2019 Predictions - PsychicChemist

in predictions •  6 years ago 

January 2019 will start with a bang. The New Year will bring new energies that can be used to make much needed self-improvements personally and professionally; however, the collective will be shocked by major, jaw dropping announcements/changes in the US Political System. Be on the lookout for the crazy political news cycles that will have everyone gasping and gagging. If you thought the current administration has been a spectacle before, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

In February 2019, it’s important to utilize the energies for moving projects forward and celebrate yourself for the ones completing. The shock of January 2019 will still be in the air, but don’t get caught up in the political drama or your mind, body, and finances will pay a toll. More shock will come into the news cycle in February 2019 about the food industry. There will be more food recalls and chilling news about what’s really in our food system. This is a choice point to improve your eating habits or remain asleep about how you treat your physical vessel.

March 2019 will see the political turmoil boil over into the corporate and already shaky economic systems. Have savings and preparations available, and don’t give into negative programming broadcast by the media. Despite how things appear, have faith and hope in humanity and Divine intervention. What we are witnessing is the beginning of the end of an age and commencement of a new one. As the veil thins, more of the deceit behind the scenes will be brought to light so the collective can transition from the old.

April 2019 reinforces that the World has changed in 2019. If you have provisions in your storehouse, you will be fine. If not, be prepared to be tossed to and fro on the winds of change where you will have little control over your trajectory. If you find yourself unprepared, your best bet is to partner with a trusted friend, confidant, neighbor, family member, or business partner to help navigate the storm together.

May 2019 will show the results of the economic collapse and recovery. Those who weren’t ready will still face financial challenges up to the point of exhaustion. Those who prepared will now be faced with a choice of how to treat their fellow human. For those making preparations, your Spirit will be more at ease if you include your loved ones for this period. BUT ENTER MAY 2019 WITH A PLAN or else you will be overwhelmed with the management of your resources to the point of triggering selfishness and stinginess. Remember the feeling of giving you’re experiencing this Christmas and include that in your plan to help your loved ones during this period. Christmas will never be the same again after 2018.

June 2019 WILL BE EPIC! Most people should expect a profound Spiritual experience due to life making them go within. Political scandals, turmoil, economic surprises, etc – all of these traumatizing issues in only the first 6 months of 2019 will really give you an “Oh My God!” Moment. If you’re still clinging to the material and to the petty, you’ll miss an opportunity to ride on the Higher Side of the wave coming for the second half of 2019 and will experience more trauma until you wake up. If you find yourself on the negative polarity, get grounded with your family/tribe, keep your emotions in check, and discern manipulation. Christmas will never be the same again after 2018.

July 2019 will hold a mirror up to America asking “Who are you really?” With the news of the previous 6 months, Americans will decide who they really are. Strong connections to community and more female leadership will result.

August 2019 will have radical changes in our way of life, particularly in the economic and financial sectors. This is will be the official end of the old way and beginning of the new way. Don’t be scared to jump!

September 2019 is the beginning of the splitting. Those who cling to materialism will fall for the illusions; the more spiritual path will gift you Discernment. Choose which you path you desire and be ready to fight for it if need be. Don’t be scared to jump!

October 2019 has mass romance in the air due to the traumas of 2019. Relationships are mirrors so be prepared to look at it all month. Have discernment and don’t mistake a season for a year and vice versa.

Nov 2019 has fertile ground for sowing new businesses and projects as the economy begins to settle down. If you haven’t already jumped on the new economy, plan, release doubt, and manifest your dream.

Dec 2019 puts your destiny squarely in your own hands as you asses how this Holiday season and world is vastly different from 2018. Did you and heal connections? What are your priorities? Own your destiny and who you are for 2020.

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I'm not sure about psychic prediction, but the Market is a psychological force, where the price is determined by what people think it's worth, and what people feel. (Fear or Greed). Let's not forget though that there are other sources of energy which impact the market including high frequency trade bots, politics, and other markets. Check out my page for more insights. #1 rule is that the Market is uncertain, so trade with probabilities.