Some Science Fiction predictions that have become reality!

in predictions •  6 years ago 

This is a nice article, and an enjoyable read; but it is NOT an exhaustive list! We find eleven items anticipated by Science Fiction writers; that in some instances have changed the world, for the better!

When I was in 7th grade (a long time ago) I read a story where when a Baby was born, he or she was issued a belt carried computer for personal use. I was fascinated by that concept, but I was told it was IMPOSSIBLE, because computer were so expensive and were as big as a house. I told them they were wrong, and that in our lifetime we would have computers that were portable enough to go anywhere with us.

I thought about this recently, and I have a computer in my watch, one in my Bluetooth headphone, one in my smart phone, one in my tablet, more than one in my laptop, three or four in my monitor, several in my printer, and about a dozen in this desktop! That does not include the computers in my entertainment equipment and remote controls! There are likely several dozen computers in the room I am in right now! I am glad I was right, a computerized home is nicer than a home without! :)

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I have mixed feelings about them...a good portion of which is currently tied up in whether or not this Steemit thing turns out OK or

I DON'T like the part where we don't communicate face-to-face as much with people, and that families don't even have dinner together anymore.

That is a procedural problem, and not a tech problem.It does help me see more of my kids, as they are not local. But, as a kid, if I had used the phone, at the table, during dinner; I would have lost the phone! Solved....

I think what it on the TV does more damage to families and the Nation than any other source. I no longer watch it at all.

Very true. The CHURCH needs to become a conscience again on such matters, not just a social club and consolation provider.

Sadly the liberals have made perversion legal in this Nation! All the things that GOD Judged Sodom and Gomorrah for committing, are now legal here! Maybe WE should be rioting and burning. It seems like the only effective politics these days.

Although I think that righteous indignation worked in the last election fairly well! We had a run off yesterday for the Republican governor candidate, and the me too old guard politician was projected to win by a small margin. He is an anti Trumper; and the media was certain that that would give him the spot. Instead of the 50/50 narrow win they polled, he lost to a true Conservative by over 10%

People are tired of the feces as usual, and I think that we will see the same surge in November! :)

WOW! Awesome. Great to hear!

Yes our still liberal news media were stunned at the outcome, their guy was supposed to WIN! But we did NOT listen to them! :)

I love it whenever the RINOs get shot at. Safari season!

I have often thought that we could balance to budget and pay back S.S. for all their theft, by issuing hunting tags for liberal politicians!

They made this mess; this way, they could help clean it up! :)

yeah yeah yeah mr. smarty pants strikes again and got lucky on one little prediction. what a prognosticator! maybe we should crown him.

Crowning me is my wife's job, ROFLOL! She is pretty good at it too!

I had decided I would have one, if I had to build it myself. I did build the first one, and most of the expansions on the second one. The third I just built the keyboard. Coming right along, now when I build one, all I need do is put the subsections together, and I don't have to build them first! :)
It is getting easier each time!

I always love seeing when sci-fi predicted something we have today. My favorite sci-fis that have tech that we use today have to be Star Trek and Star Wars. To the future!

I enjoy this myself, and like to see new technology come up that mirrors the stuff we see in SciFi too. The older the SciFi, the more impressive that they were able to project useful devices so far ahead.

It is a challenging medium for a writer; you need to be a writer, as well as a scientist and a engineer, with a crystal ball in your back pocket! :)

Sometimes I think its not a crystal ball but their own imagination that nudges technology in the right direction, they aren't prediting, they are causing!

There is some truth to that for sure, but some that were from a century before shows a grasp of yet undiscovered science, and those are especially impressive.

Verne and Wells had great vision, before there was a science to direct! :O

realy some scuebce fiction predictions become a reality .

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A little more recent one is cell phones, which came directly from the communicators in the original Star Trec series, according to the inventor.

Another inventor came up with the MP-3 player from watching Star Trec the Next Generation, where data was listening to multiple pieces of computer generated music; played at the same time.