on the left foot, and both the women's legs are on the right and sitting on the roof.
  5. Staying from a quarrels and staying in a Tsebihah amount of time.
  6. Recite Darud Sharif.
  7. Reading Prayers
  8. Turning back on both sides.

Mustahabs of Prayer

Say "Hialal Falah" at the time of Iqamat and stand right in the Prayer.
At the time of saying 'takbeer-tahreemah', put out the palm of his hand.
Keep your eyes on the place of sijdah while standing.
Keep your eyes fixed on the feet of ruku.
Keep a close eye in the meeting.
Keep the smiling smile and the kishi.
Keep the head and surface share equal in the ruku.
First, place two Jan and two hands on the ground, then put the nose and forehead in the ground and at the time of getting up from prostration, first the forehead, then lift the nose and place two hands on the top.
Put the skull in the two hands, keep it along between the nose two witches.
Keep the handpiece fingers kabla mock.
Keep your eyes fixed on two edges to turn back.
In order to prostrate, the two vessels must be kept in the head and kept so high. As if the goat's baby can travel. But the woman prostrates herself in front of it. For example, keep two bowl presses and put a stomach on the run.
Three times more-odd talebih read.
Reading thirty verses in the first rak'ah in the Prayer of Fajr. In the second rak'at, twenty verses.
Read thirty verses in the Prayer of Johar.
Read 20 (twenty) verses in the prayer of'Asr.
Read the small surahs of Maghrib prayers.
Read twenty verses in Esha's prayer.
The Prayer of the Prayer

  1. Do not wear blankets or cloths and keep them on your shoulders.
  2. Fill the dirt and sand in the face of cloth.
  3. fingers twist.
  4. Clothes play with body or shoulder.
  5. See it here.
  6. Hair tied on the head.
  7. Remove brickspace from place of prostration without freezing.
  8. Stretch the body around.
  9. Spread hands in the time of sijdah.
  10. Previously tilted. Standing in the back row while staying in place.
  11. Reading the prayer on empty head, neglecting.
  12. Look at the sky.
  13. Despite the good clothes, read the prayer after falling ill and wearing evil clothes.
  14. Removing the soil of the forehead in the Prayer.
  15. The image of an animal standing in front of the left hand or in the clothes.
  16. During the sijdad, hold hands on the ground without any reason.
  17. Sit in Pattia for no reason.
  18. Reading one surah repeatedly in the Farz prayer.
  19. Reading the Prayer in the direction of a human face.
  20. Sijadata back together with both the urine.
  1. Standing in Imam standing in one hand or above.
  2. Reading the prayer and covering the nose.
  1. In both prostrations or while reading tashhud, sitting like a dog.
  2. Gathering the earth with two hands.
  3. Leave any circumcision.

The forbidden time of the Prayer
It is not permissible to recite sijdah during sunrise, to pray at noon and during sunset, to perform any prayer. If the prayer of'Asr has not been done, then only the prayer of that day can be used during sunset. But it will also be met with Makrahu Tahrimi.
Forbidden time of circumcision and nafl prayer

  1. If there is a time of dawn, then there is no circumcision or non-recital except two sunrise in the morning.
  2. Until sunrise until the Maghrib prayers.
  3. Until both Eid prayers are read. This is the time to read the prayer. It is permissible to recite kajada, janazah prayer and sijdah.
  4. The time of Iqamat or the congregations of the obligatory prayer and the circumcision or negligence of Makkah.
  5. If the time of the Prayer is narrow, it is difficult to read any prayer other than the Waqtia obligatory. For the Friday prayer, the imam standing on the pulpit should be seen in circumcision or negligence.

