What do you do on your Monday evenings? Me, I'm curious about the mysteries of the world I live in - exploring the events and connections around me. And one of the more fascinating - predictive programming.
What is Predictive Programming?
Before I get into that, a little warning... there's a lot of concepts and ideas that (maybe) your average person isn't familiar with. And some of those concepts aren't comfortable or normal. After 18 months of solid research into this landscape, and more than a decade really wondering and researching about 9/11.
With that said, what is predictive programming...
Simply events or ideas that are foreshadowed in the media. This is called "Predictive Programming."
I've seen literally hundreds of examples of this, but perhaps most timely is the Simpsons' predictions:
When I first saw examples of this, it shocked me. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! But I think I might have stumbled upon a couple ideas that put it into perspective.
In meditating on this idea it seems like "we" what we call our daily, moment-to-moment reality - IE consciousness is perhaps a very small part of a larger whole. Many have talked about this - notably people in the humanities - Jung talked about this, Jordan Peterson talks about this, really every person that's ever contemplated themselves or our reality realizes this - the "I" is but a small and sometimes fleeting total of the sum of all of our thoughts, feelings, body sensations, and from there the sum of much of our mechanics - chemicals flowing through our various bodily systems, bacteria, molecules, atoms, electrons, and other sub-atomic particles. '
The "I", the ego, the conscious-self, pops out of this - I'm not personally sure whether it manifests itself alongside the rest of the mechanical world, or is the summation of all of it - working out just right. But it does seem to be like god staring back at itself at times. I digress - one thing is certain - the majority of the world is unknown. In fact, when you really contemplate this, you realize just how much you are NOT, just how much our minds dance at the edge of complexity and chaos and pretend to be okay with it all. I can barely stay focused moment-to-moment, and even the most disciplined people I know, I can shake them with a quick clap, or loud noise. We're a pyramid of sensations and liquids, and any jarring to one of the underlying mechanisms - the eye of that pyramid moves as well.
Back to the point... the point is that possibly, like an ever moving house of cards, it is the table, and the cards, with which our consciousness sits atop that truly is the building blocks of reality. Every thought - a potential action, every action a potential outcome. And if were to speak to enough of those building blocks (enough people) you'd be able to help them manifest a reality you were trying to create. And it is through jokes, through symbols, through stories that reality be-comes. And perhaps this is something that is uniquely human - the ability to not just manifest (to have free will and create) but also to be ignorant of this fact and leave it.
Many times have I had a song in my head or a word on my tongue, that I didn't know why it's there. In recent months I've been able to ask myself, to consciously re-evaluate my surroundings for the reason for this, and I see why it's there... a small word in an article I didn't quite completely read - or 20 minutes ago, hearing sub-consciously a co-working playing a song that's now mysteriously stuck in my head. True spontoneity is available - but I'm not sure I'm at a place where I can receive it - instead, as I have always done - conscuiosly or unconsciously, i'm pulling on direct experience and reality to manifest ideas.
So ask yourself this... if the Simpsons hadn't parodied Trump's presidency - would we have had ANYONE that would have believed "trump is president"? Is the mere fact that a TV show created and entertained this idea, at least in part, one of the reasons it manifested and became an accepted reality?
I don't know.
This rabbit hole goes far further though.
As conventional predictive programming believers will have you believe there's people behind the scenes writing each of our collective (and sometimes individual) stories into the mainstream consciousness through television and in film. A master puppeteer controls a bevy of producers and writers, all in an attempt to ease us into a future they demand. I've even heard it argued that humans are the only ones that can create, and that those in control can't - so this is their way to get back at us - to control our ability to create. Additionally some people seem to believe it's a way to sell a more disturbing narrative to us. IE 911 was terrible. 911 was clearly perpetrated differently and for different reasons than the mainstream narrative. But, TV and movies help us relax through a traumatic experience and accept it as positioned.
One final note, I was listening to a podcast this evening about Antarctica, featuring Cliff High (creator of a web bot that analyzes web-based language, mining it essentially for a forecast into the future). He said basically his theory is that - us humans are psychic, but we're not in touch with this side of ourselves, and it manifests itself through language. It would make sense that a creative professional (writer, illustrator, etc.) would be more in tune with this, and naively predict the future under the guise of "a funny idea."
What do you think?