Pray kunoot
It has to be read in the Witr prayer

ان نستعينك ونستغفرك ونؤمن بك ونتوكل عليك ونثنى عليك الخير ونشكرك ولا نكفرك ونخلع ونترك من يفجرك-اللهم اياك نعبد ولك نصلى ونسجد واليك نسعى ونحفد ونرجو رحمتك ونخشى عذابك ان عذابك بالكفار ملحق
Pronunciation: Allahu Manna Inna Nasatinukaaa Nastag Firuka Oneamanu Bika Wanatawakkalu Alaaaaaa Wah Nulchi Alaiyal Khair. Wa Naskuruka Ala Nak Phuruka Wanakhlau Wianat Ruku Maiyafjura Allahamma Yakana Budu Wallaqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Translation: O Allah! We are asking for help from you, I am asking for forgiveness, I trust you. I beg you for forgiveness, I believe in you, I trust you, I praise you and I am thankful to you. We do not deny you. We leave association with those who disobey your orders. Hey Allah! We worship you, appear in your service and hope for your mercy and fear your punishment. Surely your unbelieving people will enjoy. Prayer Masura
اللهم اغفر لي ولو الدى ولمن توالد ولجميع المؤ منين والمؤ منات والمسلمين والمسلمات والاحياء منهم والامو ات برحمتك ياارحمرحمين
Wally Wally phirali allahumaga uccaranah oyalidaiyya oyalimana taoyallada jamiila, muminina Wall muminata, Wall musalimina Wall musalimata, Wall ahiyayi minahuma Wall amuyata, birahamatika Ya Arhamar rahimina.
Translation: O God, the Most Gracious! Me, my father, mother, children, and all the believing men and women, and the living dead, forgive all Muslim men and women.
Translation: Islam is the only nominated religion with God. It is based on the teachings of the Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Islam has a meaning of self-surrender and its other meaning is peace. There are several connections and adjustments between these two meanings. It has burst through the detailed fund of Islam. Its detailed meaning is that Islam is the name of the person who has sent his beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) to preach the religion to the world human beings on a straight path. The laws of Islam are so beautiful and reasonable that if it fulfills its rules properly human life becomes fruitful. The mind is filled with eternal joy, purity and devotion, and the world becomes a treasure of peace and happiness; in the Hereafter, the best blessing of Al-Ahpak is received in Paradise.
Islam is based on the religion's five, namely-

  1. Faith (kalima) 2) Prayer 3) Fasting 4) Hajj 5) Zakat.

Always make a joke

Aishah (ra). He said: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to be in the Jail of Allah. (Abu Daud, Hadith no. 18).

The Virtue of Allah

The meaning of the word jikira is because it is not to be pronounced, to pronounce it properly, then to recite the words of Allah, it must be said in the heart of any one sentence above.
According to Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani (R), "It is an indecision that the believer is averse to remembering the remembrance of Allah."

The Messenger (peace be upon him) was asked once that on the Day of Resurrection, a bondman would be the best and the highest authority to Allah? Responding to the answer in the message, Allah remembered Allah more remembered women and men. Then again the question was whether to stand on the road of Allah? The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied in the affirmative that if he cut the unbelievers and the idolaters by his sword in such a way that his sword broke and he became bloody in his own blood. Tawou is far superior to the dignity of Allah, more than the dignity of Allah. (Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Baihaqi, Mishkat).

Rasul Pak (peace be upon him) says: There is no other thing than the remembrance of Allah from the punishment of Allah. (Bookshaqi, Mishkat) said: "I will not tell you of an act that is better than all the works, better than the highest, the highest and the best of your dignity and the enemies facing jihad, that you will kill them and they will kill you." Is it better than fighting jihad? Then the Companions (SA) said in the answer yes, yes, of course. Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: It is Allah's Zikir (Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Abid, the world, Hakim, Baihaqi, Jami Sagir, Mishkat Sharif.)

According to Hadrat Mayaz bin Anas (SA), a person asked Rasul Pak (peace be upon him) that Mujahid would be the person who had the highest reward and reward in the public? Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: The one who refrains from Allah, the person who refuses Allah, Then, who is entitled to know the highest reward among the people of the fasting people? He (S) said that the fasting of Allah will be the highest. In this way, Jigsha also prayed about prayers, zakat, hajj, and charity. He said the same answer every time that the person who does the most in Allah's book will receive the highest reward. In Jibir or the prayers of Allah, the remembrance of God is the only thing that can be done in simple words and in a short period more reward is available. There is no barrier to worshiping it, except in acne, sitting, standing and lying.

On the holy Koran, Allah Pak said, "Make me feel that I will also recite you." If the servant recalls Allah, then Allah has promised to recite His servant. Hazrat Sabbit Bunni (R) said, "I know when Allah sues me. When people ask for surprise, he says, when he remembers Allah, he remembers me . Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas (R) said that Allah has not imposed any compulsory obligation except for jikir whose range or criteria Is there, praying five times a day Ramadan particular term, Zakat year once enough is kintuallahara Biden or smbarana of a house is no limit to the number prescribed, there is no grace period does not exist or for the no-sitting or lying on an issue which does not. There is no condition even to be in the state of the sanctity and sanctity. Stay in the house or stay in the house, be healthy or be ill, water or land, night or day, there is a mandate for the remembrance of Allah. For this, no objection to Jikir or the remover of the remembrance of Allah will not be acceptable. Unless he feels embarrassed and bewildered.
Hazrat Mu'ayj 'Iqbay Jabal (R) said that the people of Paradise will not regret any time when they are in Paradise, only for the time when they did not mention God in the world, they would regret the tuku. Rasulpak (SA) said, whoever wants to walk in the garden of Paradise, That is, remembering more of Allah. In the Hadith, Qudsi said, "Allahpak says, if my servant remembers me in the heart, I also remember him. Similarly, when a slave moves forward towards me, I proceed with one hand towards him. If a hand is approaching me, then I proceeded towards him with a wide amount of arms. If he continues to walk on me, then I will run towards him. "Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) said that the houses in which the world's zodiac continues to remain in the light of the stars, and the stars continue to look like bright stars. Saying: When a human party sat on Allah's seat, the angels surrounded them and Allah's mercy was upon them.

Moreover, Allah ta'ala remembers them near his angels. It is always possible to return to Allah to come back to the ablution or to ablution. For this, people do not have to work hard. No retirement is necessary. But its benefits and consequences are so vast that through the remembrance of Allah, the worldly work is transformed into Kamaroo worship. It is the significance of the supplication of the prayer before entering the meal, the prayer of entering the house and the departure of the house, the beginning of a work, and the end of the end is that the Muslim should never do any work in the remembrance of the remembrance of Allah and neglect. It is not only in a particular time, but it is always attracted to Allah and if his voice is waxed in remembrance of Allah, it will be established by the worship of the worship and other religion. When this situation arises among the people, the worship of their life and the work of the Goddess is similar to the development of such a plant that is planted in its natural environment and climate.

On the other hand, the life which is empty in remembrance of Allah, in special times and special occasions, the worship is like a plantation tree which lives in the special theory of the owners of the garden of its nature. A true Muslim can never be remembered by Allah. Prayer for sleeping in the daily routine, prayer for sleeping, prayers before performing ablutions, prayers of baths, reading prayers at the beginning of each daily work. In this way, if a believer wakes up from sleep, and after his return to sleep, after observing Allah's guidance and observing the works of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), 24 hours a day can remind the person of Allah. In order to adopt an illegal route, Allah will be remembered and refrained from doing wrong and illegal acts.
In all cases, our kalab or mind becomes clean and healthy through the jiqira of Allah. In the Holy Quran, Allah Pak says, "Only the whisper of God (man) kalab (mind) gets peace."

There is a mention in the Holy Hadith, "Know that there is a piece of meat in the human body, when it is amended, then the whole body is revised. And when it is contaminated, then the whole body becomes contaminated. Remember that it is Kabbal (Bukhari and Muslim Sharif). In another Hadith it is found that when a man acts in a sin, his kalab is ink. When we reviewed the life of Rasul Pak (saw), we found that his childhood was cleared twice in his childhood. It is found in another hadith that Satan is kneeling in every person's wrinkle. When he started jiki, he ran away. Whenever he is neglected by the words of Allah, Satan again returns to Kubla and returning to Wajwasa.
The word klab means the heart or the mind. It is a piece of meat. Its shape is like a pulse of lentils. Sometimes the word kolab is used to mean the center of wisdom and knowledge. Its place is 1 (one) inches below the left breast of the person. Many people think of Kollab as a heart. Actually it's not a heart or brain. Buddhists also believe that the heart or mind is under the left breast of the human being. Ershad is about the position of kalbah in the Holy Qur'an, "In reality, the eyesight is not blind, but the cry is blind that the crystal is in the chest". (Sura Hajj 46)

The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Allah does not look at your body or shape, but rather look towards your face (mind or heart)." Then the Prophet (pbuh) pointed his chest to his chest to show Kavlab (Muslim Sharif). Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "The people's cry is incomparable and miraculously, in the two fingers of Allah Pak. He gives the heart (kalb) as well as the desire. " While praying to Allah, the Messenger (peace be upon him) would say, "O God of the heart, and the evolution and the evolutionary God, make your obedience to us." The Prophet (PBUH) said about Kubla, "Kalaob is the body of all limbs" Marqat Sharif, Volume 5, page 62) That is, if a king of a country is good, then the people of the country as well as are compelled to do well, if a person's heart is good or his heart is good It also gets better. On the other hand, if a man's quarrels are bad, then his activities become worse. Ershad in the holy Quran is "an impression on their people. They do not understand. "(Surah Ta'ala, Ayat-87). Ershad elsewhere in the Holy Qur'an, "I have put a mark on their kalabab. As a result they can not hear "(Surah A'raaf -100).

So it turns out that the klab is as good as its works, and whose work is ruined, its deeds are too bad or bad. Ershad in the Holy Quran is also more "Whoever is Allah's

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